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\settitle{The Statutes}
% Original: 20th Dec. 2020
\setdate{1st Apr. 2021}
\introduction{WE, \textbf{the Citizens of the Crafty Table}, BY THE GRACE OF KIPJE, the Sovereign Rulers of the Realm, hereby declare, to all whom shall hear or see, are to know: \bigskip%
having established the greatest community world of all Realms of MineCraft; having created a true democracy where the voice of the people is heard; having determined a need to solidify this great democracy; having concluded that a codification of our constitutional rights is essential to safeguard these goals; having determined that the Citizens of the Crafty Table agree to enact a constitution;\bigskip%
having concluded as such we shall here, having heard the advice of the Administration, in unison with the Legislature, declare as our constitution the following text. Let it be published by the Administration as follows: \bigskip}%
\title{General Provisions}
% () Naam?
\chapter{General Environment}
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\article{Sovereignty}{Sovereignty shall extend to all worlds of the Crafty Table, its Discord, website, social media channels, and all other territories and systems granted to us by Kipje.}
\article{Standard Time}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The standard time for the Server is the time observed in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and British Summer Time (BST).
\item The Administration shall give notice in an announcement of a change in this time when such a change occurs in the United Kingdom.
\article{Holidays}{When referring to 'public holidays' in the statutes, it shall mean the following holidays observed:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item in general:\begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*.]
\item New Year's Day, 1st of January;
\item Easter Sunday, ()?;
\item Easter Monday, ()?;
\item Christmas Eve, 24th of December;
\item Christmas Day, 25th of December;
\item Boxing Day, 26th of December;
\item from the United States of America: \begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*.]
\item Memorial Day, last monday of May;
\item Independence Day, 4th of July;
\item Thanksgiving Day, fourth thursday of of November;
\item from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
\item St. Patrick's Day, 17, 18 or 19th of March;
\item May Day Bank Holiday, first monday of May;
\item from the Kingdom of the Netherlands:\begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*.]
\item King's Day, 27th of April;
\item Liberation Day, 5th of May.
The following is meant when referring to a \textit{'season'}: \newline%
A span of time distinguised from others by a unique identifier, used for administrative and cultural identification with a certain time.
\item A season shall have an incremental number.
\item This number shall increase with one over the number of the previously active season.
\item The season shall be named as the '*st'-, '*nd'-, '*rd'- or '*th season', depending on the season number.
\article{One Season Only}{There shall only be one active season. A newly enacted season shall be null and void if a session is already active.}
\article{Time limit}{\begin{enumerate}
\item A season is limited to exist a maximum of one year after the date of the enactment of the season.
\item The length of a season can be extended by a decree from the President.
\item A decree for the extension of a season must be signed by the Owner.
\item When referring to years on the calendar, these must be accompanied with the name of the active season.
\item When catagorizing documents, all institutions are required to use the season number, instead of the year.
\item The Administration is allowed to retroactively edit documents to replace the year with the session number.
\section{Enactment of a new Season}
\article{Enactment by time}{There must always be an active season. If no season is active, a new season shall immediately be enacted by Law.}
\article{Enactment by the President}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The President is authorised to end the active season and enact a new season by decree, when required to do so in the interest of public order, the integrity of the Server or when requested to do so by the Council.
\item The President's decree to end the active season and enact a new season shall have immediate effect.
\item The President shall, when not requested to end the active season by the Council, request the Council to convene at the earliest opportunity to explain the reasoning for ending the previously active session.
\article{Enactment by the Council}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The Council can declare that a new season must be enacted.
\item The President shall, upon receiving the declaration, decree the active season to be ended and a new season to be enacted on the date requested by the Council.
\item The President is authorised to decline the declaration when required to do so in the interest of public order or the integrity of the Server.
\item The declaration to enact a new season shall be without effect if the date for the enacting new season is in the past; if the date for the enacting is after the time limit of the currently active season or if the date for the enactment is within less than two weeks of the declaration.
\section{Associative Binding}
\article{Associative Laws and Regulations}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Laws and Regulations can declare to come into force upon the enactment of a new season.
\item The President shall, upon the enactment of a new season, release a statement stating which Laws and Regulations have come into force in the new season.
\article{Signs, Posts and References}{The Administration shall, upon the enactment of a new season, update all signs and posts in the Worlds; and all references in the digital environment, to reflect the newly enacted season.}
\article{Notification}{The President shall, upon the enactment of a new season, send a notification to all players that a new season has been enacted. This notification must be sent multiple times, as defined by Administrative decree.}
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\chapter{Charter of the Council of the Crafty Table}
\section{General Provisions}
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\article{Democratic Principle}{The Crafty Council shall, at any instance, be a democratic body ruled by the will of its members. All members are entitled to be able to vote without any burden put upon them.}
\section{Membership of the Council}
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\article{Everyone on the Server}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Member of the Council shall be any player that has been online on the server for four hours within the last thirty days.
\item The point of measurement for determining the hours played shall be the commencement of the related voting procedure.
\item Membership of the Council is excluded from those who and have been expelled from the Server for at least two months or more; or have been condemned to specifically be denied Council participation.
\item Players that do not meet the criteria of the previous article may participate in Council meetings, but are not allowed to vote on controversial topics.
\item A player may only use one account belonging to them to participate in a meeting. Any other account belonging to the player may not participate at the same time.
\item Accounts that have been expelled from the server for one month or more, or that have been sentenced with a revocation of the right of Council participation, are not allowed to participate.
\article{Dispute settlement}{Any disputes arising about the Council membership of a player shall be adjudicated by the Crafty Court using the procedures of administrative appeal.}
\section{The Host}
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\article{Order of Hosts}{The Host of the Crafty Table shall be determined by the following order:\begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*.]
\item the Elected Host of the Council; or
\item the appointed co-Host of the Council; or
\item the President of the Crafty Table; or
\item the Owner of the Crafty Table; or
\item the Vice-President of the Crafty Table; or
\item one of the Moderators of the Crafty Table, by order as determined by the President, or by order of their participation on the server, as determined by the date and time they joined the server; or
\item a random present member of the Council as determined by lottery.
Any person in this order may declare their unavailability or be declared unavailable by the Owner of the Crafty Table.}
\article{Elected Host of the Council}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The Council can appoint a Host from any one of its members, through an appointment vote.
\item The Council can remove a appointed Host, through a Host removal motion, using a majority vote.
\item The elected Host shall take office upon the next meeting of the Council.
\item The elected Host shall serve a term of up to sixteen weeks.
\article{Appointment of the co-Host}{The Elected Host shall appoint a co-Host from one of the members of the Council at the earliest opportunity.}
\item All persons mentioned under article 5, excluding that person under subsection vii, shall form the Presidium.
\item The Presidium shall discuss the organization and planning of Council meetings. The Presidium shall determine the agenda of meetings.
\item Other members of the Council can be invited by the Host to participate in the Presidium, in an advisory role.
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\paragraph{General Provisions}
\item Topics discussed in the Council shall be either rules or motions.
\item Rules shall be binding on all citizens and written as a legal text into the Constitution, Statutes, Administrative Decree or Regional Ordinance.
\item Motions shall be general or specific concepts, aimed at all players or a specific subset of players, which that group of players is stimulated to act in accordance with.
\article{Proposal procedure}{Members of the Council may propose a topic by posting a message under a designated Discord channel, or by bringing the topic forward during the open debate or as a procedural change during a meeting. A proposal for a topic must at least contain the following elements:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the essence of what ought to happen or change;
\item a motivation and reasoning for this.
\article{Limits to topics}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The Host retains the right to dismiss a topic if it is:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item not a serious topic and clearly meant as a form of humor; or
\item in violation of the Constitution; or
\item a change that has already happened or is in the process of happening; or
\item a topic that has already been discussed and not enough time has passed to warrant re-discussing the topic; or
\item a topic for which a fixed timetable exists on when the topic is to be discussed.
\item If the proposer does not agree with the dismissal of the topic, they may request a procedural change during the meeting to get the topic on the agenda. The Council shall vote on this request using a majority vote.
\article{Veto of the Owner}{The Owner of the Crafty Table may, at any point in the legislative process, veto a proposal for any reason. The topic shall then no longer be discussed and the veto shall be noted in the meeting log.}
\paragraph{Rules and Laws}
\item Rules shall be proposed either as a legal text or as the essence of the rule to be imposed.
\item If a rule is proposed in its essence, ()...
% Rules that need to be turned into a Law, may be passed by the Council, and a proposal for the exact legal text shall be put before the Council at the following meeting.
% Rules shall not go into effect until exact legal text is passed, but citizens are expected to act in good faith in accordance with new rules.
% Laws are put in Laws (duh)
% Rules are put in statutes
\paragraph{Special Motions}
% Motion of no-confidence
% If Host is of the Administration, Host shall be replaced for remainder of meeting with a Host appointed by Juris.
% ^Meeting shall be suspended until Juris appoints a Host
% Motion of disapproval
% = motion of no confidence aimed at moderator
% If that moderator is Host, go down chain of command
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\paragraph{Schedule of Meetings}
% Meetings shall take place weekly, at 8 PM GMT/BST based on DST
% Meetings shall not take place on the recognized public holidays
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% Meetings may be moved an hour forward or backward at the Host's behest
% Meetings may be skipped once consecutively at Host's behest or by Council Majority
% When illegally skipping (not including holidays) or moving the time, complaint must be sent to His Majesty, and meeting shall be hosted by His Majesty at earliest opportunity.
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\paragraph{Location of Meetings}
\paragraph{The Meeting Agenda}
% Meeting Agenda is created by the Presidium
% Topics to reverse decisions made by staff during the week
% Host may decide not to process a proposed topic if they deem it unnecessary.
% Proposer may complain during meeting by requesting a procedural change. Council shall vote on this.
\paragraph{General Procedures}
\article{Announcement}{At least 6 hours, and at most 3 hours before the meeting, an announcement shall be posted by the Host to Discord about the meeting taking place, the time of the meeting, the meeting location and the agenda.}
% Teleportations may be provided by the Administration to players to get to the meeting location.
% List of Presence: All present members shall notify the Host of their presence, which shall be noted in the List of Presence in the Meeting Log.
% Host shall open the meeting at designated meeting time precisely
% Check for quorum: 5 members (excluding staff) present
% ! UP FOR DEBATE/AMENDMENT, regarding number
% Consequence: If, on the hour of meeting, the required amount of members is not present, then the Host shall open the meeting and state that the meeting can not continue due to a missing quorum. This shall be noted in the Meeting Log. The meeting shall be suspended to a later time.
% Members shall be seated whenever the Host requests so
% Assemblies shall be seated together
% The Host shall go over each announcement as determined in the agenda
% At any moment after this between topics, a member may request procedural changes.
% Afterwards, topics shall be processed
% Topics, which one, what to pass unless objections raised, what to skip, what to move to next meeting, topics coming up at the meeting. Close topics with the hammer
% For controversial topics: proposer has to defend/motivate proposal
% Topics may be cut for time's sake
% Host shall notify Council which topics have been moved
% Host shall close the meeting with the hammer.
\paragraph{General Conduct during Meetings}
\item Upon discovery of a violation from this chapter, the Host shall warn the member.
\item If the member again violates a rule from this chapter, the Host shall smite the member.
\item If the member continues to violate rules from this chapter, the Host retains the right to expel that member from the meeting for the duration of that meeting. Alternatively, the Host may silence the member if the Host deems that sufficient.
% Interruptions: allowed but don't talk out of turn. Short remarks without an introduction.
% Rescinding words
% If a member deviates from the subject debated, then the Host shall request the member to return to the subject.
% If a member uses offensive language or disturbs the order of the meeting, then the Host shall silence the member and request them to rescind their words.
% If a member does not rescind their words, and continue with the offense, then the Host shall silence the member.
\item Members of the Council shall enter Council meetings without any weapons or protective gear.
\item Elytra's or other attire not for the purpose of offense or defense are exempt from rule of the previous member.
\article{No potions or status effects}{Members of the Council are not allowed to use or throw any potions, or be affected by any of its effects, within the meeting hall.}
\article{No chorus fruit}{Members of the Council shall not utilize any chorus fruit within or within close proximity of the meeting hall.}
\article{No flying}{Members of the Council shall not fly around in the meeting hall, except if that flying is necessary to enter or leave that meeting hall.}
\article{No rockets}{Firework rockets may only be used in the meeting hall to celebrate the passing of a certain vote or to celebrate an announcement.}
\article{Other disturbance}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Members of the Council may not disturb the meeting in any other way. If the Host deems certain behaviour to be disturbing the meeting, the Host shall warn the member to cease this activity.
\item If the member disputes the behaviour to be disturbing the meeting, the Host shall put forward a vote to the Council whether the behaviour is so. If the Council determines the behaviour to be disturbing, the member shall receive an official warning.
\article{Council Assemblies}{Definition()}
\article{Creation of Assemblies}{\begin{enumerate}
\item To create an assembly, members of the Council shall provide the Host with a Request to Assembly. This request shall at least contain the following details:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the name of the assembly;
\item a list of all members to join the assembly;
\item signed documents of all listed members stating they wish to join the assembly.
\item Failure to provide all the signatures will make the request invalid. Members listed in the request, which are not part of other assemblies, shall continue as independent members of the Council.
\item Members who appear on multiple assembly lists shall become independent members of the Council.
\item The Host shall process the Request to Assembly within 7 days.
\item The assembly shall go into effect at the next meeting of the Council following the confirmation by the Host.
\item Changes in the composition of an Assembly shall be reported to the Host.
\article{Dissolution of Assemblies}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Members of an assembly can become independent members of the Council by notifying the Host of their intent.
\item When an assembly reaches a membership of one member, it shall automatically be dissolved.
\paragraph{Meeting Logs}
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\paragraph{General Voting}
% Vote by majority
% Host shall not vote, has deciding vote in a tie
% Vote by shouting AYE or NO in public, after commencement of vote
% Host shall determine which side has majority
% Upon a dispute over winning side of majority, VoteBook method shall be used
% If the new call does not differ from the original, the person requesting a new vote shall be smitten to death
\subparagraph{Voting by VoteBook}
% When specific numbers must be measured, the VoteBook method shall be used.
\subparagraph{Voting by Ballot Box}
% Used when needing a lot of people to vote over longer period of time
\paragraph{Special Votes}
% Constitutional amendments!
% Non-binary votes
\subparagraph{Voting on World Resets}
\paragraph{Voting on Persons}
\subparagraph{Voting on the President}
\section{Final Provisions}
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\article{Adjudication}{Upon any dispute regarding the rules of conduct of the Crafty Council, the Council shall, unless otherwise decided in this Law, decide by majority rule. Any dispute that can not be resolved using this method shall adjudicated by the Crafty Court.}
\article{Amendment}{This title may be amended by the Crafty Council at any instance without requiring the consent of the Administration.}
\title{The Administration}
\chapter{The President}
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\article{Residence}{The President is entitled to reside in the President's official residence in the Overworld during the President's term of office.}
\article{Compensation}{The President shall receive a weekly salary of 64 diamonds, or any other resource of equal value, from the Treasury of the Administration.}
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\item Moderators shall receive a weekly salary of 16 diamonds, or any other resource of equal value, from the Treasury of the Administration.
% Inactivity? Rewrite!
\item The President may reduce a Moderator's weekly salary if that Moderator only has access to a limited subset of administrative powers.
\chapter{Administrative Powers}
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\article{General Powers}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The President shall be provided access to the following powers of the Owner of the Crafty Table:\begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
\item all commands required to impose legally sanctioned punishments;
\item the ability to surveil and investigate the state of the world and communication channels for the purpose of a criminal investigation and other legally sanctioned purposes;
\item the ability to transport using flight and teleportation as necessary for surveillance;
\item management and control over areas protected by management plugins and datapacks;
\item administrative commands to diagnose and reduce lag caused by players and entities;
\item dimension management with regards to transport using teleport signs and portals;
\item the ability to alter the world using commands for legally sanctioned purposes;
\item access to and control over the Crafty Table's social media channels;
\item control over Discord regarding its members and channels;
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\item all commands necessary to create custom items for the specific and limited purpose of events, and other items with a commemorative nature;
\item all commands needed for testing new functionality within a restricted non-public setting.
\item The President shall be provided access to all powers that are necessary for the implementation of any provision following from the Law.
\item The President shall be provided special powers by the Owner of the Crafty Table during times of emergency.
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\item Flight and teleportation, and any other commands used for transport, may only be used for the purpose of surveillance and may not be utilized to gain an advantage in the survival experience, either for the person executing the command or any other person affected by the command.
\item Land management may only be utilized for the protection of private and public claims or for any other legally sanctioned alteration to the land.
\item The President must receive the Owner's permission before creating any custom item or before using special commands for testing new functionality.
\item The President may upon appointing a moderator delegate any of their powers to the moderator at the President's own discretion.
\article{Prohibition of Smites}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The smiting of players shall be minimized and only applied if the player is misbehaving, or upon being requested to be smitten.
\item Any member of the Administration utilizing smiting on citizens without just cause shall be jailed for 1 hour.
\article{Broadcast Command}{Broadcasts and Discord announcements may only be used for the purpose of announcing official server notices. These may not be used for any private communication.}
% Administrative departments
% The Treasury
\chapter{The Treasury}
\section{General Provisions}
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% Monetary Law
\chapter{The Crafty Table Central Bank}
\section{General Provisions}
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\article{Definitions}{When referring to 'CTCB', it shall mean the Crafty Table Central Bank, as established in this title.}
\article{Referral}{CraftyCoins may be referred to by the shortening code of 'cc'. This code may not be used for any other purpose within the context of economic or monetary communication.}
\section{Organization and Composition}
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\article{Creation}{The Crafty Table Central Bank is established. Its purpose is to collect and distribute CraftyCoins in compliance with the statutes. It shall promote the use of CraftyCoins and it shall promote economic growth through investment.}
\article{Vanilla Exemption}{The CTCB may utilize any such methods which are not necessarily part of the vanilla survival experience if such methods are required for the execution of policy in accordance with the statutes.}
\article{Organization}{The CTCB shall consist of the Office of the Director General of the CTCB; the Printing Press; and the Automatika Office.
\item The Office of the Director General of the CTCB shall create regulations on the creation and placement of CTCB Automatika; may order the creation of imbalances on the budget; report every month to the Council with monetary status reports; and shall regulate the CTCB as a whole.
\item The Office of the Director General is led by the Director General, which is appointed by administrative decree for a term of 3 months.
\item The Director General may be dismissed from office by Administrative decree.
\item The Printing Press of the CTCB is responsible for the physical creation and distribution of CraftyCoins. It shall build all automatika that the CTCB requires. Members of the Printing Press are appointed by the Director General.
\item None in the server, except the Printing Press of the CTCB, may create CraftyCoins.
\item The Automatika Office of the CTCB is responsible for the placement of automatika throughout the worlds of the Crafty Table. It shall place all automatika in accordance with the regulations of the Office of the Director General. Members of the Automatika Office are appointed by the Director General.
\article{Location}{The Seat of the CTCB shall be appointed by Administrative decree.}
\section{The currency of CraftyCoins}
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\article{Definition}{CraftyCoins shall be a physical item entity or container storage, created by the Printing Press of the CTCB, of the type 'minecraft:sunflower', containing a custom item tag as determined by the Office of the Director General, containing a special colored name to show its validity.}
\article{Loss of Value}{Any CraftyCoin which loses any of the properties as mentioned in the previous article shall lose its status as a CraftyCoin.}
%() BUG!!!!
\article{Diamond Standard}{All CraftyCoins are pegged to the value of the item of 'minecraft:diamond'. A CraftyCoin shall be worth exactly 1/10th of a diamond.}
\paragraph{Balances and imbalances}
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\article{Balancing with Diamonds}{The CTCB shall attempt to have a diamond reserve of at least the equal value as there are CraftyCoins in circulation in the Crafty Table economy. When the amount of diamonds in the reserve equals the value of CraftyCoins in circulation, the reserve shall be 'balanced'.}
\article{Having imbalances}{The CTCB is obliged to attempt to balance the reserve. If an imbalance exists, the CTCB shall resolve this imbalance as soon as possible.}
\article{Creating imbalances}{The CTCB may, by order of the Office of the Director General, with purpose, create imbalances on the reserve, if and only for the following reasons:\begin{enumerate}
\item to encourage and strengthen economic trade;
\item to fund public projects;
\item to increase availability and circulation of CraftyCoins.
Any such created imbalance may never exceed a ratio of 1.2. The ratio shall be the worth of CraftyCoins in circulation divided by the value of diamonds in the reserve.}
\subarticle{Investment by the Administration}{The Administration may request the CTCB to create an imbalance for the purpose of economic investment or the funding of public projects. The Director General shall independently review this request. If approved, the requested amount of CraftyCoins shall be printed and transferred into the account of the Administration.}
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\article{Automatika}{The Automatika Office of the CTCB shall place down Automatika around the worlds of the Crafty Table. Automatika shall be machines where players can exchange diamonds for CraftyCoins and CraftyCoins for diamonds, at any and all times.}
\article{Requesting placement}{Any Citizen may request the placement of Automatika at or near their base, by sending a message into the designated Discord channel.\begin{enumerate}
\item The Automatika placement request shall contain the following details:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the name of the requesting Citizen,
\item coordinates for the placement of the Automatika,
\item the nearest known Automatika to the requesting player.
\item The Automatika placement request shall be processed by the Automatika Office within 7 days.
\item The Automatika Office may refuse the Automatika placement request, if it does not comply with any of the Automatika Placement Regulations made by the Office of the Director General.
\item The Automatika Office may conditionally accept the request. The Automatika Office may choose different coordinates to place down the Automatika.
\item If an Automatika placement request is approved, the Automatika Office shall, within 3 days, place the Automatika at the designated location. Any structures at that location shall be forcibly reclaimed in accordance with the Land Reclamation Law.
\section{Crime and Punishment}
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\article{Forgery}{He who, with purpose, creates, possesses, transports, distributes or shares, any item entity or container storage, appearing to be legitimate CraftyCoins, of which he had known or reasonably could have known to be illegitimate, shall be punished with a jail sentence of up to six months.}
\article{Fraud}{He who, with the goal and purpose of enriching themselves or another, by manipulating any of the systems of the CTCB, manages to retrieve more CraftyCoins than they are eligible for; or manages to corrupt any of the systems of the CTCB, shall be punished with a jail sentence of up to six months.}
\article{Administrative Abuse}{A civil servant who, with goal and purpose, acts in violation of this Law or any regulations by the Office of the Director General, shall be punished with a jail sentence of up to three months.}
\section{Final Provisions}
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\article{Lost Currency}{The Office of the Director General shall create regulations in order to determine the amount of 'lost currency', defined as 'currency that is lost due to it being destroyed or forgotten about'. These regulations shall consist of models to determine the actual balance of the reserve.}
% Any rules from me, the magnificent judge
\title{The Judiciary}
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\title{Community Rules}
\chapter{Community Titles and Ranks}
\section{Donations and Custom Ranks}
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\item Players may donate to the Owner of the Crafty Table to support the Server and safeguard its continuity. Players that have donated shall be known as 'Supporters' and will be granted the following privileges:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the 'Supporter' rank on the in-game-chat, Discord and the Website; and
\item a custom title in the server with a color from the pre-determined Minecraft formatting codes; and
\item special quality of life commands that do not provide the player with an advantage over other players that have not donated.
\item The custom title shall not:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item exceed 12 characters in length; and
\item be offensive to other players or deceive the players as to the actual rank of the player; and
\item be of the color formatting code for 'black'.
\item Custom titles may be changed once in every three months.
\item Without prejudice to pardons, a Supporter shall automatically lose their Supporter status when they have been convicted of a month or longer expulsion from the Server.
\article{Donating procedure}{A donation may be made by clicking the link in the \#donating channel on Discord.\begin{enumerate}
\item On the donating page, the player is to provide the following details:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the amount of money to be donated;
\item in the description box: the name of the player, both in-game and on Discord.
\item The privileges to be granted by donating shall be provided by the Owner of the Crafty Table to the donator within 2 days, provided that the donation details are complete. If the name of the player is missing from the donation description, the privileges shall be granted whenever the identity of the player has been verified.
\item Donators that have omitted the player name in the donation may verify their identity by sending a screenshot of the donation invoice to the Owner of the Crafty Table using a direct Discord message.
\item After the privileges have been granted, the Owner of the Crafty Table or a member of the Administration shall approach the donator and ask what custom title they wish to get. The custom title shall be immediately applied if it is in compliance with the custom title requirements.
\section{Most Valued Player Title}
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\item Most Valued Player (MVP) shall be that player which has, in the preceding month, provided the community with exceptional service and deserves recognition for their efforts.
\item The MVP shall be granted the following privileges:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the 'MVP' rank on the in-game-chat, Discord and the Website; and
\item a commemorative statue in a public place to be determined by the President; and
\item any special privileges, determined by the President, that do not provide the MVP with an advantage over other players.
\item The MVP shall be granted these privileges until the following MVP election, or at most for a month.
\item Ineligible for MVP shall be the following persons:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the elected Host and co-Host of the Council;
\item the President of the Crafty Table;
\item a player who has been, at any point in the history of the Crafty Table, without prejudice to pardons, been expelled for a week or more from the Server.
\item Without prejudice to pardons, the MVP shall automatically lose their MVP status when they have been convicted of a day or longer expulsion from the Server.
\article{Nomination and Election}{\begin{enumerate}
\item An MVP election is held at the first Council meeting of every month.
\item In the week leading up to an election, up to a day before the election, nominations shall be submitted to the Host of the Council. A nomination shall at least contain the following details:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the name of the player issuing the nomination;
\item the name of the player on the Server to be nominated, not being the same person that is issuing the nomination;
\item the reason for the nomination, by providing examples of the exceptional service.
\item The Host of the Council shall announce all nominees in the meeting agenda of the MVP election meeting, excluding those nominees which are ineligible.
\item The MVP shall be chosen with a person election vote, in accordance with paragraph 3 of chapter VI of title I of Book II.
\section{Emeritus Honorary Title}
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\section{Miscellaneous Discord Titles}
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\article{X}{Rules on when titles can be created in Discord and who gets them... ()}
\chapter{Passive farming}
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
% AFK is allowed, but kicks might be issued by Administration if tps drops too far or if server near full
\article{AFK Farming}{}
\title{The worlds of the Crafty Table}
\chapter{General provisions}
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
\item The Server shall run on Hard difficulty.
\item The difficulty in the Creative world shall be Peaceful.
\item Monster spawning, health regeneration and hunger may be altered in specified areas for the purpose of creating minigames, event spaces and safe towns.
\article{Player versus player}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Physical altercations between players, also known as 'PvP', shall be disabled in the Server, except for such regions where the mechanic has been specifically enabled.
\item The mechanic may only be enabled in specific regions with the consent of the Council.
\item When entering and leaving a specific region where the mechanic has been enabled, the player must be notified of this effect.
% The end, reset and raidable
\chapter{The dimensions of the End}
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\article{Two dimensions}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The Server shall contain two worlds of the type minecraft:the\_end.
\item The first shall be persistent and not subject to change besides a larger server reset.
\item The second shall be reset every two weeks and shall be titled the 'Raidable End'.
\article{Injunction Procedure}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Every two weeks, following the 1st of August 2020, the 'Raidable End' shall be reset immediately following that days meeting of the Crafty Council.
\item For every 24 hours that the End has not been reset since the date it should have been reset, for up to 336 hours, the Administration shall transfer 90 diamonds to the first player filing an injunction at the Crafty Court.
\item Players may file an injunction at the Crafty Court 24 hours after the time that the end should have been reset; up to 336 hours after that time.
% The creative world
\chapter{The Creative world}
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
% Transfer act
\subtitle{Transfer Rules}
\article{Temporary nature and purpose}{\begin{enumerate}
\item This title shall only be active until the dissolution of the New World.
\item This title provides regulations and procedures for the transferring of public builds and custom head collections from the Old World into the New World.
\item When referring to the 'Old World', it shall mean the Old World as defined in the New World Act.
\item When referring to the 'New World', it shall mean the New World as defined in the New World Act.
\item When referring to 'public builds', it shall, for the purpose of this title, mean, any artificial structure; which has taken at least reasonable effort to build; and which has, at any point, been utilized for a public purpose; and still primarily serves this public purpose, except for any industrial purpose of producing or aiding the production of any resources, with the exception of food production.
\item When referring to 'custom heads', it shall, for the purpose of this title, mean, any minecraft:head item which has been retrieved in the Old World using the 'player head drops' datapack or has been retrieved in the Old World using the 'more mob heads' datapack.
\article{Status of Public Builds}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The player that requested the transfer of a public build, or the entity which the player represents, has ownership of the public build in the New World.
\item No resources may be extracted from public builds that have been placed down into the New World. The Administration shall block the extraction of resources using any measures fit to do so.
\item Public builds which primary purpose is the extraction of food resources are exempted from the previous member.
\item If the owner of the public build wishes to modify or remove the public build in the New World, it shall request the Administration for permission to do so. The Administration shall safeguard that no resources are extracted from the public build during this process. Any leftover resources shall be destroyed by the Administration.
\article{Status of Custom Heads}{The player that requested the transfer of custom heads has ownership of the custom heads in the New World.}
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
% Regional Governance
% Municipal / Towns / Mayors
% Governorates / Nether / PVP
\title{Regional Governance}
\chapter{Municipal Regulations}
\section{Creation, dissolution and modification of Towns}
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
\item Citizens of the Realm may, upon having created a community of at least five members within visual distance, request the Administration to create an official Town. The Town creation request shall contain the following details:\begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
\item the name of the Town;
\item the coordinates of the Town;
\item a list of citizens to become member of the Town;
\item if preselected, the citizen to become the Mayor of the Town;
\item a description of the boundary of the Town.
\item The Administration shall process the request within 5 days.
\item The Administration shall refuse or modify the request:\begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
\item if not enough Citizens have their primary housing within the boundary of the Town;
\item if any Town or other officially recognized region overlaps with the boundary of the Town;
\item if reasonability requires so.
\item The Administration shall accept the request if all requirements are met.
\article{Dissolution}{The Administration shall dissolve the official status of the Town when the number of Citizens of the Town reaches a number lower of three or lower.}
\article{Boundary}{The boundary of the Town shall automatically be moved with the organic growth of the Town. If this growth results in a conflict with another Town or other officially recognized region, the Crafty Court shall adjudicate.}
\article{Name}{The name of the Town may be changed by the Administration upon a request to the Administration from the Mayor.}
\section{Organization and Composition of Towns}
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\paragraph{Citizens of the Town}
\article{Initial population}{The initial population of a Town is to be all Citizens of the Realm with primary housing within the boundary of the Town just established.}
\article{New Citizens}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Citizens of the Realm shall become Citizens of the Town upon constructing their primary housing within the boundary of the Town.
\item The Municipal Council may enact a decree stating that certain conditions must be met to become a Citizen of the Town. In such a case, a Citizen of the Realm may request the Mayor to become a Citizen of the Town. Upon meeting the conditions, they shall become a Citizen of the Town.
\article{Losing Citizens}{\begin{enumerate}
\item If a Citizen of the Town changes their primary housing to a location outside of the boundary of the Town, they shall automatically lose town citizenship.
\item If a Citizen has not logged in for three months into the Realm, they shall automatically lose their town citizenship.
\item A Mayor may evict a player from the Town if in accordance with this Law. They shall automatically lose Citizenship.
\article{Active Citizens}{Active Citizens shall be any Citizen having logged in within the last two weeks into the Realm.}
\paragraph{General Composition}
\article{Composition}{Every Town shall have a Municipal Council, a Mayor and may have a Mayor's Council.}
\subparagraph{The Municipal Council}
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\article{Municipal Council}{The Municipal Council shall consist of all Citizens of the Town.}
\article{Chairman}{The Mayor of the Town shall be the Chairman of the Municipal Council.}
\item Membership of the Municipal Council is limited to the Citizens of the Town.
\item If a member ceases to be a Citizen of the Town, they shall automatically lose membership of the Municipal Council.
\article{Regulations}{The Municipal Council shall set up regulations regarding its own procedures and conduct.}
\article{Meeting frequency}{The Municipal Council shall meet with a periodicity of its own choosing. The Municipal Council shall also meet when called upon by the Mayor.}
\article{Quorum}{The Municipal Council may only be in session when at least twenty percent of its active Citizens is present. A minimum of at least three Citizens of the Town must be present.}
\article{Public meetings}{The Municipal Council shall meet in public with open doors.}
\item Members of the Municipal Council shall vote without burden.
\item Votes shall be cast by saying 'aye' or 'no'; or any other verbal binary option befitting the vote.
\item All decisions in the Municipal Council shall be taken with a majority vote.
\item If a vote in the Municipal Council results in a tie, the Mayor shall have the deciding vote.
\subparagraph{The Mayor}
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\article{Appointment and Dismissal}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The Mayor shall be elected by a majority vote in the Municipal Council, from one of its members, for a term of three months.
\item The Municipal Council may request the Administration to facilitate the process of a fair election.
\item A Mayor may be dismissed from its position by a majority vote in the Municipal Council, by a decree of the Administration or upon a request by the Mayor.
\article{Temporary replacement}{A Mayor may be temporarily replaced by a majority vote in the Municipal Council, from one of its members, if the Mayor has not been online for a 1-month period.}
\article{Multiple Towns}{If a Mayor ceases to be a Citizen of the Town, they shall be automatically removed from their position.}
\article{Co-Mayor}{The Mayor may appoint any Citizen of the Town to be their Co-Mayor. The co-Mayor shall preside over any of the Mayor's duties when the Mayor is unavailable. All provisions relating to the Mayor shall also apply to the co-Mayor.}
\article{Official Title}{The Mayor shall bear the title of 'Mayor' in their name, whilst in office.}
\article{Illegal acts}{The Mayor may not, whilst in office, perform one of the following acts:\begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
\item adjudicate a dispute as Judge between a Citizen and the Town or a dispute between the Town and the Administration;
\item create contracts or agreements containing any form of compensation between themselves as a private Citizen and the Town;
\item create any such binding agreements infringing on the rights of the Municipal Council.
Violation of this provision shall result in immediate suspension of the position and further consequences shall be determined by the Administration.
\article{Monetary Compensation}{The Municipal Council may decide to provide the Mayor with monetary compensation for their duties. This compensation shall be funded by municipal taxation.}
\subparagraph{The Mayor's Council}
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\article{Creation}{The Mayor may decide to create a Mayor's Council. If created, all the Mayor's acts shall require a majority vote from this Council.}
\article{Dissolution}{The Mayor's Council shall be dissolved by a majority vote in the Municipal Council or by a decree of the Administration.}
\article{Composition}{Members of the Mayor's Council shall be selected by the Mayor from the Citizens of the Town. The number of members shall never exceed twenty percent of the Membership of the Municipal Council.}
\article{Dismissal and suspension}{A member of the Mayor's Council may be dismissed or suspended by a two-thirds majority vote by the Council, by a decree of the Administration or upon a request from the member.}
\article{Automatic dismissal}{If a member of the Mayor's Council ceases to be a Citizen of the Town, they shall be automatically removed from their position.}
\article{Regulations}{The Mayor's Council shall set up regulations regarding its own procedures and conduct.}
\article{Closed Meetings}{The meetings of the Mayor's Council shall be with closed doors, unless the Council decides otherwise.}
\article{Secrecy}{All members of the Mayor's Council are obliged to refrain from sharing information from the Council with others, unless the Council decides otherwise.}
\article{Chairman}{The Mayor shall be the Chairman of the Mayor's Council.}
\item Votes shall be cast by saying 'aye' or 'no'; or any other verbal binary option befitting the vote.
\item All decisions in the Mayor's Council shall be taken with a majority vote.
\item If a vote in the Mayor's Council results in a tie, the Mayor shall have the deciding vote.
\article{Signature}{Any decisions taken by the Mayor's Council shall be signed by the Mayor.}
\section{Authority of the Municipal Organs}
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\paragraph{General Provisions}
\article{Local Governance}{The Town shall have full authority in the organization of ()}
% Defined governorships and lawful Towns
% Wingsville upon Spooown Act
\title{Regulated Territories}
\chapter{Towns established by Law}
\section{The Town of Spawn}
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\chapter{Governorates established by Law}
\section{The Shopping District}
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% Environmental Law
% Land Reclamation Law
% Claimblocks Act
\title{Environmental Planning}
\chapter{General Provisions}
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\item A land claim shall mean such an area as has been claimed by a player using the GriefPrevention plugin.
\item Land claims shall not include those lands as have been claimed by the Administration using GriefPrevention or any other similar modifications.
\item A claimblock is a 1 block by 1 block area of a land claim.
\article{Purpose of land claims}{\begin{enumerate}
\item A land claim may only be created to protect a build by a player. Claims may only be used for the purpose of claiming ownership of developed land.
\item If a land claim is discovered to be violating the previous member, the land claim shall be removed in accordance with title II.
\item Alternatively, a land claim may be resized to comply with this act.
\chapter{Land Reclamation}
\section{Right to Land Reclamation}
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\paragraph{Reclamation Rules \& Procedure}
\item Land claims belonging to a player who hasn't been online on the server for a period of time as determined in article 4, for at least 1 hour, shall be eligible to land reclamation. The following land claims are exempted from land reclamation:\begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
\item land claims belonging to a Mayor for the purpose of protecting or keeping that land as part of a Town;
\item land claims belonging to a player without the rank of Mayor, for the purposes stated in the previous member;
\item land claims belonging to a Governor for the purpose of protecting or keeping that land as part of a Governorate;
\item land claims belonging to a Citizen registered by the Administration on the reclamation exemption registry, shall not be eligible for land reclamation for 6 months; unless the land claims do not contain any artificial structures.
\item Land claims, belonging to a player currently not online on the server, containing no or only minimal artificial structures, shall be eligible to land reclamation instantly.
\item Land claims, belonging to a banned player, banned for 3 weeks or more with no more means of appeal, or banned with means of appeal but currently exceeding 3 weeks, shall be eligible to land reclamation instantly.
\item Land claims that are needed for the construction of a community project shall be eligible to land reclamation instantly.
\article{Allowed time of inactivity}{Claims shall be eligible to reclamation if the owner of the claims has been inactive for the following lengths of time:\begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
\item if the player has played less than 5 hours on the server, the player may be inactive for 2 weeks; or
\item if the player has played less than 25 hours, but more than 5 hours, the player may be inactive for 1 month; or
\item if the player has played less than 50 hours, but more than 25 hours, the player may be inactive for 2 months; or
\item if the player has played more than 50 hours, the player may be inactive for 3 months.
\article{Transfer of claims}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Any land claims held by a former Mayor, belonging to the Town, shall be transferred by the Administration to the current Mayor.
\item Any land claims held by a former Governor, belonging to the Governorate, shall be transferred by the Administration to the current Governor.
\article{Procedure}{Players - or other legal entities - submit a reclamation request to the Administration using the in-game chat or a designated Discord channel.\begin{enumerate}
\item The reclamation request shall contain the following details: \begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the name of the requesting player;
\item coordinates of the land claim;
\item the current owner of the land claim;
\item the length of inactive time of the current owner;
\item the reason for requesting the reclamation.
\item The reclamation request shall be processed by the Administration within 2 days.
\item The Administration may refuse the reclamation request based on the grounds of article 3.
\item The Administration may refuse the reclamation request based on article 3 § 4 if they deem that necessary.
\item If a reclamation request is approved, the Administration shall first get the opportunity to remove all designated property in accordance with chapter II if the Administration deems that necessary. The Administration may also alter the land claim to blend more into its environment. Afterwards the land claim is removed.
\article{Administrative Initiative}{The Administration may alternatively remove a land claim at their discretion, without a removal reclamation request, as long as the criteria of article 3 § 2 or 3 § 4 are met.}
\article{Auctioning}{If the Administration deems a land claim of particular high value, it may alternatively decide that an auction shall be held. This auction shall be held within a designated Discord channel.}
\article{Conditional Auction}{If the Administration deems a land claim to be of extraordinary value, it may alternatively decide that it may only be conditionally auctioned. Such conditions shall be explicitly stated before the auction and in the transaction log.}
\paragraph{Exemption Registry}
\article{Foundation}{A Citizen may be added to the reclamation exemption registry, provided they meet the following criteria:\begin{enumerate}
\item the Citizen expects to return within 6 months of filing the request;
\item the Citizen is an established player, having played for more than 16 in-game hours;
\item the Citizen has land claims containing structures of considerable effort.
\article{Procedure}{A Citizen may submit a request to be added to the reclamation exemption registry using a designated Discord channel.\begin{enumerate}
\item The request shall contain the following details:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the name of the Citizen;
\item the expected length of absence;
\item the reason for the absence.
\item The request shall be processed by the Administration within 2 days.
\item The Administration may refuse the request on the grounds of the previous article. The Administration may also refuse the request in case of considerable doubt whether the applicant shall return within 6 months.
\item If a request is approved, the Citizen shall be added to the reclamation exemption registry.
\article{Administrative Exemptions}{The Administration may add a Citizen to the reclamation exemption registry if they deem a Citizen will meet the criteria if the Citizen were to file such a request.}
\article{Removal}{The Administration will remove a Citizen from the reclamation exemption registry if the Citizen returns to the server for at least 24 hours during the time they have been registered on the reclamation exemption registry.}
\section{Resource Reclamation}
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\article{Foundation}{Upon approving a reclamation request, certain resources belonging to the current owner of the land claim may be taxed by the Administration.}
\article{Eligible resources}{\begin{enumerate}
\item All resources found within storage containers shall be eligible to reclamation by the Administration.
\item All resources, in the form of an item, outside of a storage container, shall be eligible to reclamation by the Administration.
\item All blocks or entities not contributing to the natural or artificial structure of the land claim, shall be eligible to reclamation by the Administration.
\item All blocks or entities belonging to an artificial structure without any artistic value, shall be eligible to reclamation by the Administration.
\article{Compensation}{In the case of reclamation based on article 3 § 4, the reclaimed resources shall be delivered to the owner of the land claim and not be taxed by the administration, provided that:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the owner of the land claim has been online for at least 1 hour within a period of time as determined in article 4; and:
\item the owner of the land claim has requested the resources be returned to them.
If these conditions can no longer be met, the administration may tax the resources in accordance with this chapter.}
\article{Redistribution}{Resources shall be redistributed as follows in the following order:\begin{enumerate}
\item diamonds and emeralds, in any form, shall be added to the Administration's currency reserve;
\item remaining resources currently in need for an active community project shall be brought to the project coordinator;
\item remaining resources sold in any market belonging to the Administration, shall be added to that market's stock;
\item remaining resources with value shall be added to the Administration's vault;
\item remaining resources without value shall be disposed off.
The Administration may enact a decree stating the exact redistribution of resources.}
\section{Final Provisions}
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
\article{Regional Governance}{Any provision in this title may be overruled by a regional decree of a Municipal Council or by the order of a Governor, after receiving approval from the President.}
% Claimblocks act
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
\article{Initial claimblocks}{\begin{enumerate}
\item All players that join the Server shall automatically receive 25000 claimblocks.
\item A player shall automatically receive 200 additional claimblocks for every hour played on the server.
\item The maximum additionally automatically accrued claimblocks is 25000.
\item Players may request to receive additional claimblocks.
\item For every 1000 claimblocks requested, the player is required to transfer one diamond to the Administration; except in the case where the purpose for the claimblocks is the construction of a community project.
\item For every 10.000 claimblocks requested, only nine diamonds are required to be transferred to the Administration.
\article{Permit System}{Players may submit a permit request in order to receive more claim blocks. The permit system is as follows:\begin{enumerate}
\item Players submit a permit request to the Administration using a designated Discord channel.
\item The permit request shall contain the following details:
\item name of the player;
\item amount of requested new claimblocks;
\item the purpose for needing the claimblocks.
\item The permit request shall be processed by the Administration within 3 days.
\item If a permit request is approved, the Administration shall - if applicable - request the player for payment of the required duty for the claimblocks. After receiving the required duty, the claimblocks shall be added by the Administration to the player.
\item If a permit request is denied, the Administration shall notify the requestor at the earliest opportunity.
% Don't dig under other people's property too close, proximity and such
% Don't use the sendall command
\title{Criminal Code}
\chapter{General Provisions}
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
\article{\textit{Nullum crimen sine lege}}{\begin{enumerate}
\item No act is a criminal offense unless so defined as a criminal offense in the statutes.
\item An act may be a criminal offense if another player is convicted of the same act before the enactment of this book.
\item When the statutes are changed, after a criminal offense has occurred, the statutes as active at the time of the criminal offense shall be effective.
\article{Width of Application}{The criminal offenses as defined in the statutes shall apply to those whom commit such a criminal offense within the Worlds of the Realm of the Crafty Table.}
\article{Application outside of Server}{The statutes shall additionally apply to those who commit one of the criminal offenses outside the Worlds of the Realm of the Crafty Table, as determined in title II, chapter I of this Law.}
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
\article{List of Sanctions}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The following sanctions can be imposed:
\item primary sanctions:
\item expulsion from the Server;
\item silencing of Communication;
\item incarceration;
\item community service;
\item fines;
\item secondary sanctions:
\item revocation of certain rights;
\item confiscation of property.
\item All crimes sanctioned with expulsion from the Server or incarceration can, except for situations as defined in this Law, be replaced with community service.
\item All crimes sanctioned with expulsion from the Server or incarceration can, except for situations as defined in this Law, be accompanied with a fine.
\item Secondary sanctions can be imposed in conjunction or independently of primary sanctions, except for situations as defined in this Law.
\item The Honourable Justice can decide that no sanction shall be imposed for a criminal act, when reasonability requires so.
\article{Execution of sentences}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Rules shall be defined by Administrative decree regarding the execution of sentences. These rules shall include:\begin{enumerate}[label={\alph*.}]
\item the method of registering sentences;
\item the method of suspending sentences;
\item the system for enforcement of sentences;
\item policy regarding the replacement of expulsion or incarceration with community service.
\article{Suspending of a sentence}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The President may decide to suspend a sentence if they consider the culprit to be redeemed; or must suspend the sentence if new facts arise proving the innocence of the culprit.
\item The Crafty Court shall decide to suspend a sentence when new facts arise proving the innocence of the culprit, when an appeal for pardon is issued by the culprit.
\article{Expulsion from the Server}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Expulsion from the Server is either temporary or permanent.
\item Temporary expulsion shall last at least one week and at most two years.
\item A permanent expulsion shall last up to five years.
\article{Silencing of Communication}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Silencing of communication shall constitute a temporary mute in the Server chat system, Discord or any other official channel.
\item Silencing of communication may be utilized in any or all official channels of communication.
\item Communication may be silenced up to 6 months.
\subarticle{Automatic Silencing}{The server may utilize automated systems to silence communication of players suspected of violating rules regarding communication. The player has the right to issue an appeal under a designated Discord channel.}
\article{Community Service}{}
% Warnings need to be given, except for criminal acts which illegality can be considered common among Survival Minecraft servers.
% Every day, first 7 days wrongfully banned = 16 diamonds compensation a day
% Every day, after first 7 days wrongfully banned = 4 diamonds compensation a day
% Up to 168 diamonds
\article{Wrongful sentencing}{}
\chapter{Criminal offenses}
\section{Crimes against the Server}
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\title{Civil Code}
\section{General Provisions}
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
\article{Null marriage}{Any marriage created in violation of the statutes shall be null and void, and shall remain without any legal consequences.}
\article{Requirements for marriage}{\begin{enumerate}
\item A marriage may be entered into by two persons of any or no gender.
\item The two persons entering into a marriage must be Citizens of the Crafty Table.
\item A person may enter into multiple marriages with different people, but may, for the civil economic consequences, only choose one partner.
\item None of the persons entering into a marriage may be banned or may not have been banned, for at least a month, at any point in the history of the Crafty Table.
\end{enumerate}\medskip If one of the previous requirements prevents a marriage from being entered into, the President may, by Administrative decree, permit an exemption if being requested to do so.}
\section{The creation of marriages through registration and means of weddings}
2021-03-02 17:32:50 +00:00
\paragraph{Civil Marriage}
\article{Intention to Marry}{In order for two persons to enter into a marriage they must first register their intention to marry to the Administration. They shall provide the Administration with the following details:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item their names, both the names as used in the worlds of the Crafty Table, and - if applicable - their names on Discord;
\item their primary residence(s) in one of the worlds of the Crafty Table;
\item the names and primary residences of persons that shall act as witnesses at the creation of the marriage;
\item the name and location of the public place where the marriage shall be created.
\end{enumerate}\medskip Before the registration for the intention to marry, a duty may be levied in accordance with title II of this Law.}
\article{Expiry of the intention to marry}{If the marriage hasn't been created within a month of the registration of the intention to marry, it may not be created until a new intention to marry has been registered.}
\article{Legal status of premature pledges}{Any pledges made to a person for the intention of marriage shall have no legal binding status. These pledges shall make none eligible to damages, nor any other legal consequences.}
\article{Creation of the Marriage}{The marriage shall be created, in public, at the selected place, by the President, in the presence of at least two and at most four witnesses.}
\subarticle{Levied duty on the creation of marriage}{At the registration of the intention to marry, a duty may be levied in accordance with chapter V of this title.}
\article{Pledges}{The marriage may only be created if the two persons to be married both individually make the following pledge: "I hereby pledge to accept you [name of partner], to be my lawfully wedded partner, and that I shall faithfully perform all those duties as [Her/His] Majesty's Laws require me to do for this marriage. I pledge as such here, on this day the [date], for now until the end."}
\article{Registration and Certification}{After the pledges have been made, the President shall declare the two persons to be married, and shall register the marriages in the archives of the Administration, and shall provide the newly wedded couple with a certificate of their marriage.}
\article{Religious pledges}{No religious pledges of marriage may be held until the President has declared the two persons to be married.}
\paragraph{Religious Marriage}
\article{Requirements}{In order for two persons to enter into the hallowed act of holy matrimony, they must first endure a religious ceremony in a place of worship.}
\article{Application}{Upon registering their intention to marry under paragraph 1, if the two persons wish to also enter into the act of holy matrimony, they must additionally provide the Administration with the name and location of the public place of worship where the marriage shall be blessed by Kipje; and they shall also provide the Administration with the choice which of the two persons shall walk up to the altar at the ceremony and which shall already be waiting there.}
\article{Customization}{If the two persons to enter into the act of holy matrimony wish to customize their religious ceremony, they can request the Administration to do so by providing the Administration with such a request at the registration of the intention to marry. The following options are available:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item custom note block music at any phase of the ceremony, if converted into a .nbs file, and if it does not require a resource pack;
\item a fireworks display at any phase of the ceremony;
\item seating arrangements for guests at the place of worship;
\item a smiting of one guest of choice.
\item a list of persons holding speeches before the completion of the ceremony;
\item or any other special arrangement as agreed upon between the two persons and the President.
\end{enumerate}\medskip Any customization may result in a duty being levied in accordance with Chapter V of this title.}
\article{Ceremonial Lead}{The President shall lead the religious ceremony, unless a different lead for the ceremony has been agreed upon between the two persons to enter into the act of holy matrimony and the President.}
\article{The Ceremony}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Before the ceremony, all guests shall take a seat, or, if arranged, their assigned seat, when ordered to do so by the Ceremonial Lead.
\item The standard or customized procession note block music will start, and the chosen person to enter will enter into the place of worship along with a chosen witness, making their way to the altar.
\item Upon reaching the altar, the procession music shall cease and the Ceremonial Lead shall make some introductory remarks.
\item Any requested ceremonial process customization shall then take place.
\item The Ceremonial Lead shall summon the two persons to face each other in front of all guests in the place of worship. They shall then exchange any chosen gifts of marriage, such as trinkets or other objects of value.
\item The Ceremonial Lead shall then take the pledges from the two persons in accordance with this title.
\item After the pledges have been correctly taken, the Ceremonial Lead shall demand silence from all those attending, and await, at most for thirty seconds, for a strike of thunder, signifying the blessing of Kipje of the marriage. Upon hearing the thunder within these thirty seconds, the Ceremonial Lead shall declare the marriage to be blessed by Kipje and ask the guest to give applause. If the thirty seconds expire, the Ceremonial Lead shall declare the marriage unblessed and tell everyone to leave.
\item If the marriage is properly blessed, the standard or customized recession note block music will start, and the newly wed couple will walk out of the Place of Worship, along with all witnesses and guests.
\item After leaving the place of worship, the newly wed couple shall be provided with two horses which they can use to travel to their place of honeymoon.
\article{Pledges before Kipje}{The pledge, as required in the previous article, shall be as follows: "I pledge, before the eyes of my friends, my guests, and my Kipje, that I shall take thee [name of partner], to be my partner in holy matrimony, such as Our Lord and Saviour Kipje has ordained it; that I shall support, love, cherish and obey, in sickness and in health; in the overworld, the nether or the end; and thereto I pledge to thee myself to you. May Kipje bless you and us from this day until the end of days."}
\section{Rights and obligations of the wedded partners}
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\article{Support}{Wedded partners are obliged to be faithful to one another, to support one another and to give to each other that which the other partner needs.}
\article{Information}{Wedded partners are obliged to provide each other information regarding decisions taken, and regarding any property or debt.}
\article{Property arrangements}{Wedded partners shall have shared property. Any property held individually by the partners before the marriage shall become part of the shared property, and any property accrued during the marriage shall be part of the shared property. Any debts incurred by the wedded partners may be resolved using the shared property, prioritizing the property previously belonging to the partner which incurred the debt.}
\section{Dissolution of marriages}
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\article{Civil dissolution}{Any civil marriage may be dissolved in one of the following ways:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item by the disappearance of a player, when they do not show up for nine months on either any of the worlds of the Crafty Table; or does not send a message on its Discord server;
\item by means of divorce, as taking place within a Court of Law.
\article{Religious dissolution}{Dissolution of the act of holy matrimony is not possible. A blessing of Kipje can not be revoked.}
\article{Disappearance of a partner}{The Administration shall, upon noticing the nine month-absence, declare the marriage to be dissolved, and shall make note of such in the archives of the Administration. They shall notify the other partner of the dissolution of the marriage.}
\article{Divorce and grounds}{A divorce may take place if a married couple meets one of the grounds for divorce. The grounds for divorce are as follows:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item systemic physical separation: meaning the situation wherein the two partners no longer share the same primary residency;
\item unbalanced or disproportionate economic exploitation: meaning the situation wherein a partner utilizes the other partners resources or wealth, without consent, in such a way that that other partner no longer has access to those resources or wealth and that first partner receives great profits without that other partner receiving any benefit;
\item expulsion from the server: meaning the situation wherein one partner has been expelled from the server for one month or more.
\article{Divorce Procedure}{A divorce may be filed at the Court of Law of the Crafty Table, by sending an application for divorce. \begin{enumerate}
\item This application must at least contain the following details:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the names of the partners, both the names as used in the worlds of the Crafty Table, and - if applicable - the names on Discord;
\item the grounds for the divorce;
\item any evidence to support the provided grounds for divorce.\end{enumerate}
\item The application for divorce shall be appointed to a Justice of the Realm, in accordance with the Judiciary's internal rules, and shall be processed within seven days.
\item The appointed Justice may order a Court hearing to be held if the Justice requires any clarification from the parties involved, or if any arrangement regarding shared property needs to be made. When ordering a Court hearing, the processing deadline of the application shall be suspended until the hearing has taken place.
\item The application for divorce shall be denied if: \begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the application for divorce has been inproperly submitted;
\item no legal marriage has been created;
\item none of the legal grounds for divorce have been met.\end{enumerate}
\item If the application for divorce is accepted, the Court shall issue a certificate of divorce, and report the dissolution of the marriage to the Administration to be registered in the archives of the Administration. The certificate of divorce shall contain all arrangements regarding shared property.
\subarticle{Autonomous Procedure}{The Administration may alternatively request the Judiciary for a divorce of the two partners, if one of the grounds of divorce is met, and there is reason to believe that one of the partners wants to divorce, but is unable to due to circumstances. Any such arranged divorces must be registered in accordance with the previous article.}
\section{Levied duties on acts of marriage}
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\article{Civil marriage}{The Administration may, by administrative decree, levy a duty on certain acts of marriage. It may levy the following duties: \begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item for the registration of the intention to marry, a duty may be levied of up to or equivalent to 160 CraftyCoins;
\item for the creation of the marriage in a public place, a duty may be levied of up to or equivalent to 320 CraftyCoins;
\item for the issuing of extra marriage or divorce certificates, a duty may be levied of up to or equivalent to 40 CraftyCoins.
\end{enumerate}\medskip These duties will be levied at the registration of the intention to marry.}
\article{Civil divorce}{The Judiciary may levy a duty on the act of divorce. This duty may not exceed the duty levied on any other civil cases.}
\article{Religious marriage}{Additional duties may be levied for certain aspects of the religious marriage. The following duties may be levied:\begin{enumerate}
\item for the place of worship, the owner of the place of worship may incur a price of their own choosing, to be paid in CraftyCoins;
\item for the ceremonial lead, the ceremonial lead may incur a price of their own choosing, to be paid in CraftyCoins;
\item for any customization, a duty may be levied by the Administration, the ceremonial lead, or the owner of the place of worship, of up to or equivalent to 640 CraftyCoins;
\end{enumerate}\medskip These duties will be levied at the registration of the intention to marry.}
% Taxes!
\chapter{General Provisions}
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% () Fairness? Other provisions to calm players
\article{Council mandate}{Taxation may only be levied when legally sanctioned in the statutes. }
\article{Request for information}{Player who wish to inspect the exact data used to determine the taxation, can request access to the source files by sending a request to the President. The President shall provide the relevant source files within 7 days of the request.}
\chapter{Method of Taxation}
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\article{Publication of Tax Assessment}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The Administration shall, within 2 days of the moment of taxation, publish a Crafty Tax Assessment using a designated Discord channel. This assessment shall contain a list of all players eligible to taxation, the amount to be taxed from these players and the factual grounds for the taxation.
\item The Administration may alternatively send individual messages to players of their individual Tax Assessment.
\item Tax Assessments shall also contain information regarding the legal grounds of the taxation; information on how players are to pay their taxes and remind players of their right to appeal to administrative decisions.
\item Tax Assessments that have been published or provided too late shall go into effect at that later date.
\article{Payment of the tax}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Players must provide their taxes to a hopper at a designated location.
\item Players must rename their taxes using anvils to the in-game-name of the player.
\item Unmarked taxes shall not be considered a valid method of payment.
\item Payment must be provided within 2 weeks of publication of the Tax Assessment.
\article{Neglect and penalties}{\begin{enumerate}
\item If a player fails to pay the tax within 2 weeks, the Administration shall notify the player of this neglect. The player shall get an additional week to pay the tax. A penalty of 25\% shall be added to the tax.
\item The Administration shall notify the neglect within 2 days of the moment of neglect.
\item If the Administration fails to notify the player of the neglect, the penalty shall not be added to the tax and the additional week shall not start until the moment the player is notified of the neglect.
\item If the additional week to pay the tax is exceeded, an additional penalty of 25\% shall be added to the tax. The Administration may seize any property of the player worth the value of the tax, in accordance with chapter II of title II of book IX.
\item If the value of the tax could not be seized from the property of the player, they shall receive a jail-sentence of an hour for every 50 CraftCoins still owed.
\article{Suspension of Taxation}{Tax obliged players who have not been online for 3 weeks shall be suspended from their obligation to pay the tax. Upon returning on the Server, taxation shall resume according to the situation as it was the moment the player left the Server.}