Added the possibility to retrieve a mod and not add them to the mod register

This commit is contained in:
Abel Hoogeveen 2015-03-07 13:53:10 +01:00
parent 409702e037
commit f6f72cc09d
1 changed files with 53 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -58,64 +58,68 @@ class Core {
public function loadMod($name) {
if (!isset($this->mods->$name)) {
$CLASS = $this->loadModule($name);
$this->mods->{strtolower($name)} = &$CLASS;
public function getMod($name) {
$CLASS = $this->loadModule($name);
return $CLASS;
private function loadModule($name) {
// Class name
$class_name = ucfirst($name);
// Check if mod is already loaded
if (!isset($this->mods->$name)) {
// Check if class is already included
// If the class is not loaded, load it
if (!class_exists($class_name)) {
// If the mod is in the top mod directory, load it directly
$file = FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/class.".$class_name.".php";
if (file_exists($file)) {
$this->mods->logger->log("Loading module '".$class_name."'");
$path = FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/class.".$class_name.".php";
// If the mod is in the top mod directory, load it directly
$file = FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/class.".$class_name.".php";
if (file_exists($file)) {
$this->mods->logger->log("Loading module '".$class_name."'");
$path = FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/class.".$class_name.".php";
// If not, and a mod config file is found, follow that
} elseif ( file_exists(FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/moduleInfo.php" )) {
// Load the config file
$cfg = (object) require(FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/moduleInfo.php");
// If not, and a mod config file is found, follow that
} elseif ( file_exists(FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/moduleInfo.php" )) {
// Load the config file
$cfg = (object) require(FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/moduleInfo.php");
// Load the class name and file
$class_file = FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/" . $cfg->module_file;
$class_name = $cfg->module_class;
// Load the class name and file
$class_file = FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/" . $cfg->module_file;
$class_name = $cfg->module_class;
// Load the dependencies first
$deps = (isset($cfg->dependencies) ? $cfg->dependencies : array());
for ($i=0; $i < count($deps); $i++) {
$path = FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/";
$this->mods->logger->log("Loading Module '".$cfg->name."' v".$cfg->version." made by '".$cfg->author."' : '".$cfg->website."'");
// If no config file found, but a main class is, load that
} elseif ( file_exists(FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/class.".$class_name.".php") ){
$this->mods->logger->log("Loading module '".$class_name."'");
$path = FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/";
require_once(FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/class.".$class_name.".php");
// Otherwise Abort
} else {
throw new Exception("Requested mod '".$name."' was not found", 1);
return false;
// Load the dependencies first
$deps = (isset($cfg->dependencies) ? $cfg->dependencies : array());
for ($i=0; $i < count($deps); $i++) {
// Create class object
$CLASS = new $class_name($this);
if (method_exists($CLASS, 'setModulePath')) {
$this->mods->{strtolower($name)} = &$CLASS;
$path = FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/";
$this->mods->logger->log("Loading Module '".$cfg->name."' v".$cfg->version." made by '".$cfg->author."' : '".$cfg->website."'");
// If no config file found, but a main class is, load that
} elseif ( file_exists(FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/class.".$class_name.".php") ){
$this->mods->logger->log("Loading module '".$class_name."'");
$path = FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/";
require_once(FUZEPATH . "/Core/Mods/".strtolower($name)."/class.".$class_name.".php");
// Otherwise Abort
} else {
throw new Exception("Requested mod '".$name."' was not found", 1);
return false;
// Create class object
$CLASS = new $class_name($this);
if (method_exists($CLASS, 'setModulePath')) {
return $CLASS;