2016-07-23 17:06:19 +02:00

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* FuzeWorks.
* The FuzeWorks MVC PHP FrameWork
* Copyright (C) 2015 TechFuze
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @author TechFuze
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016, Techfuze. (
* @copyright Copyright (c) 1996 - 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @license GPLv3 License
* @link
* @since Version 0.0.1
* @version Version 1.0.0
namespace FuzeWorks;
use FuzeWorks\Exception\LibraryException;
use FuzeWorks\Exception\ConfigException;
* Libraries Class.
* FuzeWorks allows the user to use the built-in libraries as-is, and use it's functionality to get jobs done.
* If a user wants to make their own libraries, they have, in general, 3 options:
* 1. Create a completely new library
* 2. Extend an existing library
* 3. Replace an existing library
* The first option is done by adding a new library to the Application/Libraries folder. If the library name is 'Example' then the
* file should be 'Application/Libraries/Example.php' and the classname should be Example. Code can be added and it can be
* loaded through Libraries->get('example');.
* The second option allows the user to extend an existing core library. All functionality will be inherited in that situation. Let's take
* the 'Zip' library as an example. The user needs to create a file in Application/Libraries. The name of the file and the class depend on
* the configuration of FuzeWorks. The extended class needs to get a prefix, which is defined in config.main.php. By default, this is 'MY_'.
* The user needs to create the file 'Application/Libraries/MY_Zip.php' with the classname MY_Zip. It can be loaded through Libraries->get('zip');.
* The third option allows the user to replace a system library with their own. Doing so could potentially break systems, so be careful.
* If, for example we want to replace the Zip library, we need to create the file 'Application/Libraries/Zip.php' with the classname FW_Zip.
* 'FW_' is the prefix for all FuzeWorks core libraries. And that's it. It can be loaded through Libraries->get('zip');.
* @todo Implement events
* @author Abel Hoogeveen <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016, Techfuze. (
class Libraries
* Factory object for interaction with FuzeWorks
* @var Factory
protected $factory;
* Array of all the paths where libraries can be found
* @var array Library paths
protected $libraryPaths = array();
* Array of all the loaded library objects
* @var array All the loaded library objects, so they can be returned when reloading
protected $libraries = array();
* Attach the Factory to this class
public function __construct()
$this->factory = Factory::getInstance();
$this->libraryPaths[] = Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Libraries';
$this->libraryPaths[] = Core::$appDir . DS . 'Libraries';
* Library Loader
* Loads, instantiates and returns libraries.
* @param string $library Library name
* @param array $params Optional parameters to pass to the library class constructor
* @param array $directory Optional list of directories where the library can be found. Overrides default list
* @param bool $newInstance Whether to return a new instance of the library or the same one
* @return object
* @throws LibraryException
public function get($libraryName, array $parameters = null, array $directory = null, $newInstance = false)
if (empty($libraryName))
throw new LibraryException("Could not load library. No name provided", 1);
return $this->loadLibrary($libraryName, $parameters, $directory, $newInstance);
* Driver Library Loader
* Loads, instantiates and returns driver libraries.
* @param string $library Driver Library name
* @param array $params Optional parameters to pass to the library class constructor
* @param array $directory Optional list of directories where the library can be found. Overrides default list
* @param bool $newInstance Whether to return a new instance of the library or the same one
* @return object
* @throws LibraryException
public function getDriver($libraryName, array $parameters = null, array $directory = null, $newInstance = false)
if (empty($libraryName))
throw new LibraryException("Could not load driver. No name provided", 1);
// Load the driver class if it is not yet loaded
if ( ! class_exists('FuzeWorks\FW_Driver_Library', false))
require_once(Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Libraries'.DS.'Driver.php');
// And then load and return the library
return $this->loadLibrary($libraryName, $parameters, $directory, $newInstance);
* Internal Library Loader
* Determines what type of library needs to be loaded
* @param string $library Library name
* @param array $params Optional parameters to pass to the library class constructor
* @param array $directory Optional list of directories where the library can be found. Overrides default list
* @param bool $newInstance Whether to return a new instance of the library or the same one
* @return object
* @throws LibraryException
protected function loadLibrary($libraryName, $parameters = null, array $directory = null, $newInstance = false)
// First get the directories where the library can be located
$directories = (is_null($directory) ? $this->libraryPaths : $directory);
// Now figure out the className and subdir
$class = trim($libraryName, '/');
if (($last_slash = strrpos($class, '/')) !== FALSE)
// Extract the path
$subdir = substr($class, 0, ++$last_slash);
// Get the filename from the path
$class = substr($class, $last_slash);
$subdir = '';
$class = ucfirst($class);
// Is the library a core library, then load a core library
if (file_exists(Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Libraries'.DS.$subdir.$class.'.php'))
// Load base library
return $this->loadCoreLibrary($class, $subdir, $parameters, $directories, $newInstance);
// Otherwise try and load an Application Library
return $this->loadAppLibrary($class, $subdir, $parameters, $directories, $newInstance);
* Core Library Loader
* Loads, instantiates and returns a core library.
* @param string $class Classname
* @param string $subdir Sub directory in which the final class can be found
* @param array $params Optional parameters to pass to the library class constructor
* @param array $directory Optional list of directories where the library can be found. Overrides default list
* @param bool $newInstance Whether to return a new instance of the library or the same one
* @return object
* @throws LibraryException
protected function loadCoreLibrary($class, $subdir, array $parameters = null, array $directories, $newInstance = false)
// First check if the input is correct
if (!is_array($directories))
throw new LibraryException("Could not load module. \$directory variable was not an array", 1);
// Retrieve the subclass prefix
$corePrefix = '\FuzeWorks\Library\FW_';
$appPrefix = '\Application\Library\\' . Config::get('main')->application_prefix;
$prefix = $corePrefix;
// Perform a check to see if the library is already loaded
if (class_exists($prefix.$class, false))
// Then check if an application extension also exists
if (class_exists($appPrefix.$class, false))
$prefix = $appPrefix;
if (!isset($this->libraries[$prefix.$class]))
return $this->initLibrary($prefix.$class, $parameters);
// If required to do so, return the existing instance or load a new one
if ($newInstance)
$this->factory->logger->log("Library '".$prefix.$class."' already loaded. Returning existing instance");
return $this->libraries[$prefix.$class];
$this->factory->logger->log("Library '".$prefix.$class."' already loaded. Returning new instance");
return $this->initLibrary($prefix.$class, $parameters);
// Remove the core directory from the checklist
if (in_array(Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Libraries', $directories))
// First check the directories for the core library (the FW_ class)
foreach ($directories as $directory)
$file = $directory . DS . $subdir . $class . '.php';
// Load if it exists
if (file_exists($file))
// First base; if an app library is found with FW_, load that one. There can be no extensions
if (class_exists($prefix.$class, false))
return $this->initLibrary($prefix.$class, $parameters);
// Otherwise log a message
$this->factory->logger->logWarning("File ".$file." exists but does not declare $prefix$class");
// Second base; if no base class is found in the app folder, load it from the core folder
include_once(Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Libraries'.DS.$subdir.$class.'.php');
// Now let's check for extensions
$subclass = $this->factory->config->getConfig('main')->application_prefix . $class;
foreach ($directories as $directory)
$file = $directory . DS . $subdir . $subclass . '.php';
// Load if it exists
if (file_exists($file))
if (class_exists($appPrefix.$class, false))
return $this->initLibrary($appPrefix.$class, $parameters);
$this->factory->logger->logWarning("File ".$file." exists but does not declare $prefix$class");
// Third and last base; just load the FW_ core class
if (class_exists('\FuzeWorks\Library\FW_'.$class, false))
return $this->initLibrary('\FuzeWorks\Library\FW_'.$class, $parameters);
throw new LibraryException("Could not load library. File ".'Core'.DS.'Libraries'.DS.$subdir.$class.'.php'." exists but does not declare \FuzeWorks\Library\FW_$class", 1);
* Application Library Loader
* Loads, instantiates and returns an application library.
* Could possibly extend a core library if requested.
* @param string $class Classname
* @param string $subdir Sub directory in which the final class can be found
* @param array $params Optional parameters to pass to the library class constructor
* @param array $directory Optional list of directories where the library can be found. Overrides default list
* @param bool $newInstance Whether to return a new instance of the library or the same one
* @return object
* @throws LibraryException
protected function loadAppLibrary($class, $subdir, array $parameters = null, array $directories, $newInstance = false)
// First check if the input is correct
if (!is_array($directories))
throw new LibraryException("Could not load library. \$directory variable was not an array", 1);
// Search for the file
foreach ($directories as $directory)
// Skip the core directory
if ($directory === Core::$coreDir . DS . 'Libraries')
// Determine the file
$file = $directory . DS . $subdir . $class . '.php';
$className = '\Application\Library\\'.$class;
// Check if the file was already loaded
if (class_exists($className, false))
// Return existing instance
if (!isset($this->libraries[$className]))
return $this->initLibrary($className, $parameters);
// If required to do so, return the existing instance or load a new one
if ($newInstance)
$this->factory->logger->log("Library '".$className."' already loaded. Returning existing instance");
return $this->libraries[$prefix.$class];
$this->factory->logger->log("Library '".$className."' already loaded. Returning new instance");
return $this->initLibrary($className, $parameters);
// Otherwise load the file first
if (file_exists($file))
return $this->initLibrary($className, $parameters);
// Maybe it's in a subdirectory with the same name as the class
if ($subdir === '')
return $this->loadLibrary($class."/".$class, $parameters, $directories, $newInstance);
throw new LibraryException("Could not load library. Library was not found", 1);
* Library Initializer
* Instantiates and returns a library.
* Determines whether to use the parameters array or a config file
* @param string $class Classname
* @param array $params Optional parameters to pass to the library class constructor
* @return object
* @throws LibraryException
protected function initLibrary($class, array $parameters = null)
// First check to see if the library is already loaded
if (!class_exists($class, false))
throw new LibraryException("Could not initiate library. Class not found", 1);
// Determine what parameters to use
if (is_null($parameters) || empty($parameters))
try {
$parameters = $this->factory->config->getConfig(strtolower($class))->toArray();
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
// No problem, just use an empty array instead
$parameters = array();
// Check if the adress is already reserved, if it is, we can presume that a new instance is requested.
// Otherwise this code would not be reached
if (isset($this->libraries[$class]))
$classObject = new $class($parameters);
$this->factory->logger->log("Loaded new Library instance of: ".$class);
return $classObject;
// Now load the class
$this->libraries[$class] = new $class($parameters);
$this->factory->logger->log("Loaded Library: ".$class);
return $this->libraries[$class];
* Add a path where libraries can be found
* @param string $directory The directory
* @return void
public function addLibraryPath($directory)
if (!in_array($directory, $this->libraryPaths))
$this->libraryPaths[] = $directory;
* Remove a path where libraries can be found
* @param string $directory The directory
* @return void
public function removeLibraryPath($directory)
if (($key = array_search($directory, $this->libraryPaths)) !== false)
* Get a list of all current libraryPaths
* @return array Array of paths where libraries can be found
public function getLibraryPaths()
return $this->libraryPaths;