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* FuzeWorks
* The FuzeWorks MVC PHP FrameWork
* Copyright (C) 2015 TechFuze
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @author TechFuze
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, Techfuze. (
* @copyright Copyright (c) 1996 - 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @license GPLv3 License
* @link
* @since Version 0.0.1
* @version Version 0.0.1
namespace FuzeWorks;
* Logger Class
* The main tool to handle errors and exceptions. Provides some tools for debugging and tracking where errors take place
* All fatal errors get catched by this class and get displayed if configured to do so.
* @package net.techfuze.fuzeworks.core
* @author Abel Hoogeveen <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, Techfuze. (
class Logger {
* Log entries which display information entries
* @var array
public static $infoErrors = array();
* Log entries which display critical error entries
* @var array
public static $criticalErrors = array();
* Log entries which display warning entries
* @var array
public static $warningErrors = array();
* All log entries, unsorted
* @var array
public static $Logs = array();
* Wether to output the log after FuzeWorks has run
* @var boolean
private static $print_to_screen = false;
* Wether to output the log after FuzeWorks has run, regardless of conditions
* @var boolean
public static $debug = false;
* Initiates the Logger.
* Registers the error and exception handler, when required to do so by configuration
public static function init() {
// Register the error handler
if (Config::get('error')->error_reporting == true) {
set_error_handler(array('\FuzeWorks\Logger', "errorHandler"), E_ALL);
set_Exception_handler(array('\FuzeWorks\Logger', "exceptionHandler"));
self::$debug = Config::get('error')->debug;
self::newLevel("Logger Initiated");
* Function to be run upon FuzeWorks shutdown.
* Logs a fatal error and outputs the log when configured or requested to do so
public static function shutdown() {
// Load last error if thrown
$errfile = "Unknown file";
$errstr = "shutdown";
$errno = E_CORE_ERROR;
$errline = 0;
$error = error_get_last();
if ($error !== NULL) {
$errno = $error['type'];
$errfile = $error['file'];
$errline = $error['line'];
$errstr = $error['message'];
// Log it!
self::errorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);
if (self::$debug == true || self::$print_to_screen) {
self::log("Parsing debug log");
echo self::logToScreen();
* System that redirects the errors to the appropriate logging method
* @access public
* @param int $type Error-type, Pre defined PHP Constant
* @param string error. The error itself
* @param string File. The absolute path of the file
* @param int Line. The line on which the error occured.
* @param array context. Some of the error's relevant variables
* @return void
public static function errorHandler($type = E_USER_NOTICE, $error = "Undefined Error", $errFile = null, $errLine = null, $context = null) {
// Check type
$thisType = self::getType($type);
$LOG = array('type' => (!is_null($thisType) ? $thisType : "ERROR"),
'message' => (!is_null($error) ? $error : ""),
'logFile' => (!is_null($errFile) ? $errFile : ""),
'logLine' => (!is_null($errLine) ? $errLine : ""),
'context' => (!is_null($context) ? $context : ""),
'runtime' => round(self::getRelativeTime(), 4));
self::$Logs[] = $LOG;
* Exception handler
* Will be triggered when an uncaught exception occures. This function shows the error-message, and shuts down the script.
* Please note that most of the user-defined exceptions will be caught in the router, and handled with the error-controller.
* @access public
* @param Exception $exception The occured exception.
* @return void
public static function exceptionHandler($exception)
$message = $exception->getMessage();
$code = $exception->getCode();
$file = $exception->getFile();
$line = $exception->getLine();
$context = $exception->getTraceAsString();
self::logError("Exception thrown: " . $message . " | " . $code, null, $file, $line);
* Output the entire log to the screen. Used for debugging problems with your code.
* @return String Output of the log
public static function logToScreen() {
// Send a screenLogEvent, allows for new screen log designs
$event = Events::fireEvent('screenLogEvent');
if ($event->isCancelled()) {
return false;
// Otherwise just load it
$string = '<h3>FuzeWorks debug log</h3>';
$layer = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < count(self::$Logs); $i++){
$log = self::$Logs[$i];
if($log['type'] == 'LEVEL_START'){
$color = 255-($layer*25);
$string .= '<div style="background: rgb(188 , 232 ,'.$color.');border: 1px black solid;margin: 5px 0;padding: 5px 20px;">';
$string .= '<div style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 11pt;">'.$log['message'].'<span style="float: right">'.(!empty($log['runtime']) ? "(".round($log['runtime']*1000, 4).'ms)' : "").'</span></div>';
} elseif ($log['type'] == "LEVEL_STOP") {
$string .= "</div>";
} elseif ($log['type'] == "ERROR") {
$string .= '<div style="'.($layer == 0 ? 'padding-left: 21px;' : "").'font-size: 11pt; background-color:#f56954;">['.$log['type'].']'.(!empty($log['context']) && is_string($log['context']) ? '<u>['.$log['context'].']</u>' : "").' '.$log["message"].'
<span style="float: right">'.(!empty($log['logFile']) ? $log['logFile'] : "")." : ".(!empty($log['logLine']) ? $log['logLine'] : "").'('.round($log['runtime']*1000, 4).' ms)</span></div>';
} elseif ($log['type'] == "WARNING") {
$string .= '<div style="'.($layer == 0 ? 'padding-left: 21px;' : "").'font-size: 11pt; background-color:#f39c12;">['.$log['type'].']'.(!empty($log['context']) && is_string($log['context']) ? '<u>['.$log['context'].']</u>' : "").' '.$log["message"].'
<span style="float: right">'.(!empty($log['logFile']) ? $log['logFile'] : "")." : ".(!empty($log['logLine']) ? $log['logLine'] : "").'('.round($log['runtime']*1000, 4).' ms)</span></div>';
} elseif ($log['type'] == "INFO") {
$string .= '<div style="'.($layer == 0 ? 'padding-left: 21px;' : "").'font-size: 11pt;">'.(!empty($log['context']) ? '<u>['.$log['context'].']</u>' : "").' '.$log["message"].'<span style="float: right">('.round($log['runtime']*1000, 4).' ms)</span></div>';
return $string;
* Backtrace a problem to the source using the trace of an Exception
* @return string HTML backtrace
public static function backtrace() {
$e = new Exception();
$trace = explode("\n", $e->getTraceAsString());
// reverse array to make steps line up chronologically
$trace = array_reverse($trace);
array_shift($trace); // remove {main}
array_pop($trace); // remove call to this method
$length = count($trace);
$result = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
$result[] = ($i + 1) . ')' . substr($trace[$i], strpos($trace[$i], ' ')); // replace '#someNum' with '$i)', set the right ordering
return "<b>BACKTRACE: <br/>\t" . implode("<br/>", $result)."</b>";
/* =========================================LOGGING METHODS==============================================================*/
* Create a information log entry
* @param String $msg The information to be logged
* @param String $mod The name of the module
* @param String $file The file where the log occured
* @param integer $line The line where the log occured
* @return void
public static function log($msg, $mod = null, $file = 0, $line = 0) {
self::logInfo($msg, $mod, $file, $line);
* Create a information log entry
* @param String $msg The information to be logged
* @param String $mod The name of the module
* @param String $file The file where the log occured
* @param integer $line The line where the log occured
* @return void
public static function logInfo($msg, $mod = null, $file = 0, $line = 0) {
$LOG = array('type' => 'INFO',
'message' => (!is_null($msg) ? $msg : ""),
'logFile' => (!is_null($file) ? $file : ""),
'logLine' => (!is_null($line) ? $line : ""),
'context' => (!is_null($mod) ? $mod : ""),
'runtime' => round(self::getRelativeTime(), 4));
self::$infoErrors[] = $LOG;
self::$Logs[] = $LOG;
* Create a error log entry
* @param String $msg The information to be logged
* @param String $mod The name of the module
* @param String $file The file where the log occured
* @param integer $line The line where the log occured
* @return void
public static function logError($msg, $mod = null, $file = 0, $line = 0) {
$LOG = array('type' => 'ERROR',
'message' => (!is_null($msg) ? $msg : ""),
'logFile' => (!is_null($file) ? $file : ""),
'logLine' => (!is_null($line) ? $line : ""),
'context' => (!is_null($mod) ? $mod : ""),
'runtime' => round(self::getRelativeTime(), 4));
self::$criticalErrors[] = $LOG;
self::$Logs[] = $LOG;
* Create a warning log entry
* @param String $msg The information to be logged
* @param String $mod The name of the module
* @param String $file The file where the log occured
* @param integer $line The line where the log occured
* @return void
public static function logWarning($msg, $mod = null, $file = 0, $line = 0) {
$LOG = array('type' => 'WARNING',
'message' => (!is_null($msg) ? $msg : ""),
'logFile' => (!is_null($file) ? $file : ""),
'logLine' => (!is_null($line) ? $line : ""),
'context' => (!is_null($mod) ? $mod : ""),
'runtime' => round(self::getRelativeTime(), 4));
self::$warningErrors[] = $LOG;
self::$Logs[] = $LOG;
* Create a new Level log entry. Used to categorise logs
* @param String $msg The name of the new level
* @param String $mod The name of the module
* @param String $file The file where the log occured
* @param integer $line The line where the log occured
* @return void
public static function newLevel($msg, $mod = null, $file = null, $line = null) {
$LOG = array('type' => 'LEVEL_START',
'message' => (!is_null($msg) ? $msg : ""),
'logFile' => (!is_null($file) ? $file : ""),
'logLine' => (!is_null($line) ? $line : ""),
'context' => (!is_null($mod) ? $mod : ""),
'runtime' => round(self::getRelativeTime(), 4));
self::$Logs[] = $LOG;
* Create a stop Level log entry. Used to close log categories
* @param String $msg The name of the new level
* @param String $mod The name of the module
* @param String $file The file where the log occured
* @param integer $line The line where the log occured
* @return void
public static function stopLevel($msg = null, $mod = null, $file = null, $line = null) {
$LOG = array('type' => 'LEVEL_STOP',
'message' => (!is_null($msg) ? $msg : ""),
'logFile' => (!is_null($file) ? $file : ""),
'logLine' => (!is_null($line) ? $line : ""),
'context' => (!is_null($mod) ? $mod : ""),
'runtime' => round(self::getRelativeTime(), 4));
self::$Logs[] = $LOG;
/* =========================================OTHER METHODS==============================================================*/
* Returns a string representation of an error
* Turns a PHP error-constant (or integer) into a string representation.
* @access public
* @param int $type PHP-constant errortype (e.g. E_NOTICE).
* @return string String representation
public static function getType($type) {
switch ($type)
case E_ERROR:
return "ERROR";
return "WARNING";
case E_PARSE:
return "ERROR";
case E_NOTICE:
return "WARNING";
return "ERROR";
return "WARNING";
return "ERROR";
return "WARNING";
return "ERROR";
return "WARNING";
return "WARNING";
return "WARNING";
case E_STRICT:
return "ERROR";
return "ERROR";
return "WARNING";
return $type = 'Unknown error: '.$type;
* Calls an HTTP error, sends it as a header, and loads a template if required to do so.
* @param integer $errno HTTP error code
* @param boolean $view true to view error on website
public static function http_error($errno = 500, $view = true){
$http_codes = array(
400 => 'Bad Request',
401 => 'Unauthorized',
402 => 'Payment Required',
403 => 'Forbidden',
404 => 'Not Found',
405 => 'Method Not Allowed',
406 => 'Not Acceptable',
407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
408 => 'Request Timeout',
409 => 'Conflict',
410 => 'Gone',
411 => 'Length Required',
412 => 'Precondition Failed',
413 => 'Request Entity Too Large',
414 => 'Request-URI Too Long',
415 => 'Unsupported Media Type',
416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
417 => 'Expectation Failed',
418 => 'I\'m a teapot',
426 => 'Upgrade Required',
428 => 'Precondition Required',
429 => 'Too Many Requests',
431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large',
500 => 'Internal Server Error',
501 => 'Not Implemented',
502 => 'Bad Gateway',
503 => 'Service Unavailable',
504 => 'Gateway Timeout',
505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates',
509 => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded',
510 => 'Not Extended',
511 => 'Network Authentication Required'
self::logError('HTTP-error '.$errno.' called');
self::log('Sending header HTTP/1.1 '.$errno.' '.$http_codes[$errno]);
header('HTTP/1.1 '.$errno.' '.$http_codes[$errno]);
// Do we want the error-view with it?
if($view == false)
// Load the view
$view = 'errors/'.$errno;
self::log('Loading view '.$view);
// Try and load the view, if impossible, load HTTP code instead.
} catch(LayoutException $exception){
// No error page could be found, just echo the result
echo "<h1>$errno</h1><h3>".$http_codes[$errno]."</h3>";
* Enable error to screen logging
* @access public
public static function enable() {
self::$print_to_screen = true;
* Disable error to screen logging
* @access public
public static function disable() {
self::$print_to_screen = false;
* Get the relative time since the framework started.
* Used for debugging timings in FuzeWorks
* @return int Time passed since FuzeWorks init
private static function getRelativeTime() {
$startTime = STARTTIME;
$time = microtime(true) - $startTime;
return $time;