title = date('H:i:s ').$event->title; * * @author TechFuze * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2019, TechFuze. (http://techfuze.net) */ class Events { /** * Array of classes that can handle events. * * @var array */ public static $listeners = array(); /** * Whether the event system is enabled or not. * * @var array */ private static $enabled = true; /** * Adds a function as listener. * * @param callable $callback The callback when the events get fired, see {@link http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.callable.php PHP.net} * @param string $eventName The name of the event * @param int $priority The priority, even though integers are valid, please use EventPriority (for example EventPriority::Lowest) * @param mixed $parameters,... Parameters for the listener * * @see EventPriority * * @throws EventException */ public static function addListener(callable $callback, string $eventName, int $priority = EventPriority::NORMAL) { // Perform multiple checks if (EventPriority::getPriority($priority) == false) { throw new EventException('Can not add listener: Unknown priority '.$priority, 1); } if (empty($eventName)) { throw new EventException("Can not add listener: No eventname provided", 1); } if (!isset(self::$listeners[$eventName])) { self::$listeners[$eventName] = array(); } if (!isset(self::$listeners[$eventName][$priority])) { self::$listeners[$eventName][$priority] = array(); } if (func_num_args() > 3) { $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 3); } else { $args = array(); } self::$listeners[$eventName][$priority][] = array($callback, $args); } /** * Removes a function as listener. * * @param mixed callback The callback when the events get fired, see {@link http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.callable.php PHP.net} * @param string $eventName The name of the event * @param int $priority The priority, even though integers are valid, please use EventPriority (for example EventPriority::Lowest) * * @see EventPriority * * @throws EventException */ public static function removeListener(callable $callback, string $eventName, $priority = EventPriority::NORMAL) { if (EventPriority::getPriority($priority) == false) { throw new EventException('Unknown priority '.$priority); } if (!isset(self::$listeners[$eventName]) || !isset(self::$listeners[$eventName][$priority])) { return; } foreach (self::$listeners[$eventName][$priority] as $i => $_callback) { if ($_callback[0] == $callback) { unset(self::$listeners[$eventName][$priority][$i]); return; } } } /** * Fires an Event. * * The Event gets created, passed around and then returned to the issuer. * * @param mixed $input Object for direct event, string for system event or notifierEvent * @param mixed $parameters,... Parameters for the event * * @return Event The Event * @throws EventException */ public static function fireEvent($input): Event { // First try and see if the object is an Event if (is_object($input)) { $eventName = get_class($input); $eventName = explode('\\', $eventName); $eventName = end($eventName); $event = $input; } // Otherwise try to load an event based on the input string elseif (is_string($input)) { $eventClass = ucfirst($input); $eventName = $input; // Try a direct class if (class_exists($eventClass, true)) { $event = new $eventClass(); } // Try a core event elseif (class_exists("\FuzeWorks\Event\\".$eventClass, true)) { $class = "\FuzeWorks\Event\\".$eventClass; $event = new $class(); } // Try a notifier event elseif (func_num_args() == 1) { $event = new NotifierEvent(); } // Or throw an exception on failure else { throw new EventException('Event '.$eventName.' could not be found!', 1); } } else { throw new EventException('Event could not be loaded. Invalid variable provided.', 1); } if (self::$enabled) { Logger::newLevel("Firing Event: '".$eventName."'"); } if (func_num_args() > 1) { call_user_func_array(array($event, 'init'), array_slice(func_get_args(), 1)); } // Do not run if the event system is disabled if (!self::$enabled) { return $event; } Logger::log('Checking for Listeners'); //There are listeners for this event if (isset(self::$listeners[$eventName])) { //Loop from the highest priority to the lowest for ($priority = EventPriority::getHighestPriority(); $priority <= EventPriority::getLowestPriority(); ++$priority) { //Check for listeners in this priority if (isset(self::$listeners[$eventName][$priority])) { $listeners = self::$listeners[$eventName][$priority]; Logger::newLevel('Found listeners with priority '.EventPriority::getPriority($priority)); //Fire the event to each listener foreach ($listeners as $callbackArray) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $callback = $callbackArray[0]; if (is_callable($callback)) { Logger::newLevel('Firing function'); } elseif (!is_string($callback[0])) { Logger::newLevel('Firing '.get_class($callback[0]).'->'.$callback[1]); } else { Logger::newLevel('Firing '.implode('->', $callback)); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd // Merge arguments and call listener $args = array_merge(array($event), $callbackArray[1]); call_user_func_array($callback, $args); Logger::stopLevel(); } Logger::stopLevel(); } } } Logger::stopLevel(); return $event; } /** * Enables the event system. */ public static function enable() { Logger::log('Enabled the Event system'); self::$enabled = true; } /** * Disables the event system. */ public static function disable() { Logger::log('Disabled the Event system'); self::$enabled = false; } }