By default, FuzeWorks\Layout doesn't redirect it's display output to FuzeWorks\Output. If this is desired behaviour the layoutDisplayEvent needs to be interrupted. This eventListener was not implemented, resulting in FuzeWorks\Layout::display output not being redirected.
This patch fixes that.
Resources are static files which have to be served by FuzeWorks. The developer can register a directory in which static files can be found, which shall be loaded if the folder is requested.
This system should be avoided for high-performance applications. It is recommended to make special configurations in the web server in those kinds of cases.
- Developers can now use the RouteWebRequestEvent to cancel the loading of web requests
- FuzeWorks\Input now starts the PHP session, which is required for some dependencies
- CSRF Verification is now functional again
- CSRF throws CSRFException
- XSS clean can now be disabled in the config globally. Once disabled, this can't be overridden
- X-Powered-By header is now always suppressed
- WebComponent now assigns global variables to the LayoutEngine.
- CSRF Exceptions can be handled by a view, if this one implements the securityExceptionHandler() method
- Error403 page added