. * * @author TechFuze * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016, Techfuze. (http://techfuze.net) * @copyright Copyright (c) 1996 - 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. (http://www.fsf.org/) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPLv3 License * * @link http://fuzeworks.techfuze.net * @since Version 0.0.1 * * @version Version 0.0.1 */ /** * PDO SQLite Forge Class * * Converted from CodeIgniter. * * @package FuzeWorks * @category Database * @author EllisLab Dev Team * @link https://codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT License */ class FW_DB_pdo_sqlite_forge extends FW_DB_pdo_forge { /** * CREATE TABLE IF statement * * @var string */ protected $_create_table_if = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS'; /** * DROP TABLE IF statement * * @var string */ protected $_drop_table_if = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS'; /** * UNSIGNED support * * @var bool|array */ protected $_unsigned = FALSE; /** * NULL value representation in CREATE/ALTER TABLE statements * * @var string */ protected $_null = 'NULL'; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Class constructor * * @param object &$db Database object * @return void */ public function __construct(&$db) { parent::__construct($db); if (version_compare($this->db->version(), '3.3', '<')) { $this->_create_table_if = FALSE; $this->_drop_table_if = FALSE; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create database * * @param string $db_name (ignored) * @return bool */ public function create_database($db_name = '') { // In SQLite, a database is created when you connect to the database. // We'll return TRUE so that an error isn't generated return TRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Drop database * * @param string $db_name (ignored) * @return bool */ public function drop_database($db_name = '') { // In SQLite, a database is dropped when we delete a file if (file_exists($this->db->database)) { // We need to close the pseudo-connection first $this->db->close(); if ( ! @unlink($this->db->database)) { return $this->db->db_debug ? $this->db->display_error('db_unable_to_drop') : FALSE; } elseif ( ! empty($this->db->data_cache['db_names'])) { $key = array_search(strtolower($this->db->database), array_map('strtolower', $this->db->data_cache['db_names']), TRUE); if ($key !== FALSE) { unset($this->db->data_cache['db_names'][$key]); } } return TRUE; } return $this->db->db_debug ? $this->db->display_error('db_unable_to_drop') : FALSE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * ALTER TABLE * * @param string $alter_type ALTER type * @param string $table Table name * @param mixed $field Column definition * @return string|string[] */ protected function _alter_table($alter_type, $table, $field) { if ($alter_type === 'DROP' OR $alter_type === 'CHANGE') { // drop_column(): // BEGIN TRANSACTION; // CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1_backup(a,b); // INSERT INTO t1_backup SELECT a,b FROM t1; // DROP TABLE t1; // CREATE TABLE t1(a,b); // INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a,b FROM t1_backup; // DROP TABLE t1_backup; // COMMIT; return FALSE; } return parent::_alter_table($alter_type, $table, $field); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Process column * * @param array $field * @return string */ protected function _process_column($field) { return $this->db->escape_identifiers($field['name']) .' '.$field['type'] .$field['auto_increment'] .$field['null'] .$field['unique'] .$field['default']; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Field attribute TYPE * * Performs a data type mapping between different databases. * * @param array &$attributes * @return void */ protected function _attr_type(&$attributes) { switch (strtoupper($attributes['TYPE'])) { case 'ENUM': case 'SET': $attributes['TYPE'] = 'TEXT'; return; default: return; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Field attribute AUTO_INCREMENT * * @param array &$attributes * @param array &$field * @return void */ protected function _attr_auto_increment(&$attributes, &$field) { if ( ! empty($attributes['AUTO_INCREMENT']) && $attributes['AUTO_INCREMENT'] === TRUE && stripos($field['type'], 'int') !== FALSE) { $field['type'] = 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'; $field['default'] = ''; $field['null'] = ''; $field['unique'] = ''; $field['auto_increment'] = ' AUTOINCREMENT'; $this->primary_keys = array(); } } }