2016-05-24 12:05:29 +02:00

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* FuzeWorks.
* The FuzeWorks MVC PHP FrameWork
* Copyright (C) 2015 TechFuze
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @author TechFuze
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016, Techfuze. (
* @copyright Copyright (c) 1996 - 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @license GPLv3 License
* @link
* @since Version 0.0.1
* @version Version 0.0.1
namespace FuzeWorks;
use stdClass;
* Modules Class.
* @author Abel Hoogeveen <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016, Techfuze. (
class Modules
* A register of all the existing module headers.
* The module headers contain information required to loading the module
* @var array
private static $register;
* A register which holds all the module advertisements by key.
* @var array
private static $advertiseRegister = array();
* An array of all the loaded modules.
* @var array
public static $modules = array();
* An array with the names of all modules that are loaded, and should not be loaded again.
* @var array of module names
private static $loaded_modules = array();
* An array which holds the routes to module to load them quickly.
* @var array
private static $module_routes = array();
* Retrieves a module and returns it.
* If a module is already loaded, it returns a reference to the loaded version.
* @param string $name Name of the module
* @return \FuzeWorks\Module Module The module
* @throws \FuzeWorks\ModuleException
public static function get($name)
// Where the modules are
$path = 'Modules/';
// Check if the requested module is registered
if (isset(self::$register[$name])) {
if (!empty(self::$register[$name])) {
// Load the moduleInfo
$cfg = (object) self::$register[$name];
// Check if the module is disabled
if (isset($cfg->meta)) {
throw new ModuleException("Could not load module. Module '".$name."' is not enabled", 1);
// Check if the module is already loaded. If so, only return a reference, if not, load the module
if (in_array(strtolower($name), self::$loaded_modules)) {
// return the link
$c = self::$modules[strtolower($cfg->module_name)];
return $c;
} else {
// Load the module
$file = $cfg->directory.'/'.$cfg->module_file;
// Load the dependencies before the module loads
$deps = (isset($cfg->dependencies) ? $cfg->dependencies : array());
for ($i = 0; $i < count($deps); ++$i) {
// Check if the file exists
if (file_exists($file)) {
// And load it
include_once $file;
$class_name = $cfg->module_class;
$msg = "Loading Module '".ucfirst((isset($cfg->name) ? $cfg->name : $cfg->module_name))."'";
$msg .= (isset($cfg->version) ? '; version: '.$cfg->version : '');
$msg .= (isset($cfg->author) ? '; made by '.$cfg->author : '');
$msg .= (isset($cfg->website) ? '; from '.$cfg->website : '');
} else {
// Throw Exception if the file does not exist
throw new ModuleException("Could not load module. Module '".$name."' class file was not found.", 1);
return false;
// If it is an abstract module, load an StdClass for the module address
if (isset($cfg->abstract)) {
if ($cfg->abstract) {
$CLASS = new stdClass();
return self::$modules[strtolower($cfg->module_name)] = &$CLASS;
// Load the module class
$class_name = $cfg->module_class;
$CLASS = new $class_name();
// Apply default methods
if (method_exists($CLASS, 'setModulePath')) {
if (method_exists($CLASS, 'setModuleLinkName')) {
if (method_exists($CLASS, 'setModuleName')) {
// Send all advertisements
if (isset($cfg->listenFor)) {
$listenFor = $cfg->listenFor;
if (method_exists($CLASS, 'setAdvertisements')) {
foreach ($listenFor as $advertiseName) {
if (isset(self::$advertiseRegister[$advertiseName])) {
$CLASS::setAdvertisements($advertiseName, self::$advertiseRegister[$advertiseName]);
} else {
throw new ModuleException("Could not load module. Module '".$name."' listens for advertisement but does not implement setAdvertisements() method.", 1);
// Send the moduleConfig if possible
if (method_exists($CLASS, 'setModuleConfig')) {
// Append the config file to the module CFG (accessable through $this->cfg)
if (file_exists($cfg->directory.'/'.'config.'.strtolower($cfg->module_name).'.php')) {
$data = (object) include $cfg->directory.'/'.'config.'.strtolower($cfg->module_name).'.php';
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$cfg->$key = $value;
// And finally check if it can be loaded
if (!method_exists($CLASS, 'onLoad')) {
throw new ModuleException("Could not load module. Module '".$name."' does not have an onLoad() method", 1);
// Prepare onLoad call
$args = func_get_args();
// And call onLoad
call_user_func_array(array($CLASS, 'onLoad'), $args);
// Add to the loaded modules
self::$loaded_modules[] = strtolower($name);
// Return a reference
return self::$modules[strtolower($cfg->module_name)] = &$CLASS;
} else {
throw new ModuleException("Could not load module. Module '".$name."' has an invalid config", 1);
} else {
throw new ModuleException("Module not found: '".$name."'", 1);
* Set the value of a module config or moduleInfo.php.
* @param string $file File to edit
* @param string $key Key to edit
* @param mixed $value Value to set
private static function setModuleValue($file, $key, $value)
if (file_exists($file) && is_writable($file)) {
$cfg = include $file;
$cfg[$key] = $value;
$config = var_export($cfg, true);
file_put_contents($file, "<?php return $config ;");
* Add a module using a moduleInfo.php file.
* @param string Path to moduleInfo.php file
* @throws FuzeWorks\ModuleException
public static function addModule($moduleInfo_file)
$file = $moduleInfo_file;
$directory = dirname($file);
if (file_exists($file)) {
$cfg = (object) include $file;
$cfg->directory = $directory;
// Define the module name
$name = '';
$name .= (!empty($cfg->author) ? strtolower($cfg->author).'/' : '');
$name .= strtolower($cfg->module_name);
Logger::log("Adding module: '".$name."'");
if (isset(self::$register[$name])) {
Logger::logError("Module '".$name."' can not be added. Module is already loaded");
return false;
// Check whether the module is enabled or no
if (isset($cfg->enabled)) {
if ($cfg->enabled) {
// Copy all the data into the register and enable
self::$register[$name] = (array) $cfg;
Logger::log("[ON] '".$name."'");
} else {
// If not, copy all the basic data so that it can be enabled in the future
$cfg2 = new StdClass();
$cfg2->module_name = $cfg->module_name;
$cfg2->directory = $cfg->directory;
$cfg2->meta = $cfg;
self::$register[$name] = (array) $cfg2;
Logger::log("[OFF] '".$name."'");
} else {
// Copy all the data into the register and enable
self::$register[$name] = (array) $cfg;
Logger::log("[ON] '".$name."'");
} else {
throw new ModuleException("Could not add module. '$moduleInfo_file' does not exist", 1);
* Enables a module when it is disabled.
* @param string Module name
* @param bool true for permanent enable
* @throws FuzeWorks\ModuleException
public static function enableModule($name, $permanent = true)
if (isset(self::$register[$name])) {
// Change the register
$info = (object) self::$register[$name];
// Do nothing if it is already enabled
if (isset($info->enabled)) {
if ($info->enabled) {
Logger::logWarning("Could not enable module '".$name."'. Module is already enabled.");
return false;
// Otherwise move data from meta to the module config
$info = $info->meta;
$info->enabled = true;
self::$register[$name] = (array) $info;
Logger::log("Enabled module '".$name."'");
// Enable it permanently if so desired
if ($permanent) {
$file = $info->directory.'/moduleInfo.php';
self::setModuleValue($file, 'enabled', true);
// Reload the eventRegister
} else {
throw new ModuleException("Could not enable module '".$name."'. Module does not exist.", 1);
* Disableds a module when it is enabled.
* @param string Module name
* @param bool true for permanent disable
* @throws FuzeWorks\ModuleException
public static function disableModule($name, $permanent = true)
if (isset(self::$register[$name])) {
$info = (object) self::$register[$name];
// Do nothing if it is already disabled
if (isset($info->meta)) {
Logger::logWarning("Could not disable module '".$name."'. Module is already disabled.");
return false;
$disabled = new StdClass();
$disabled->meta = $info;
$disabled->directory = $info->directory;
$disabled->module_name = $info->module_name;
self::$register[$name] = (array) $disabled;
Logger::log("Disabled module '".$name."'");
if ($permanent) {
$file = $info->directory.'/moduleInfo.php';
self::setModuleValue($file, 'enabled', false);
// Reload the eventRegister
// Remove the existence of the module
} else {
throw new ModuleException("Could not disable module '".$name."'. Module does not exist.", 1);
* Create a register with all the module headers from all the existing modules.
* Used to correctly load all modules
* @param bool $cache true if loading from cache
* @param string $cachingMethod the driver used in the caching library
* @param int $cachingTime The time the registers are cached
public static function buildRegister($cache = false, $cachingMethod = 'file', $cachingTime = 300)
// First check if the caching engine can be used
if ($cache)
// Retrieve the cache if possible
$cache = Libraries::getDriver('cache');
$cacheData = $cache->$cachingMethod->get('moduleRegisters');
if ( ! is_bool($cacheData) )
// Separate the data
$moduleRegister = $cacheData['moduleRegister'];
$eventRegister = $cacheData['eventRegister'];
$routeRegister = $cacheData['routeRegister'];
$advertiseRegister = $cacheData['advertiseRegister'];
// And register it all
Logger::newLevel("Loadig Module Headers from Cache");
self::$register = $moduleRegister;
Events::$register = $eventRegister;
self::$advertiseRegister = $advertiseRegister;
self::$module_routes = $routeRegister;
foreach ($routeRegister as $route => $name) {
Router::addRoute($route, array('\FuzeWorks\Modules', 'moduleCallable'), true);
return true;
Logger::newLevel('Loading Module Headers', 'Core');
// Get all the module directories
$dir = 'Modules/';
$mod_dirs = array();
$mod_dirs = array_values(array_diff(scandir($dir), array('..', '.')));
// Build the module and event register
$register = array();
$event_register = array();
// Cycle through all module directories
for ($i = 0; $i < count($mod_dirs); ++$i) {
$mod_dir = $dir.$mod_dirs[$i].'/';
// If a moduleInfo.php exists, load it
if (file_exists($mod_dir.'/moduleInfo.php')) {
// Load the configuration file
$cfg = (object) include $mod_dir.'/moduleInfo.php';
// Set enabled for now
$enabled = true;
// Define the module name
$name = '';
$name .= (!empty($cfg->author) ? strtolower($cfg->author).'/' : '');
$name .= strtolower($cfg->module_name);
// Get the module directory
$cfg->directory = $mod_dir;
// Check whether the module is disabled
if (isset($cfg->enabled)) {
if (!$cfg->enabled) {
// If disabled, set the variable
$enabled = false;
// If disabled, a holder will be placed so it might be enabled in the future
$mock = new StdClass();
$mock->module_name = $cfg->module_name;
$mock->directory = $cfg->directory;
$mock->meta = $cfg;
$mock->aliases = $cfg->aliases;
// Important, change the configuration to the mock, so we can duplicate it afterwards
$cfg = $mock;
// Copy all the data into the register and enable
$register[$name] = (array) $cfg;
// Log the name for enabled and disabled
if (!$enabled) {
Logger::newLevel("[OFF] '".$name."'");
} else {
Logger::newLevel("[ON] '".$name."'");
// And possibly some aliases
if (isset($cfg->aliases)) {
foreach ($cfg->aliases as $alias) {
$register[$alias] = (array) $cfg;
Logger::log("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'".$alias."' (alias of '".$name."')");
// If not enabled, log it, wrap it and off to the next one
if (!$enabled) {
// Otherwise continue and add routing paths
if (isset($cfg->routes)) {
// Get routes and add them
foreach ($cfg->routes as $route) {
// Create the route and callable and parse them
$callable = array('\FuzeWorks\Modules', 'moduleCallable');
Router::addRoute($route, $callable, true);
self::$module_routes[$route] = $name;
// And for the events
if (isset($cfg->events)) {
// Get the events and add them
foreach ($cfg->events as $event) {
// First check if the event already exists, if so, append it
if (isset($event_register[$event])) {
$event_register[$event][] = $name;
} else {
$event_register[$event] = array($name);
// Log the event
Logger::Log('Event added: \''.$event.'\'');
// And check for an advertisement tag
if (isset($cfg->advertise)) {
// Cycle through advertisements
foreach ($cfg->advertise as $advertiseName => $advertiseData) {
// Log advertisement
Logger::log('Advertisement added: \''.$advertiseName.'\'');
// Add to advertiseRegister
self::$advertiseRegister[$advertiseName][$name] = $advertiseData;
} else {
// If no details are specified, create a basic mock module
$name = $mod_dirs[$i];
// Build a default mock module config
$mock = new stdClass();
$mock->module_class = ucfirst($name);
$mock->module_file = 'class.'.strtolower($name).'.php';
$mock->module_name = $name;
$mock->dependencies = array();
$mock->versions = array();
$mock->directory = $mod_dir;
// Apply it
$register[$name] = (array) $mock;
Logger::newLevel("[ON] '".$name."'");
if ($cache)
Logger::log("Saving registry to cache");
$cacheData = array(
'moduleRegister' => $register,
'eventRegister' => $event_register,
'routeRegister' => self::$module_routes,
'advertiseRegister' => self::$advertiseRegister
$cache->$cachingMethod->save('moduleRegisters', $cacheData, $cachingTime);
// And apply the registers to their dedicate location
self::$register = $register;
Events::$register = $event_register;
* The Module Callable.
* When a module listens for a specific routing path, this callable get's called.
* After this the module can handle the request with the route() function in the module's root directory
* @param array Regex matches
public static function moduleCallable($matches = array())
// First detect what module is attached to this route
Logger::newLevel('Module callable called!');
// Get the route
$route = !empty($matches['route']) ? $matches['route'] : null;
// See if the route exists
if (isset(self::$module_routes[$route])) {
Logger::log("Module '".self::$module_routes[$route]."' matched given route");
// Load the module
$mod = self::get(self::$module_routes[$route]);
} else {
Logger::logError('Route did not match known module. Fatal error');
return Logger::http_error(500);