$this, 'security' => '\FuzeWorks\Security', 'input' => '\FuzeWorks\Input', 'output' => '\FuzeWorks\Output', 'uri' => '\FuzeWorks\URI', 'resources' => '\FuzeWorks\Resources' ]; } public function onAddComponent(Configurator $configurator) { // Add dependencies $configurator->addComponent(new MVCRComponent()); // Add fallback config directory $configurator->addDirectory( dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Config', 'config', Priority::LOWEST ); // If WebComponent will handle a request, add some calls to the configurator if (self::$willHandleRequest) { // Invoke methods to prepare system for HTTP calls $configurator->call('logger', 'setLoggerTemplate', null, 'logger_http'); } } public function onCreateContainer(Factory $container) { } /** * On initializing, Initialize UTF8 first, since it's a dependency for other componentClasses */ public function init() { // First init UTF8 UTF8::init(); // Register some base events Events::addListener([$this, 'layoutLoadEventListener'], 'layoutLoadEvent', Priority::NORMAL); } /** * Enable the WebComponent to prepare for handling requests */ public function enableComponent() { self::$willHandleRequest = true; } /** * Disable the WebComponent so it won't prepare for handling requests */ public function disableComponent() { self::$willHandleRequest = false; } public function shutdownEventListener(Event $event) { /** @var Output $output */ Logger::logInfo("Parsing output..."); $output = Factory::getInstance()->output; $output->display(); return $event; } public function layoutDisplayEventListener(Event $event) { /** @var $event LayoutDisplayEvent */ /** @var Output $output */ $output = Factory::getInstance('output'); $output->appendOutput($event->contents); $event->setCancelled(true); } public function routerLoadViewAndControllerEventListener(Event $event) { /** @var Input $input */ /** @var RouterLoadViewAndControllerEvent $event */ $input = Factory::getInstance('input'); $methods = $event->viewMethods[Priority::NORMAL]; foreach ($methods as $method) $event->addMethod(strtolower($input->method()) . '_' . $method); Logger::log("Added input method '" . $input->method() . "' as a prefix to view methods."); return $event; } /** * Handle a Web request. * * Retrieves URI string, routes this URI using the provided routes, * appends output and adds listener to view output on shutdown. * * @return bool * @throws OutputException * @throws RouterException * @throws WebException * @throws EventException * @throws FactoryException */ public function routeWebRequest(): bool { if (!self::$willHandleRequest) throw new WebException("Could not route web request. WebComponent is not configured to handle requests"); try { // Set the output to display when shutting down Events::addListener([$this, 'shutdownEventListener'], 'coreShutdownEvent', Priority::NORMAL); // Intercept output of Layout and redirect it to Output Events::addListener([$this, 'layoutDisplayEventListener'], 'layoutDisplayEvent', Priority::NORMAL); // Add HTTP method prefix to requests to views Events::addListener([$this, 'routerLoadViewAndControllerEventListener'], 'routerLoadViewAndControllerEvent', Priority::NORMAL); // Create an error 500 page when a haltEvent is fired Events::addListener([$this, 'haltEventListener'], 'haltExecutionEvent', Priority::NORMAL); } catch (EventException $e) { throw new WebException("Could not route web request. coreShutdownEvent threw EventException: '".$e->getMessage()."'"); } // Remove the X-Powered-By header, since it's a security risk header_remove("X-Powered-By"); /** @var Router $router */ /** @var URI $uri */ /** @var Input $input */ /** @var Output $output */ /** @var Security $security */ /** @var Resources $resources */ /** @var Config $config */ $router = Factory::getInstance('router'); $uri = Factory::getInstance('uri'); $input = Factory::getInstance('input'); $output = Factory::getInstance('output'); $security = Factory::getInstance('security'); $resources = Factory::getInstance('resources'); $config = Factory::getInstance('config'); // First check if this isn't https and we need to redirect $redirect = $config->getConfig('web')->get('redirect_to_https'); if ($redirect && !$input->isHttps()) { Logger::log("Redirecting http traffic to https..."); $httpsInputs = $input->server(['HTTPS', 'HTTP_HOST', 'REQUEST_URI']); $location = 'https://' . $httpsInputs['HTTP_HOST'] . $httpsInputs['REQUEST_URI']; $output->setStatusHeader(301); $output->setHeader('Location: ' . $location); return true; } // And start logging the request Logger::newLevel("Routing web request..."); // First check if a cached page is available $uriString = $uri->uriString(); if ($output->getCache($uriString)) return true; // Send webRequestEvent, if no cache is found /** @var RouteWebRequestEvent $event */ $event = Events::fireEvent('routeWebRequestEvent', $uriString); if ($event->isCancelled()) return true; // Attempt to load a static resource if ($resources->serveResource($uri->uriString())) return true; // First test for Cross Site Request Forgery try { $security->csrf_verify(); } catch (SecurityException $exception) { // If a SecurityException is thrown, first log it Logger::logWarning("SecurityException thrown. Registering listener to verify handler in View"); // Register a listener Events::addListener([$this, 'callViewEventListener'], 'routerCallViewEvent', Priority::HIGHEST, $exception); } // Attempt to load the requested page try { $viewOutput = $router->route($event->uriString); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { Logger::logWarning("Requested page not found. Requesting Error/error404 View"); $output->setStatusHeader(404); // Remove listener so that error pages won't be intercepted Events::removeListener([$this, 'callViewEventListener'], 'routerCallViewEvent',Priority::HIGHEST); // Request 404 page try { $viewOutput = $router->route('Error/error404'); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // If still resulting in an error, do something else $viewOutput = 'ERROR 404. Page was not found.'; } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::exceptionHandler($e, false); $viewOutput = 'ERROR 404. Page was not found.'; } } catch (HaltException $e) { Logger::logWarning("Requested page was denied. Requesting Error/error403 View."); $output->setStatusHeader(403); // Remove listener so that error pages won't be intercepted Events::removeListener([$this, 'callViewEventListener'], 'routerCallViewEvent',Priority::HIGHEST); try { $viewOutput = $router->route('Error/error403'); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // If still resulting in an error, do something else $viewOutput = 'ERROR 403. Forbidden.'; } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::exceptionHandler($e, false); $viewOutput = 'ERROR 403. Forbidden.'; } } // Append the output if (!empty($viewOutput)) $output->appendOutput($viewOutput); Logger::stopLevel(); return true; } /** * Listener for routerCallViewEvent * * Fired when a SecurityException is thrown. Verifies if a securityExceptionHandler() method exists. * If not, the calling of the view is cancelled. If yes, the calling of the view depends on the * result of the method * * @param RouterCallViewEvent $event * @param SecurityException $exception */ public function callViewEventListener(RouterCallViewEvent $event, SecurityException $exception) { /** @var RouterCallViewEvent $event */ // If the securityExceptionHandler method exists, cancel based on that methods output if (method_exists($event->view, 'securityExceptionHandler')) $event->setCancelled(!$event->view->securityExceptionHandler($exception)); // If not, cancel it immediately else $event->setCancelled(true); } /** * Listener for haltExecutionEvent * * Fired when FuzeWorks halts it's execution. Loads an error 500 page. * * @param $event * @throws EventException * @throws FactoryException * @TODO remove FuzeWorks\Layout dependency */ public function haltEventListener(HaltExecutionEvent $event) { // Dependencies /** @var Output $output */ /** @var Router $router */ /** @var Event $event */ /** @var Layout $layout */ $output = Factory::getInstance()->output; $router = Factory::getInstance()->router; // Reset the layout engine if (isset(Factory::getInstance()->layouts)) { $layout = Factory::getInstance()->layouts; $layout->reset(); } // Cancel event $event->setCancelled(true); // Remove listener so that error pages won't be intercepted Events::removeListener([$this, 'callViewEventListener'], 'routerCallViewEvent',Priority::HIGHEST); try { // And handle consequences Logger::logError("Execution halted. Providing error 500 page."); $output->setStatusHeader(500); $viewOutput = $router->route('Error/error500'); } catch (Exception $error500Exception) { Logger::exceptionHandler($error500Exception, false); $viewOutput = 'ERROR 500. Page could not be loaded.'; } // Finally append output and shutdown $output->appendOutput($viewOutput); } /** * Listener for layoutLoadEvent * * Assigns variables from the WebComponent to Layout engines. * * @param LayoutLoadEvent $event * @throws ConfigException * @throws FactoryException */ public function layoutLoadEventListener($event) { // Dependencies /** @var Security $security */ /** @var Config $config */ $security = Factory::getInstance()->security; $config = Factory::getInstance()->config; /** @var LayoutLoadEvent $event */ $event->assign('csrfHash', $security->get_csrf_hash()); $event->assign('csrfTokenName', $security->get_csrf_token_name()); $event->assign('siteURL', $config->getConfig('web')->get('base_url')); $event->assign('serverName', $config->getConfig('web')->get('serverName')); Logger::logInfo("Assigned variables to TemplateEngine from WebComponent"); } }