- Dropped support for PHP 7.4 and 8.0.
- Updated shutdown to no longer halt execution on an error if logger error handlers are disabled.
- Logger::enable() and ::disable() now control the screen log, as it used to in the old days.
- FuzeWorks\Core now manages autoloading of classes for Plugins. Plugins no longer need to implement this themselves. Autoloading for libraries to be added soon.
- FuzeWorks\Factory::getInstance('') now returns a requested component. No arguments will result in the Factory being returned. This should simplify invoking components. cloneInstance() replaces old functionality.
- FuzeWorks\Logger can now properly write logs to file. It's unknown how this issue wasn't discovered before.
- Implemented a exception and error handler which other methods register to. These are executed in the order provided by the Priority class
- Logger now uses the $isEnabled property to determine if it is enabled. $print_to_screen now has its own methods.
- Plugins now use a 'plugin.pluginName.php' file by default