It is now possible to disable the modules and the events system using the config file. This will completely turn the system off.
The event system will still load the event classes but it will not send them around.
By changing the config.core.php file you can select how registries should be cached. Remember that this is not recommended during development.
The available options are file, apc, redis, memcached, wincache and dummy. Cache TTL can also be set. Some caching drivers require you to change the config.cache.php file.
The library comes with 6 drivers: APC, file, memcached, redis, wincache and a dummy driver. Which driver you can use is dependant on your situation.
In order to build this a Driver library has been implemented. A driver can be called using (FuzeWorks\)Libraries::getDriver($libraryName); This will load the driver library and the requested library. Regular library rules apply.
Every driver comes with the same methods (found in documentation) but the 2 most important are $driver->save($objectName, $object, $time); whereby $time is an integer in minutes; and $driver->get($objectName); which will receive the cached value;
To load a cache driver you need to run something like the following:
$cache = FuzeWorks\Libraries::getDriver('cache', array('adapter' => 'apc', 'backup' => 'file'));
This will try and load the APC cache driver. If this fails it will try and load the file driver. If all fails it will load the dummy driver. The dummy driver does not actually save anything, it's just a placeholder until you fix your environment.
More information can be found in the documentation.
Helpers are small utilities that can be loaded to assist a performing certain functions. Helpers are simply global functions that get loaded when requesting them.
Helpers can be loaded using (\FuzeWorks\)Helpers::load('helperName'); Helpers can be put in the 'Core/Helpers' or the 'Application/Helpers' directory. The 'Applications/Helpers' directory is scanned first, so this one has priority over Core helpers.
It is possible to sort of 'extend' helpers. By putting a helper in the 'Application/Helpers' directory with the application prefix (found in config.main.php) you can load that helper first and then the helper in the core directory. This allows you to add or override functions without the need of copying the entire helper from the core. For example: there is a helper in the core directory named 'example_helper.php'. This one has a function named 'doSomething();' inside it. If you now create a helper in the application directory named 'MY_example_helper.php', then that one will be loaded first and can override the core class because the application helper is loaded first.
More detailed instructions will be provided in the documentation.
- Modules can now be loaded using routes by adding a routes[] array to the moduleInfo.php. When it matches, the module gets loaded, and a route() function in the main class gets called. (Fixes#79)
- Composer can now load from a different file
- License headers have been added to all core files (Fixes#66)
- Table model has been renamed to sqltable. Interpret model has been removed
- layoutLoadViewEvent added
- Controllers now extend the \FuzeWorks\ControllerAbstract class
- Controllers are now in the \Application\Controller namespace
- Models are now in the \Application\Model namespace
- Events are now in the \FuzeWorks\Event namespace
- Moved some classes in a different namespace for a better overview
- Events can now properly load function listeners (fixes#81)
- Documentation added to more classes. (Partially fixes#58)
- Added replace() command to DatabaseUtils Abstract Model
- Added more unit tests for router, query and events