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* FuzeWorks.
* The FuzeWorks MVC PHP FrameWork
* Copyright (C) 2018 TechFuze
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @author TechFuze
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2018, Techfuze. (
* @copyright Copyright (c) 1996 - 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @license GPLv3 License
* @link
* @since Version 1.1.4
* @version Version 1.1.4
namespace FuzeWorks;
use FuzeWorks\Exception\PluginException;
* Plugins Class.
* Plugins are small component that can be implemented into FuzeWorks and will run upon its start. When FuzeWorks loads, a header file of every plugin will be loaded. This allows plugins to hook into routes, events, factory components and other parts of the framework. This for instance allows the creation of an administration panel, or a contnet management system.
* To make a plugin there are 2 requirements:
* 1. A plugin class file
* 2. A plugin header file
* To create the plugin, create a directory (with the name of the plugin) in the Plugin folder, inside the Application environment. Next you should add a header.php file in this directory.
* This file needs to be in the FuzeWorks\Plugins namespace, and be named *PluginName*Header. For example: TestHeader.
* It is recommended that this header file implements the FuzeWorks\PluginInterface. All headers must have the init() method. This method will run upon starting FuzeWorks.
* Next a plugin class should be created. This file should be named the same as the folder, and be in the Application\Plugin namespace. An alternative classname can be set in the header, by creating a public $className variable. This plugin can be called using the $plugins->get() method.
* @todo Implement events
* @author Abel Hoogeveen <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2018, Techfuze. (
class Plugins
* Array of all the paths where plugins can be found
* @var array Plugin paths
protected $pluginPaths = array();
* Array of loaded Plugins, so that they won't be reloaded
* Plugins only end up here after being explicitly loaded. Header files do NOT count.
* @var array Array of loaded plugins
protected $plugins = array();
* Array of plugin header classes.
* Loaded upon startup. Provide details on what class should load for the plugin.
* @var array Array of loaded plugin header classes
protected $headers = array();
* Config file for the plugin system
* @var ConfigORM
protected $cfg;
* Called upon creation of the plugins class.
* @param string $directory The directory
* @return void
public function __construct()
$this->pluginPaths[] = Core::$appDir . DS . 'Plugins';
$this->cfg = Factory::getInstance()->config->plugins;
* Load the header files of all plugins.
public function loadHeaders()
// Cycle through all pluginPaths
$this->headers = array();
foreach ($this->pluginPaths as $pluginPath) {
// If directory does not exist, skip it
if (!file_exists($pluginPath) || !is_dir($pluginPath))
// Fetch the contents of the path
$pluginPathContents = array_diff(scandir($pluginPath), array('..', '.'));
// Now go through each entry in the plugin folder
foreach ($pluginPathContents as $pluginFolder) {
if (!is_dir($pluginPath . DS . $pluginFolder))
// If a header file exists, use it
$file = $pluginPath . DS . $pluginFolder . DS . 'header.php';
$pluginName = ucfirst($pluginFolder);
$className = '\FuzeWorks\Plugins\\'.$pluginName.'Header';
if (file_exists($file))
// And load it
if (in_array($pluginName, $this->cfg->disabled_plugins))
$this->headers[$pluginName] = 'disabled';
$header = new $className();
$this->headers[$pluginName] = $header;
Factory::getInstance()->logger->log('Loaded Plugin Header: \'' . $pluginName . '\'');
// If it doesn't exist, skip it
* Get a plugin.
* @param string $pluginName Name of the plugin
* @param array $parameters Parameters to send to the __construct() method
* @param array $directory Directory to search for plugins in
* @return object Plugin
public function get($pluginName, array $parameters = null, array $directory = null)
if (empty($pluginName))
throw new PluginException("Could not load plugin. No name provided", 1);
// First get the directories where the plugin can be located
$directories = (is_null($directory) ? $this->pluginPaths : $directory);
// Determine the name of the plugin
$pluginFolder = $pluginName;
$pluginName = ucfirst($pluginName);
// Fire pluginGetEvent, and cancel or return custom plugin if required
$event = Events::fireEvent('pluginGetEvent', $pluginName, $directories);
if ($event->isCancelled())
return false;
elseif ($event->getPlugin() != null)
return $event->getPlugin();
// Otherwise just set the variables
$pluginName = $event->pluginName;
$directories = $event->directories;
// Check if the plugin is already loaded and return directly
if (isset($this->plugins[$pluginName]))
return $this->plugins[$pluginName];
// Check if the plugin header exists
if (!isset($this->headers[$pluginName]))
throw new PluginException("Could not load plugin. Plugin header does not exist", 1);
// If disabled, don't bother
if (in_array($pluginName, $this->cfg->disabled_plugins))
throw new PluginException("Could not load plugin. Plugin is disabled", 1);
// Determine what file to load
$header = $this->headers[$pluginName];
if (method_exists($header, 'getPlugin'))
$this->plugins[$pluginName] = $header->getPlugin();
Factory::getInstance()->logger->log('Loaded Plugin: \'' . $pluginName . '\'');
return $this->plugins[$pluginName];
$classFile = (isset($header->classFile) ? $header->classFile : $pluginName.".php");
$className = (isset($header->className) ? $header->className : '\Application\Plugin\\'.$pluginName);
// Find the correct file
$pluginFile = '';
foreach ($directories as $pluginPath) {
$file = $pluginPath . DS . $pluginFolder . DS . $classFile;
if (file_exists($file))
$pluginFile = $file;
// If not found, throw exception
if (empty($pluginFile))
throw new PluginException("Could not load plugin. Class file does not exist", 1);
// Attempt to load the plugin
if (!class_exists($className, false))
throw new PluginException("Could not load plugin. Class does not exist", 1);
$this->plugins[$pluginName] = new $className($parameters);
Factory::getInstance()->logger->log('Loaded Plugin: \'' . $pluginName . '\'');
// And return it
return $this->plugins[$pluginName];
* Add a path where plugins can be found
* @param string $directory The directory
* @return void
public function addPluginPath($directory)
if (!in_array($directory, $this->pluginPaths))
$this->pluginPaths[] = $directory;
* Remove a path where plugins can be found
* @param string $directory The directory
* @return void
public function removePluginPath($directory)
if (($key = array_search($directory, $this->pluginPaths)) !== false)
* Get a list of all current pluginPaths
* @return array Array of paths where plugins can be found
public function getPluginPaths(): array
return $this->pluginPaths;