Abel Hoogeveen c5318a2e99 Added new namespaces as described in Issue #37. The following namespaces are used:
\FuzeWorks for Core classes
\Controller for controller classes
\Model for model classes
\Module for modules

Also did the following changes:
- DatabaseModel now loads the database module as a dependency
- DatabaseModel is no longer abstract because of ModelServer
- Implemented a new mechanism for model types in the name of a ModelServer. This interface requires a Model Type Server to return a Model parent class based on a given type
- Added a backtrace to the logger class for easy and fast debugging

And that was it for this commit
2015-04-29 17:18:33 +02:00

377 lines
9.4 KiB

namespace Module;
use \FuzeWorks\Module;
use \FuzeWorks\ModelServer;
use \Exception;
class DatabaseModel extends Module implements ModelServer {
public $fields = array();
public $primary = 'id';
public $table = '';
public function __construct(&$core){
public function onLoad() {}
public function giveModel($type) {
return new DatabaseModel($this->core);
public function select(){
$select = '';
$where = '';
$order = '';
$limit = '';
$other = '';
$args = func_get_args();
$binds = array();
// Only one argument given
if(func_num_args() >= 1){
// Null: select all fields
if($args[0] === null){
$fields = $this->fields;
$fields = $args[0];
// Convert array to string
// Slightly faster as implode()
foreach($fields as $index => $field){
$select .= ' `'.$field.($index == (count($fields)-1) ? '`' : '`,');
// Build where based on primary key
$select= '*';
$where = 'WHERE `'.$this->primary.'` = '.$fields;
// Directly use it as $select
$select = $fields;
if(func_num_args() >= 2){
// Convert array to string
if($args[1] !== null)
$where = 'WHERE';
// Implode the fields into a string
foreach($args[1] as $field => $value){
$token1 = 'AND';
$token2 = '=';
// Operator feautures
if(strpos($field, '!') !== false){
$token2 = '<>';
$field = str_replace('!', '', $field);
if(strpos($field, '/') !== false){
$token1 = 'OR';
$field = str_replace('/', '', $field);
if (strpos($field, '>') !== false) {
$token2 = '>';
$field = str_replace('>', '', $field);
if (strpos($field, '<') !== false) {
$token2 = '<';
$field = str_replace('<', '', $field);
if (strpos($field, '=>') !== false) {
$token2 = '=>';
$field = str_replace('=>', '', $field);
if (strpos($field, '<=') !== false) {
$token2 = '<=';
$field = str_replace('<=', '', $field);
$where .= ($where === 'WHERE' ? '' : $token1).' `'.$field.'` '.$token2.' :'.$field.' ';
$binds[$field] = $value;
// Directly use it as $select
$where = $args[1];
if(func_num_args() >= 3){
// Order
if($args[2] !== null)
$order = 'ORDER BY';
foreach($args[2] as $index => $field){
$mode = 'ASC';
if(substr($field, 0, 1) === '-'){
$field = substr($field, 1);
$mode = 'DESC';
$order .= ' `'.$field.'` '.$mode.($index == (count($args[2])-1) ? '' : ',');
$order = 'ORDER BY '.$args[2];
if(func_num_args() >= 4){
// Limit
if($args[3] !== null)
$limit = 'LIMIT '.$args[3][0].','.$args[3][1];
$limit = 'LIMIT '.$args[3];
if(func_num_args() >= 5){
// Other
$other = $args[4];
$select = '*';
$query = 'SELECT '.$select.' FROM `'.$this->table.'` '.$where.' '.$order.' '.$limit.' '.$other;
$sth = $this->mods->database->prepare($query);
}catch (\PDOException $e){
throw new \Exception('Could not execute SQL-query due PDO-exception '.$e->getMessage());
// Fetch results
$result = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $result;
public function insert($arr){
$query = '';
$fields= '';
$values= '';
$i = 0;
foreach($arr as $index => $value){
$fields .= '`'.$index.'`'.($i == count($arr) ? '' : ', ');
$values .= ':'.$index.($i == count($arr) ? '' : ', ');
$query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$this->table.'` ('.$fields.')VALUES('.$values.')';
$sth = $this->mods->database->prepare($query);
}catch (\PDOException $e){
throw new \Exception('Could not execute SQL-query due PDO-exception '.$e->getMessage());
public function delete(){
$query = '';
$where = '';
$args = func_get_args();
// Convert array to string
if(func_num_args() >= 1){
// Where
if($args[0] !== null)
$where = 'WHERE';
// Implode the fields into a string
foreach($args[0] as $field => $value){
$token1 = 'AND';
$token2 = '=';
if(strpos($field, '!') !== false){
$token2 = '<>';
$field = str_replace('!', '', $field);
if(strpos($field, '/') !== false){
$token1 = 'OR';
$field = str_replace('/', '', $field);
$where .= ($where === 'WHERE' ? '' : $token1).' `'.$field.'` '.$token2.' :'.$field.' ';
$binds[$field] = $value;
// Build where based on primary key
$where = 'WHERE `'.$this->primary.'` = '.$args[0];
// Directly use it as $select
$where = $args[1];
if(func_num_args() >= 2){
// Limit
if($args[1] !== null)
$limit = 'LIMIT '.$args[1][0].','.$args[1][1];
$limit = 'LIMIT '.$args[1];
$query = 'DELETE FROM `'.$this->table.'` '.$where.' '.$limit;
$sth = $this->mods->database->prepare($query);
}catch (\PDOException $e){
throw new \Exception('Could not execute SQL-query due PDO-exception '.$e->getMessage());
public function update(){
$query = '';
$fields= '';
$where = '';
$args = func_get_args();
// Convert array to string
if(func_num_args() >= 1){
// Update
if($args[0] !== null)
// Slightly faster as implode()
$i = 0;
foreach($args[0] as $field => $value){
$i ++;
$fields .= ' `'.$field.'` = :insert_'.$field.($i == (count($args[0])) ? '' : ',');
$binds['insert_'.$field] = $value;
// Directly use it as $select
$fields = $args[0];
if(func_num_args() >= 2){
// Where
if($args[1] !== null)
$where = 'WHERE';
// Implode the fields into a string
foreach($args[1] as $field => $value){
$token1 = 'AND';
$token2 = '=';
if(strpos($field, '!') !== false){
$token2 = '<>';
$field = str_replace('!', '', $field);
if(strpos($field, '/') !== false){
$token1 = 'OR';
$field = str_replace('/', '', $field);
$where .= ($where === 'WHERE' ? '' : $token1).' `'.$field.'` '.$token2.' :'.$field.' ';
$binds[$field] = $value;
// Build where based on primary key
$where = 'WHERE `'.$this->primary.'` = '.$args[1];
// Directly use it as $select
$where = $args[1];
if(func_num_args() >= 3){
// Limit
if($args[2] !== null)
$limit = 'LIMIT '.$args[2][0].','.$args[2][1];
$limit = 'LIMIT '.$args[2];
} else {
$limit = "";
$query = 'UPDATE `'.$this->table.'` SET '.$fields.' '.$where.' '.$limit;
$sth = $this->mods->database->prepare($query);
}catch (\PDOException $e){
throw new \Exception('Could not execute SQL-query due PDO-exception '.$e->getMessage());
public function __call($name, $params) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->mods->database, $name), $params);