. * * @author TechFuze * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, Techfuze. (http://techfuze.net) * @copyright Copyright (c) 1996 - 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. (http://www.fsf.org/) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPLv3 License * @link http://fuzeworks.techfuze.net * @since Version 0.0.1 * @version Version 0.0.1 */ namespace Module\Sessions; use \FuzeWorks\Module; use \FuzeWorks\EventPriority; /** * Main class of the Sessions and User Management module. * Manages users and login requests from FuzeWorks. * @package net.techfuze.fuzeworks.sessions * @author Abel Hoogeveen * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, Techfuze. (http://techfuze.net) */ class Session extends Module { /** * UDT of the current session, send to the user * @access public * @var Array UDT's */ public $udt; /** * Database object for quick interaction * @access private * @var \Module\Database\Main Object Reference */ private $db; /** * Gets called upon module initialization * @access public */ public function onLoad() { require_once($this->getmodulePath() . "/class.events.php"); $this->setModuleConfig($this->config->loadConfigFile('sessions', $this->getModulePath())); $this->db = &$this->mods->database; } /** * Validate a session using a sessionKey * Looks up wether a session exists and returns sessionData * @access public * @param String SessionKey (optional) * @return SessionData Array */ public function start($sessionKey = null) { // Fetch the sessionKey, if it exists $sessionKey = (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cfg->cookie_name]) ? $_COOKIE[$this->cfg->cookie_name] : (isset($_REQUEST['sessionKey']) ? $_REQUEST['sessionKey'] : $sessionKey )); // If a sessionKey is given, check it if (is_null($sessionKey)) { $data = false; } else { $data = $this->sessionIsValid($sessionKey, true); } $udt = null; // Prepare for the event if ($data !== false) { $udt = $this->convertUserData($data); $user_id = $udt['user_id']; $username = $udt['user_username']; $email = $udt['user_email']; $guest_session = false; } else { $udt = $this->getGuestUdt(); $user_id = 0; $username = 'Guest'; $email = 'Guest@'.$this->config->main->SITE_DOMAIN; $guest_session = true; } // Fire the event $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionStartEvent(), $user_id, $username, $email, $udt, $guest_session); if ($event->isCancelled() || $event->guest_session) { return $this->sendUserSession($udt); } if ($this->sessionBlocked($event->udt)) { return $this->sendUserSession($udt); } return $this->sendUserSession($event->udt); } /** * Send a Guest Session to the user * @access private * @return Guest UDT */ private function sendGuestSession() { if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cfg->cookie_name])) { setcookie($this->cfg->cookie_name, '', time()-3600, '/', $this->config->main->SITE_DOMAIN); } $udt = $this->getGuestUdt(); $this->udt = $udt; $this->logSessionData(); return $udt; } /** * Returns the standard User Data Table of a guest account * @access private * @return Array UDT */ private function getGuestUdt() { return array( 'user_id' => 0, 'user_username' => 'Guest', 'username' => 'Guest', 'user_email' => 'Guest@'.$this->config->main->SITE_DOMAIN, 'email' => 'Guest@'.$this->config->main->SITE_DOMAIN, 'permissions' => array('GUEST' => 'GUEST', 'LOGIN' => 'LOGIN'), 'session_hash' => '0' ); } /** * Send a user session to the user * Also sets the module UDT to the input * @access private * @param Array UDT * @return UDT */ private function sendUserSession($udt) { $udt['username'] = $udt['user_username']; $udt['email'] = $udt['user_email']; $this->udt = $udt; $this->logSessionData(); return $udt; } /** * Log the session data to the FuzeWorks logger * @access private */ private function logSessionData() { $this->logger->newLevel("Activating Session"); $this->logger->logInfo("
SessionKey: " . $this->session_hash . "
Username: " . $this->user_username . "
Email: " . $this->user_email . "
Permissions: " . implode('-', $this->permissions)); $this->logger->stopLevel(); } /** * Convert the userdata from the database to UDT * @access private * @param Array SessionData * @return Array Userdata * @todo change this into a version that uses an external table for more user data */ private function convertUserData($userData) { $udt = array(); for ($i=0; $i < count($userData); $i++) { foreach ($userData[$i] as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, 'user_') === 0 || strpos($key, 'session_') === 0) { $udt[$key] = $value; } } $udt['permissions'][$userData[$i]['tag_name']] = $userData[$i]['tag_name']; } return $udt; } /** * Check wether the UDT has a permission tag that blocks the account * @access private * @param Array UDT * @return Boolean true if blocked, false if not */ private function sessionBlocked($udt) { if (isset($udt['permissions']['UNVERIFIED']) || isset($udt['permissions']['BLOCKED'])) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check wether a sessionKey is valid and active * @access private * @param String SessionKey * @param Boolean fetchData (wether to return the sessionData) * @return Boolean False if invalid, true if valid and no fetchData, array if valid and fetchData */ private function sessionIsValid($sessionKey, $fetchData = false) { $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $query = " SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."session_permissions AS permissions LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_users AS users ON permissions.permission_user_id=users.user_id LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_tags AS tags ON permissions.permission_tag_id=tags.tag_id LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_sessions AS sessions ON permissions.permission_user_id=sessions.session_user_id WHERE sessions.session_hash = ? AND sessions.session_active = 1 "; $stmnt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmnt->execute(array($sessionKey)); $result = $stmnt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (count($result) > 0) { if (is_null($result[0]['session_hash'])) { return false; } if ($fetchData) { return $result; } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Logs a user into the system. Checks the password and generates a session hash * @access public * @param String identifier (email or username) * @param String password * @param Boolean Wether to remember the session (true for 100 years, false for incremental) * @param Boolean propagate, wether the login should be propagated to the database (default true) * @return Array SessionData */ public function login($identifier, $password, $remember_me = false, $propagate = true) { // Get the user with this identifier $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $query = " SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."session_users AS users WHERE users.user_email = :identifier OR users.user_username = :identifier"; $stmnt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmnt->execute(array('identifier' => $identifier)); $result = $stmnt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // Prepare the return variable $sessionData = array(); if (count($result) > 0) { $sessionData = $result; // If user found, check password if (password_verify($password, $result['user_password'])) { // If correct, prepare sessionData // Create Session $one = uniqid(); $two = sha1(uniqid() . $identifier); $three = uniqid(); $hash = sha1($one . $two . $three); // Add SessionInfo to the SessionData Array $info['type'] = 'fuzeworks.sessions'; $info['agent'] = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : ""); $info['IP'] = (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : "UNKNOWN"); $sessionData['info'] = json_encode($info); $sessionData['ip'] = $info['IP']; $sessionData['session_start'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime("now")); $sessionData['hash'] = $hash; $sessionData['valid_time'] = ($remember_me ? time()+(10*365*24*3600) : time()+3600*720); // Add the success value $sessionData['valid'] = true; $valid = true; } else { // Password incorrect $sessionData['valid'] = false; $sessionData['reason'] = "PASSWORD_INCORRECT"; $sessionData['reason_explained'] = "Username and/or password is incorrect"; $valid = false; } } else { // User not found $sessionData['valid'] = false; $sessionData['reason'] = "USER_NOT_FOUND"; $sessionData['reason_explained'] = "Username and/or password is incorrect"; $valid = false; } // Broadcast data with an event if ($valid) { // If valid, provide all required data $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionLoginEvent(), $identifier, $password, $remember_me, $sessionData['user_id'], $sessionData['user_username'], $sessionData['user_email'] ); } else { // If not, provide only the identifiers $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionLoginEvent(), $identifier, $password, $remember_me); } // Firest check for full blown deny if ($event->isCancelled()) { $sessionData['valid'] = false; $sessionData['reason'] = "USER_DENIED"; $sessionData['reason_explained'] = "The User has been denied by an internal proces"; } // Then check for verification if ($event->verified) { $sessionData['user_id'] = $event->user_id; $sessionData['user_username'] = $event->username; $sessionData['username'] = $event->username; $sessionData['user_email'] = $event->email; $sessionData['email'] = $event->email; } else { // If not verified, deny access $sessionData['valid'] = false; if ($valid) { // If denied by event, export reason $sessionData['reason'] = "USER_DENIED"; $sessionData['reason_explained'] = "The User has been denied by an internal proces"; } } // Propagate if valid if ($propagate) { $this->propagate($sessionData); } return $sessionData; } /** * Propagate a login to the database and set the cookie. Don't forget to redirect to apply the cookie * @access public * @param Array SessionData * @return Boolean true on success, false on failure */ public function propagate($sessionData) { $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); // The variables to insert $insert_array = array( 'hash' => $sessionData['hash'], 'user_id' => $sessionData['user_id'], 'info' => $sessionData['info'], 'ip' => $sessionData['ip'], 'session_start' => $sessionData['session_start']); $query = " INSERT INTO ".$prefix."session_sessions (session_hash,session_user_id,session_info,session_ip,session_start) VALUES (:hash, :user_id, :info, :ip, :session_start) "; $stmnt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmnt->execute($insert_array); if ($stmnt->rowCount() == 1) { // Set the cookie setcookie($this->cfg->cookie_name, $sessionData['hash'], $sessionData['valid_time'], '/', $this->config->main->SITE_DOMAIN); return true; } else { throw new SessionException("Could not log user in. Database error", 1); return false; } } /** * Sign a user out of the system * * @access public * @param String SessionKey (optional) * @param Boolean Propagate the logout to the database (default true) * @return Boolean true on success, false on deny * @throws SessionException on fatal error */ public function logout($sessionKey = null, $propagate = true) { // Fetch the sessionKey, if it exists $sessionKey = (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cfg->cookie_name]) ? $_COOKIE[$this->cfg->cookie_name] : (isset($_REQUEST['sessionKey']) ? $_REQUEST['sessionKey'] : $sessionKey )); // If a sessionKey is given, check it if (!is_null($sessionKey)) { // Fetch the session data $data = $this->sessionIsValid($sessionKey, true); if ($data !== false) { $username = $data[0]['user_username']; $email = $data[0]['user_email']; $user_id = $data[0]['user_id']; // Then fire the event $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionLogoutEvent(), $user_id, $username, $email); if ($event->isCancelled()) { return false; } // If valid, remove the current session $this->udt = null; if ($propagate) { // If set to propagete, edit the entry in the database $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."session_sessions SET session_active = 0 WHERE session_hash = ?"; $stmnt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmnt->execute(array($sessionKey)); // And after that remove the cookie if ($stmnt->rowCount() == 1) { // Set the cookie setcookie($this->cfg->cookie_name, $sessionKey, date('U') - 3600, '/', $this->config->main->SITE_DOMAIN); return true; } throw new SessionException("Could not log user out. Database error", 1); } } } throw new SessionException("Could not log user out. SessionKey not found", 1); } /** * Register a new User. Features input handling * @access public * @param String Username. Username of the new user * @param String email. Email of the new user * @param String password. Password of the new user * @return Boolean true on success * @throws SessionException on fatal error */ public function register($username, $email, $password) { // First match if the username and email are valid $errors = []; // Email if (!preg_match('/^[^\W][a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/',$email)) { // Invalid $errors[] = 'Invalid Email'; } // Username if (!preg_match('/^(?=.{1,15}$)[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(?: [a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$/', $username)) { // Invalid $errors[] = "Invalid Username"; } // And finally parse the error if there are errors present if (!empty($errors)) { throw new SessionException("Could not register user. " . implode(' .', $errors), 1); } // Fire the event $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionRegisterEvent(), $username, $email, $password); if ($event->isCancelled()) { return false; } // And perform the handling try { return $this->createUser($event->username, $event->email, $event->password, true); } catch (SessionException $e) { throw new SessionException("Could not register user. '" . $e->getMessage() . "'", 1, $e); } } /** * Create a new User * @access public * @param String username * @param String email * @param String password * @param Boolean Send Email of registration (default false) * @throws SessionException on fatal error * @return Boolean true on success */ public function createUser($username, $email, $password, $send_email = false) { // Prepare the variables $password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); // Check for the existence of an account $qry = "SELECT * FROM hi_session_users WHERE user_username = :username OR user_email = :email"; $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare($qry); $stmnt->execute(['username' => $username, 'email' => $email]); $data = $stmnt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (empty($data)) { // And put the data into the database $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $qry1 = "INSERT INTO ".$prefix."session_users (user_username,user_password,user_email,verify_code) VALUES (:username,:password,:email,:verify_code)"; $qry2 = "INSERT INTO ".$prefix."session_permissions (permission_tag_id,permission_user_id) VALUES (:tag_id,:user_id)"; $this->mods->database->beginTransaction(); $stmnt1 = $this->mods->database->prepare($qry1); $stmnt2 = $this->mods->database->prepare($qry2); $stmnt1->execute(['username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email, 'verify_code' => substr(sha1(uniqid()), 0, 15)]); $id = $this->mods->database->lastInsertId(); $stmnt2->execute(['tag_id' => 1, 'user_id' => $id]); // And then fire the event $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionUserCreateEvent(), $user_id, $username, $password); if ($event->isCancelled()) { $this->mods->database->rollBack(); return false; } $this->mods->database->commit(); // After that send a registration mail if ($send_email) { $this->registerMail($id); } return true; } else { throw new SessionException("Could not create user. Username or email already exists", 1); return false; } } /** * Sends a mail to a user when a registration happens * @access private * @param Int UserID * @param Boolean Verify. Wether the user needs to verify using the email (default false) * @throws SessionException on fatal error */ public function registerMail($userId, $verify = false) { $udt = $this->getUsersByIds(intval($userId)); if (empty($udt)) { throw new SessionException("Could not send mail. User not found", 1); } $udt = $udt[0]; // Load the mailer module $mailer = $this->core->loadMod('techfuze/mailer')->mailer; $mailer->setFrom('no-reply@'.$this->config->main->SITE_DOMAIN, 'Auth Service'); // First prepare the layout manager $this->layout->setEngine('PHP'); // Assign all variables $verifyCode = $udt['user_verify_code']; if (empty($this->cfg->verify_controller) && $verify) { throw new SessionException("Could not send mail. No verification controller set. Please set one in the sessions config.", 1); } $verifyURL = $this->config->main->SITE_URL . "/" . $this->cfg->verify_controller . "?verify&code=".$verifyCode; $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionRegisterMailEvent(), $udt, $verifyCode, $verifyURL); if ($event->isCancelled()) { $this->logger->log("Sending of Registration Mail has been cancelled"); return false; } // Retrieve some variables $udt = $event->udt; // Assign new variables $this->layout->assign('username', $udt['user_username']); $this->layout->assign('email', $udt['user_email'] ); // More if there is a need to verify if ($verify) { $this->layout->assign('verifyURL', $event->verifyURL); } // Check if a custom HTML should be used if ($event->customHtml) { $html = $event->html; } else { // Or retrieve it from a layout file $html = $this->layout->get('email_layout', $this->getModulePath() . "/Views/" ); } // And finally send it $mailer->addAddress($udt['email']); $mailer->isHTML(true); $mailer->Body = $html; $mailer->Subject = $this->config->main->SERVER_NAME . " | Registration"; $mailer->send(); if (!empty($mailer->ErrorInfo)) { // Throw Exception if something goes wrong throw new SessionException("Could not send mail. PHPMailer Error", 1); } } /** * Modifies a user entry * @access public * @param Int UserID to edit * @param String column to edit * @param Mixed value to apply * @return true on success or false on deny * @throws \Exception|SessionException on fatal error */ public function modifyUser($userId, $key, $value) { // Fetch user data $udt = $this->getUsersByIds($userId)[0]; // Check if key exists if (isset($udt[$key])) { $from = $udt[$key]; // Then fire the event $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionUserModifyEvent(), $userId, $key, $value, $from); if ($event->isCancelled()) { return false; } // And fetch tag information $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare("UPDATE ".$prefix."session_users SET $key = ?"); $stmnt->execute([$value]); if ($stmnt->rowCount() == 1) { return true; } throw new SessionException("Could not modify user. Database error", 1); } throw new SessionException("Could not modify user. Key does not exist", 1); } /** * Changes the password of a user * @access public * @param Int UserID to edit * @param String|null Old password of the user or nothing if trying to change as admin * @param String New password of the user * @return true on success * @throws \Exception|SessionException on fatal error */ public function changePassword($userId, $oldPassword = null, $newPassword) { $udt = $this->getUsersByIds($userId)[0]; // First check if the oldPassword is correct if (is_null($oldPassword) || password_verify($oldPassword, $udt['user_password'])) { // Send out the event $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionChangePasswordEvent(), $userId, $udt['user_username'], $oldPassword, $newPassword ); // Stop if cancelled if ($event->isCancelled()) { return false; } // Then apply the new password $hash = password_hash($event->newPassword, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $this->modifyUser($userId, 'user_password', $hash); return true; } throw new SessionException("Could not change password. Old password did not match", 1); } /** * Suspends a user from using the system * @access public * @param Int UserID * @return true on success * @throws SessionException on fatal error */ public function suspendUser($userId) { // First get all the relevant data $udt = $this->getUsersByIds($userId)[0]; $user_id = $udt['user_id']; $username = $udt['user_username']; $email = $udt['user_email']; // Then fire the event $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionUserSuspendEvent(), $user_id, $username, $email); // Cancel if denied by module if ($event->isCancelled()) { return false; } return $this->addPermission('BLOCKED', $userId, false); } /** * Allows a user to log in again * @access public * @param Int UserID * @return true on success * @throws SessionException on fatal error */ public function unsuspendUser($userId) { // First get all the relevant data $udt = $this->getUsersByIds($userId)[0]; $user_id = $udt['user_id']; $username = $udt['user_username']; $email = $udt['user_email']; // Then fire the event $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionUserUnsuspendEvent(), $user_id, $username, $email); // Cancel if denied by module if ($event->isCancelled()) { return false; } return $this->removePermission('BLOCKED', $userId, false); } /** * Removes a user from the system * @access public * @param Int UserID * @return true on success * @throws SessionException on fatal error */ public function removeUser($userId) { // First get all relevant data $udt = $this->getUsersByIds($userId)[0]; $userId = $udt['user_id']; $username = $udt['user_username']; $email = $udt['user_email']; // Then fire an event $event = $this->events->fireEvent(new SessionUserRemoveEvent(), $userId, $username, $email); if ($event->isCancelled()) { return false; } // Remove the active permission, effectively removing the user return $this->removePermission('ACTIVE', $userId, false, true); } /** * Verify a user with a code to we can unsuspend them * @access public * @param String VerifyCode * @return true on success * @throws SessionException on fatal error */ public function verifyUser($verifyCode) { // And fetch tag information $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."session_users WHERE user_verify_code = ?"); $stmnt->execute([$verifyCode]); $data = $stmnt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (count($data == 1)) { $id = $data[0]['user_id']; return $this->unsuspendUser($id); } else { throw new SessionException("Could not verify user. Code invalid", 1); } } /** * Checks wether a user has permission to a certain action * If a userID is provided, a specific user is checked. Otherwise the current session is used * @access public * @param String PermissionTag * @param Int UserID (optional) * @param Boolean Wether to ignore admin permission (default false) * @throws SessionException on fatal error * @return Boolean true on permission. False on no permission */ public function hasPermission($permissionTag, $userId = null, $ignoreAdmin = false) { // First retrieve the UDT if (is_null($userId)) { if (!is_null($this->udt)) { $udt = $this->udt; } else { throw new SessionException("Could not check for permission. No user logged in and no user provided", 1); } } else { $udt = $this->getUsersByIds($userId); if (!empty($udt)) { $udt = $udt[0]; } else { throw new SessionException("Could not check for permission. User not found", 1); } } // Then read it and check for permission $tag = strtoupper($permissionTag); // What type to return if ignoring admin if ($ignoreAdmin) { if (isset($udt['permissions'][$tag])) { return true; } } else { if (isset($udt['permissions'][$tag]) || isset($udt['permissions']['ADMIN'])) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes a permission from a user * If a userID is provided, a specific user is checked. Otherwise the current session is used * @access public * @param String PermissionTag * @param Int UserID (optional) * @param Boolean Wether to remove the tag if it is not used anymore * @param Boolean wether to ignore the ACTIVE tag. Seriously, do not touch this * @throws SessionException on fatal error * @return Boolean true on success */ public function removePermission($permissionTag, $userId = null, $removeTag = false, $ignoreActive = false) { // Check if the active tag is given if (!$ignoreActive && strtoupper($permissionTag) == 'ACTIVE') { throw new SessionException("Could not remove permission. ACTIVE tag removal is prohibited", 1); } // First retrieve the UDT if (!$this->hasPermission($permissionTag, $userId, true)) { throw new SessionException("Could not remove permission. User does not have permission", 1); } // Fetch the user ID if (is_null($userId)) { $user_id = $this->udt['user_id']; } else { $udt = $this->getUsersByIds($userId); if (!empty($udt)) { $udt = $udt[0]; $user_id = $udt['user_id']; } } // And fetch tag information $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."session_tags WHERE tag_name = ?"); $stmnt->execute([strtoupper($permissionTag)]); $tag = $stmnt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($tag)) { $tag_id = intval($tag['tag_id']); } // And now remove the reference in the database $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare("DELETE FROM ".$prefix."session_permissions WHERE permission_tag_id = :tag_id AND permission_user_id = :user_id"); $stmnt->execute(['tag_id' => $tag_id, 'user_id' => $user_id]); if ($stmnt->rowCount() == 1) { // Check if the tag is still used if ($removeTag) { $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."session_permissions WHERE permission_tag_id = ?"); $stmnt->execute([strtoupper($permissionTag)]); if (count($stmnt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) == 0) { // Remove the tag $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare("DELETE FROM ".$prefix."session_tags WHERE tag_name = ?"); $stmnt->execute([strtoupper($permissionTag)]); if ($stmnt->rowCount() == 0) { // Something went wrong throw new SessionException("Could not remove permission tag. Database error", 1); } } } return true; } throw new SessionException("Could not remove permission. Database error", 1); } /** * Adds a permission to a user * If a userID is provided, a specific user is checked. Otherwise the current session is used * @access public * @param String PermissionTag * @param Int UserID (optional) * @throws SessionException on fatal error * @return Boolean true on success */ public function addPermission($permissionTag, $userId = null) { // First retrieve the UDT if ($this->hasPermission($permissionTag, $userId, true)) { throw new SessionException("Could not add permission. User does already have permission", 1); } // Fetch the user ID if (is_null($userId)) { $user_id = $this->udt['user_id']; } else { $udt = $this->getUsersByIds($userId); if (!empty($udt)) { $udt = $udt[0]; $user_id = $udt['user_id']; } } // Check if the tag already exists $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."session_tags WHERE tag_name = ?"); $stmnt->execute([strtoupper($permissionTag)]); $d = $stmnt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (count($d) == 0) { // Create tag $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."session_tags (tag_name) VALUES (:tag_name)"); $stmnt->execute(['tag_name' => strtoupper($permissionTag)]); $id = $stmnt->lastInsertId(); } elseif (count($d) == 1) { // Get ID $data = $d[0]; $id = $data['tag_id']; } // Add the permission $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."session_permissions (permission_tag_id,permission_user_id) VALUES (:permission_tag_id,:permission_user_id)"); $stmnt->execute(['permission_tag_id' => $id, 'permission_user_id' => $user_id]); if ($stmnt->rowCount() == 1) { return true; } throw new SessionException("Could not add permission. Database Error", 1); } /** * Get users by Usernames * @access public * @param Array of usernames * @return Array of UDT's */ public function getUsersByName($usernames = array()) { if (is_string($usernames)) { $usernames = array($usernames); } $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $query = " SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."session_permissions AS permissions LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_users AS users ON permissions.permission_user_id=users.user_id LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_tags AS tags ON permissions.permission_tag_id=tags.tag_id WHERE users.user_username = ? "; $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare($query); $users = array(); for ($i=0; $i < count($usernames); $i++) { $username = $usernames[$i]; $stmnt->execute(array($username)); $user_data = $stmnt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($user_data)) { $users[] = $this->handleUserSelectData($user_data); } } return $users; } /** * Get users by Identifier * @access public * @param Array of user ids OR Int of single ID * @return Array of UDT's */ public function getUsersByIds($ids = array()) { if (is_int($ids)) { $ids = array($ids); } $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $query = " SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."session_permissions AS permissions LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_users AS users ON permissions.permission_user_id=users.user_id LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_tags AS tags ON permissions.permission_tag_id=tags.tag_id WHERE users.user_id = ? "; $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare($query); $users = array(); for ($i=0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { $id = $ids[$i]; $stmnt->execute(array($id)); $user_data = $stmnt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($user_data)) { $users[] = $this->handleUserSelectData($user_data); } } return $users; } /** * Get users by Email address * @access public * @param Array of emails * @return Array of UDT's */ public function getUsersByEmails($emails = array()) { if (is_string($emails)) { $emails = array($emails); } $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $query = " SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."session_permissions AS permissions LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_users AS users ON permissions.permission_user_id=users.user_id LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_tags AS tags ON permissions.permission_tag_id=tags.tag_id WHERE users.user_email = ? "; $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare($query); $users = array(); for ($i=0; $i < count($emails); $i++) { $email = $emails[$i]; $stmnt->execute(array($email)); $user_data = $stmnt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($user_data)) { $users[] = $this->handleUserSelectData($user_data); } } return $users; } /** * Get all users who have a specific permission tag * @access public * @param String Permission Tag * @return Array of UDT's */ public function getUsersByPermissions($permissionTags = array()) { if (is_string($permissionTags)) { $permissionTags = array($permissionTags); } $prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $query = " SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."session_permissions AS permissions LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_users AS users ON permissions.permission_user_id=users.user_id LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."session_tags AS tags ON permissions.permission_tag_id=tags.tag_id WHERE tags.tag_name = ? "; $stmnt = $this->mods->database->prepare($query); $users = array(); for ($i=0; $i < count($permissionTags); $i++) { $tag = $permissionTags[$i]; $stmnt->execute(array($tag)); $user_data = $stmnt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($user_data)) { $users[] = $this->getUsersByIds(array($user_data[0]['user_id']))[0]; } } return $users; } /** * Internal function used by the getUsersby* functions * @access private * @param Array PDO Data result * @return UDT */ private function handleUserSelectData($user_data) { $user = array(); $basic = $user_data[0]; foreach ($basic as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, 'user_') === 0) { $user[$key] = $value; } } $user['permissions'] = array(); for ($j=0; $j < count($user_data); $j++) { $user['permissions'][ $user_data[$j]['tag_name'] ] = $user_data[$j]['tag_name']; } $user['username'] = $user['user_username']; $user['email'] = $user['user_email']; return $user; } /** * Fetch data from the current UDT * @access public * @param Mixed Key * @return Mixed Value */ public function __get($key) { return $this->udt[$key]; } } /** * Exception class for the Sessions Module * @package net.techfuze.fuzeworks.sessions * @author Abel Hoogeveen * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, Techfuze. (http://techfuze.net) */ class SessionException extends \Exception {} ?>