'', 'serverName' => 'FuzeWorks', // Whether to allow GET parameters 'allow_get_input' => true, // Clears the global $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE and $_SERVER arrays in order to prevent misuse 'empty_global_arrays' => true, // Whether to restore the $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE and $_SERVER arrays when FuzeWorks shuts down 'restore_global_arrays' => true, 'permitted_uri_chars' => 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-', 'charset' => 'UTF-8', // Whether to redirect http traffic to https 'redirect_to_https' => false, // Whether to gzip the output when the client supports it 'compress_output' => false, // Global switch for output cache. To use, must be enabled in view as well 'cache_output' => true, 'xss_clean' => true, // Cookie settings 'cookie_prefix' => 'FWZ_', 'cookie_domain' => '', 'cookie_path' => '/', 'cookie_secure' => false, 'cookie_httponly' => false ];