assertInstanceOf('FuzeWorks\Factory', Factory::getInstance()); } /** * @depends testCanLoadFactory * @covers ::getInstance */ public function testLoadSameInstance() { $this->assertSame(Factory::getInstance(), Factory::getInstance()); } /** * @depends testCanLoadFactory * @covers ::getInstance * @covers ::cloneInstance */ public function testLoadDifferentInstance() { // First a situation where one is the shared instance and one is a cloned instance $this->assertNotSame(Factory::getInstance(), Factory::getInstance(true)); // And a situation where both are cloned instances $this->assertNotSame(Factory::getInstance(true), Factory::getInstance(true)); } /** * @depends testCanLoadFactory * @covers ::getInstance * @covers ::setInstance */ public function testObjectsSameInstance() { // Create mock $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(MockFactory::class)->setMethods(['mockListener'])->getMock(); // Test not set $this->assertFalse(isset(Factory::getInstance()->mock)); // Same instance factories $factory1 = Factory::getInstance()->setInstance('Mock', $mock); $factory2 = Factory::getInstance()->setInstance('Mock', $mock); // Return the mocks $this->assertSame($factory1->mock, $factory2->mock); // Different instance factories $factory3 = Factory::getInstance(true)->setInstance('Mock', $mock); $factory4 = Factory::getInstance(true)->setInstance('Mock', $mock); // Return the mocks $this->assertSame($factory3->mock, $factory4->mock); } /** * @depends testObjectsSameInstance * @covers ::getInstance * @covers ::setInstance * @covers ::cloneInstance */ public function testObjectsDifferentInstance() { // Create mock $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(MockFactory::class)->getMock(); // Same instance factories $factory1 = Factory::getInstance()->setInstance('Mock', $mock); $factory2 = Factory::getInstance()->setInstance('Mock', $mock); // Clone the instance in factory2 $factory2->cloneInstance('Mock'); // Should be true, since both Factories use the same Mock instance $this->assertSame($factory1->mock, $factory2->mock); // Different instance factories $factory3 = Factory::getInstance(true)->setInstance('Mock', $mock); $factory4 = Factory::getInstance(true)->setInstance('Mock', $mock); // Should be same for now $this->assertSame($factory3->mock, $factory4->mock); // Clone the instance in factory4 $factory4->cloneInstance('Mock'); // Should be false, since both Factories use a different Mock instance $this->assertNotSame($factory3->mock, $factory4->mock); } /** * @depends testCanLoadFactory * @covers ::cloneInstance * @expectedException FuzeWorks\Exception\FactoryException */ public function testCloneInstanceWrongClassname() { // Get factory $factory = new Factory; // Attempt $factory->cloneInstance('fake'); } /** * @depends testCanLoadFactory * @covers ::enableCloneInstances * @covers ::disableCloneInstances * @covers ::cloneInstance * @covers ::getInstance */ public function testGlobalCloneInstance() { // First test without global cloning $this->assertSame(Factory::getInstance(), Factory::getInstance()); // Now enable global cloning Factory::enableCloneInstances(); // Now test without global cloning $this->assertNotSame(Factory::getInstance(), Factory::getInstance()); // Disable global cloning Factory::disableCloneInstances(); // And test again without global cloning $this->assertSame(Factory::getInstance(), Factory::getInstance()); } /** * @depends testCanLoadFactory * @covers ::getInstance * @covers ::newInstance */ public function testNewFactoryInstance() { // Load the different factories $factory = new Factory(); $factory2 = Factory::getInstance(); // Test if the objects are different factory instances $this->assertNotSame($factory, $factory2); // And test if all ClassInstances are the same $this->assertSame($factory->config, $factory2->config); $this->assertSame($factory->logger, $factory2->logger); $this->assertSame($factory->events, $factory2->events); $this->assertSame($factory->libraries, $factory2->libraries); $this->assertSame($factory->helpers, $factory2->helpers); // And test when changing one classInstance $factory->newInstance('Helpers'); $this->assertNotSame($factory->helpers, $factory2->helpers); } /** * @depends testNewFactoryInstance * @covers ::newInstance * @expectedException FuzeWorks\Exception\FactoryException */ public function testFactoryNewInstanceNotExist() { // Load the factory $factory = new Factory; // First, it does not exist $factory->newInstance('fake'); } /** * @depends testNewFactoryInstance * @covers ::newInstance * @expectedException FuzeWorks\Exception\FactoryException */ public function testFactoryNewInstanceWrongNamespace() { // Load the factory $factory = new Factory; // Second, it just fails $factory->newInstance('helpers', 'Test\\'); } /** * @depends testNewFactoryInstance * @covers ::setInstance * @covers ::removeInstance */ public function testRemoveInstance() { // Load the factory $factory = new Factory; // Create the object $object = new MockObject; // Add it to the factory $factory->setInstance('test', $object); // Test if it is there $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('test', $factory); $this->assertSame($object, $factory->test); // Now remove it $factory->removeInstance('test'); // Assert that it's gone $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute('test', $factory); } /** * @depends testRemoveInstance * @covers ::removeInstance * @expectedException FuzeWorks\Exception\FactoryException */ public function testRemoveInstanceNotExist() { // Load the factory $factory = new Factory; // Test $factory->removeInstance('fake'); } /** * @depends testCanLoadFactory * @covers ::instanceIsset * @covers ::setInstance */ public function testInstanceIsset() { // Load the factory $factory = new Factory; // Test if not set and add instance $this->assertFalse($factory->instanceIsset('test')); $factory->setInstance('test', 5); // Test if isset and value $this->assertTrue($factory->instanceIsset('test')); $this->assertEquals(5, $factory->test); } public function tearDown() { Factory::disableCloneInstances(); $factory = Factory::getInstance(); if (isset($factory->Mock)) { $factory->removeInstance('Mock'); } } } class MockFactory { } class MockObject { }