. * * @author TechFuze * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016, Techfuze. (http://techfuze.net) * @copyright Copyright (c) 1996 - 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. (http://www.fsf.org/) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPLv3 License * * @link http://techfuze.net/fuzeworks * @since Version 0.0.1 * * @version Version 1.0.0 */ use Application\Controller\Standard; use FuzeWorks\Layout; use FuzeWorks\Factory; /** * Controller Standard Test. * * Tests the 'standard' controller. * @todo Implement a proper way to load the controller */ class standardTest extends TestCase { private $controller; public function setUp() { require_once('application/Controller/controller.standard.php'); $this->controller = new Standard(); } public function testType() { $this->assertInstanceOf('\Application\Controller\Standard', $this->controller); } public function testIndex() { // First set a test file ready Layout::setDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/testIndex/'); // Perform and retrieve the output ob_start(); $this->controller->index(); Factory::getInstance()->output->_display(); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals('Hello!', $output); } public function tearDown() { Layout::reset(); Factory::getInstance()->output->set_output(''); } }