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Raw Normal View History

namespace Module\Sections;
use \FuzeWorks\Module;
use \FuzeWorks\EventPriority;
* Sections module, see usage documentation
* @author TechFuze
class Main extends Module {
* The config holder for this module. Holds an StdObject
* @access public
* @var StdObject Module Config
public $cfg;
* The current section that we are using right now!
* @access private
* @var String name of section or null
private $currentSection = null;
* Loads the module and registers the events
* @access public
public function onLoad() {
// Register Events
$this->events->addListener(array($this, 'routerLoadCallableEvent'), 'routerLoadCallableEvent', EventPriority::NORMAL);
$this->events->addListener(array($this, 'layoutLoadEvent'), 'layoutLoadEvent', EventPriority::NORMAL);
$this->events->addListener(array($this, 'modelLoadevent'), 'modelLoadEvent', EventPriority::NORMAL);
* Check which modules have sections and add them to the config
* @access private
private function reloadSectionConfig() {
// Load the config
$config = $this->config->loadConfigFile('sections', $this->getModulePath());
// Add the modules to the config
$this->logger->newLevel('Adding module sections', 'Sections');
$section_register = array();
foreach ($this->core->register as $key => $value) {
// Check if the sections value exists in the config file
if (isset($value['sections'])) {
// Check if it is empty
if (!empty($value['sections'])) {
// If not, cycle through all sections
foreach ($value['sections'] as $section_name => $section) {
// Check if the section is already set
if (isset($config->$section_name)) {
// If the priority is higher, replace the section
if ($section->priority > $config->$section_name->priority) {
$config->$section_name = $section;
$this->logger->log('Added section with higher priority: \''.$section_name.'\'', 'Sections');
} else {
$config->$section_name = $section;
$this->logger->log('Added section: \''.$section_name.'\'', 'Sections');
// Apply the changes and log it
$this->cfg = $config;
$this->logger->log('Added all module sections to the config file', 'Sections');
* Redirects layouts to the new section
* @access public
* @param layoutLoadEvent Event
* @return layoutLoadEvent Event
public function layoutLoadEvent($event) {
$layout_name = $event->layout;
if ($this->currentSection !== null) {
$section = $this->getSection($this->currentSection);
if ($section['module_section']) {
$mod = $this->core->loadMod($section['module_name']);
$event->directory = $mod->getModulePath() . '/Views/';
} else {
$event->directory = $section['view_path'];
return $event;
* Redirects models to the new section
* @access public
* @param layoutLoadEvent Event
* @return layoutLoadEvent Event
public function modelLoadEvent($event) {
$model_name = $event->model;
if ($this->currentSection !== null) {
$section = $this->getSection($this->currentSection);
if ($section['module_section']) {
$mod = $this->core->loadMod($section['module_name']);
$event->directory = $mod->getModulePath() . '/Models/';
} else {
$event->directory = $section['model_path'];
return $event;
* Add a section to the config file
* @access public
* @param String section_name, name of the section
* @param Boolean module_section wether this is a module_section
* @param String module_name to use when this is a module_section
* @param String Controller_path, where to find the controllers for this section
* @param String Model_path, where to find the models for this section
* @param String View_path, where to find the views for this section
public function addSection($name, $module_section = false, $module_name = null, $controller_path = null, $model_path = null, $view_path = null) {
if ($module_section) {
$m = $this->core->loadMod($module_name);
$m_dir = $m->getModulePath();
$data = array(
'name' => $name,
'module_section' => $module_section,
'module_name' => $module_name,
'controller_path' => $m_dir . '/Controller/',
'model_path' => $m_dir . '/Models/',
'view_path' => $m_dir . '/Views/',
} else {
$data = array(
'name' => $name,
'module_section' => $module_section,
'module_name' => $module_name,
'controller_path' => $controller_path,
'model_path' => $model_path,
'view_path' => $view_path,
$this->config->set('sections', $name, $data, $this->getModulePath());
* Removes a section from the config file
* @access public
* @param String section_name, name of the section to remove
public function removeSection($name) {
$this->config->set('sections', $name, null, $this->getModulePath());
* Get's called on routerLoadCallableEvent. Redirects when a section is found
* @access public
* @param routerLoadCallableEvent Event
* @return routerLoadCallableEvent Event
public function routerLoadCallableEvent($event) {
// Get the variables from the event
$name = $event->controller;
$controller = null;
$function = null;
$parameters = array();
$section = $this->{$name};
if ($section !== null) {
// If a section is found, load it
$this->logger->log("Section found with name: '".$name."'", 'Sections');
$this->currentSection = $name;
// If the section is a module_section, apply the moduleCallable
if ($section['module_section']) {
$mod = $this->core->loadMod($section['module_name']);
if (method_exists($mod, 'moduleCallable')) {
$event->callable = array($mod, 'moduleCallable');
} else {
$this->logger->logError($section['module_name'] . " does not have callable! Can not continue");
return false;
} else {
// Otherwise apply the relocatorCallable
$this->directory = $section['controller_path'];
$event->callable = array($this, 'relocateCallable');
// Move the path so it matches the new regime
if (count($event->parameters) > 0) {
$function = $event->parameters[0];
$parameters = array_slice($event->parameters, 1);
} else {
$function = $this->config->main->default_function;
// And finally set the controller, if no parameters are set, load the default function
$controller = (!empty($event->function) ? $event->function : $this->config->main->default_controller );
2015-03-14 15:05:07 +00:00
} else {
$this->logger->log("No section was found with name: '".$name."'", 'Sections');
if($controller !== null)$event->controller = $controller;
if($function !== null)$event->function = $function;
if(count($parameters) !== 0)$event->parameters = $parameters;
return $event;
* The default callable
* This callable will do the regular routing but in a different directory defined by a section
* @access public
public function relocateCallable() {
$this->logger->log('Redirector Callable Called');
$this->controller = $this->controller === null ? $this->config->main->default_controller : $this->controller;
$this->function = $this->function === null ? $this->config->main->default_function : $this->function;
// Construct file paths and classes
$class = '\Controller\\'.ucfirst($this->controller);
$file = $this->directory . '/controller.'.$this->controller.'.php';
$this->logger->log('Loading controller '.$class.' from file: '.$file);
// Check if the file exists
require $file;
$this->callable = new $class($this->core);
// Check if method exists or if there is a caller function
if(method_exists($this->callable, $this->function) || method_exists($this->callable, '__call')){
// Execute the function on the controller
// Function could not be found
$this->logger->log('Could not find function '.$this->function.' on controller '.$class);
// Controller could not be found
$this->logger->log('Could not find controller '.$class);
* Load a section file
* @access public
* @param String section name
* @return Array Section
public function getSection($name) {
if (isset($this->cfg->$name)) {
return $this->cfg->$name;
* Retrieves section information from the config file
* @access public
* @param String section_name, name of the section
* @return Array section_information or null
public function __get($name){
// Something given?
if(empty($name)) {
// Currently in a section?
if($this->currentSection !== null){
// Return that one then
return $this->cfg[$this->currentSection];
return null;
// Return element $name of the config file
if (isset($this->cfg->$name)) {
$section = $this->cfg->$name;
} else {
$section = null;
return $section;