[ 'type' => 'ParallelSuperVisor', 'parameters' => [] ], 'TaskStorage' => [ 'type' => 'ArrayTaskStorage', // For ArrayTaskStorage, first parameter is the file location of the array storage 'parameters' => [ 'filename' => dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'storage.php' ], // For RedisTaskStorage, parameters are connection properties #'parameters' => [ # // Type can be 'tcp' or 'unix' # 'socket_type' => 'tcp', # // If socket_type == 'unix', set the socket here # 'socket' => null, # // If socket_type == 'tcp', set the host here # 'host' => 'localhost', # # 'password' => null, # 'port' => 6379, # 'timeout' => 0 #] ], 'Executor' => [ 'type' => 'ShellExecutor', // For ShellExecutor, first parameter is the file location of the worker script 'parameters' => [ 'workerFile' => dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'bin' . DS . 'worker' ] ] );