FFNMaster a184d43c9e Implemented module advertisements.
A module advertises it has certain data, identified by a key. The moment a module gets loaded that listens for that key, it will get send this data.
Using this technique it is possible to load certain predefined data into modules, without loading the actual module. This data is prone to future caching as well.
2016-01-16 21:21:11 +01:00

90 lines
3.7 KiB

* FuzeWorks
* The FuzeWorks MVC PHP FrameWork
* Copyright (C) 2015 TechFuze
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @author TechFuze
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, Techfuze. (
* @copyright Copyright (c) 1996 - 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @license GPLv3 License
* @link
* @since Version 0.0.1
* @version Version 0.0.1
return array(
// The class name of the module. This class will be loaded upon requesting the module
'module_class' => 'Module\Example\Main',
// The file that will be loaded upon requesting the module
'module_file' => 'class.main.php',
// The name of the module; Appended into Modules::get('namespace/module_name');
'module_name' => 'Example',
// whether this module is an abstract. Making this abstract will only load the file, but not the class.
'abstract' => false,
// Other names for this module. Setting an alias will allow you to load the module with a different name.
'aliases' => array(),
// Array of modules that should be loaded before this module
'dependencies' => array(),
// Events that this module listens for. When the exampleEvent is fired, this module will be loaded so the module can handle the event
'events' => array('exampleEvent'),
// Routes that this module listens on. Any URL that matches this pattern will load this module
// If the URL /example/ gets called, this module will be loaded
// Everything after /example/ will be sent to the route() function in the matches array under the, in this example, 'data' key
'routes' => array('/^example(|\/(?P<data>.*?))$/'),
// Advertises some data with the key 'exampleAdvertisement'. This data will be sent to a module which listens for this key.
// This allows for some data to be sent to a module which listens to this key.
'advertise' => array('exampleAdvertisement' => array('exampleData')),
// Tells the module engine that this module would like all the data with the key 'exampleAdvertisement'.
'listenFor' => array('exampleAdvertisement'),
// The name of the module as it will be logged. This does not affect usage of the module in any way
'name' => 'FuzeWorks Example Module',
// A description of the module.
'description' => 'A descriptive module that functions as an example',
// The author of the module. The author is the first part of the module name used for requesting. eg mycorp/example
'author' => 'MyCorp',
// The current version of the module. Will be used for looking for updates
'version' => '1.0.0',
// The website to look at for the module update
'website' => '',
// The initial creation of the module.
'date_created' => '29-04-2015',
// The last update of this module
'date_updated' => '29-04-2015',
// whether the module is enabled or not. If it is disabled, it can not be loaded.
'enabled' => true