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2021-03-02 17:29:25 +00:00
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% Original: 30th of Jan. 2021
\settitle{Charter of the Crafty Council}
\setheader{30th Jan. 2021}
\introduction{WE, \textbf{the Citizens of the Crafty Table}, BY THE GRACE OF KIPJE, the Sovereign Rulers of the Realm, hereby declare, to all whom shall hear or see, are to know: \bigskip%
having developed long traditions and chains of rules regarding the conduct of our esteemed Councillors; having discovered a need to formalize and codify the rules of conduct of His Majesty's Crafty Council; having long discussed the specifics and details regarding such codes of conduct; having developed such rules in accordance with article 33 of the Constitution;\bigskip%
having concluded as such we shall here, having heard the advice of the Administration, in unison with the Legislature, declare into Law the following text. Let it be published by the Judiciary as follows: \bigskip}%
\title{General Provisions}
\article{Democratic Principle}{The Crafty Council shall, at any instance, be a democratic body ruled by the will of its members. All members are entitled to be able to vote without any burden put upon them.}
\chapter{Membership of the Council}
\article{Everyone on the Server}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Member of the Council shall be any player that has been online on the server for four hours within the last thirty days.
\item The point of measurement for determining the hours played shall be the commencement of the related voting procedure.
\item Players that do not meet the criteria of the previous article may participate in Council meetings, but are not allowed to vote on controversial topics.
\item A player may only use one account belonging to them to participate in a meeting. Any other account belonging to the player may not participate at the same time.
\item Accounts that have been expelled from the server for one month or more, or that have been sentenced with a revocation of the right of Council participation, are not allowed to participate.
\article{Dispute settlement}{Any disputes arising about the Council membership of a player shall be adjudicated by the Crafty Court using the procedures of administrative appeal.}
\chapter{The Host}
\article{Order of Hosts}{The Host of the Crafty Table shall be determined by the following order:\begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
\item the Elected Host of the Council; or
\item the appointed co-Host of the Council; or
\item the President of the Crafty Table; or
\item His Imperial Majesty; or
\item the Vice-President of the Crafty Table; or
\item one of the Moderators of the Crafty Table, by order as determined by the President, or by order of their participation on the server, as determined by the date and time they joined the server; or
\item a random present member of the Council as determined by lottery.
Any person in this order may declare their unavailability or be declared unavailable by His Majesty.}
\article{Elected Host of the Council}{\begin{enumerate}
\item The Council can appoint a Host from any one of its members, through an appointment vote.
\item The Council can remove a Host, through a Host removal motion, using a majority vote.
\item The elected Host shall take office upon the next meeting of the Council.
\item The elected Host shall serve a term of up to sixteen weeks.
\article{Appointment of the co-Host}{The Elected Host shall appoint a co-Host from one of the members of the Council at the earliest opportunity.}
\item All persons mentioned under article 2, excluding that person under subsection g, shall form the Presidium.
\item The Presidium shall discuss the organization and planning of Council meetings. The Presidium shall determine the agenda of Plenary meetings.
\item Other members of the Council can be invited by the Host to participate in the Presidium, in an advisory role.
\chapter{Proposing Rules and Laws}
% Rules that need to be turned into a Law, may be passed by the Council, and a proposal for the exact legal text shall be put before the Council at the following meeting.
% Rules shall not go into effect until exact legal text is passed, but citizens are expected to act in good faith in accordance with new rules.
% Laws are put in Laws (duh)
% Rules are put in statutes
\chapter{Special Motions}
% Motion of no-confidence
% If Host is President, Host shall be replaced for remained of meeting with next in line outside of the Administration.
% Motion of disapproval
% = motion of no confidence aimed at moderator/person with delegated authority
\title{Plenary Meetings}
\chapter{Schedule of Meetings}
% Meetings shall take place weekly, at 8 PM GMT/BST based on DST
% Meetings may be moved an hour forward or backward at the Host's behest
% Meetings may be skipped once consecutively at Host's behest or by Council Majority
% When illegally skipping or moving the time, complaint must be sent to His Majesty, and meeting shall be hosted by His Majesty at earliest opportunity.
\chapter{Location of Meetings}
\chapter{The Meeting Agenda}
% Meeting Agenda is created by the Presidium
% Topics to reverse decisions made by staff during the week
% Host may decide not to process a proposed topic if they deem it unnecessary.
% Proposer may complain during meeting by requesting a procedural change. Council shall vote on this.
\chapter{General Procedures}
% At least 6 hours, and at most 3 hours before the meeting, an announcement shall be posted to Discord about the meeting taking place, its location and the agenda.
% List of Presence: All present members shall notify the Host of their presence, which shall be logged in the List of Presence in the Meeting Log.
% Host shall open the meeting at designated meeting time precisely
% Check for quorum: 5 members (excluding staff) present
% ! UP FOR DEBATE/AMENDMENT, regarding number
% Consequence: If, on the hour of meeting, the required amount of members is not present, then the Host shall open the meeting and state that the meeting can not continue due to a missing quorum. This shall be noted in the Meeting Log. The meeting shall be suspended to a later time.
% Members shall be seated whenever the Host requests so
% The Host shall go over each announcement as determined in the agenda
% At any moment after this between topics, a member may request procedural changes.
% Afterwards, topics shall be processed
% Topics, which one, what to pass unless objections raised, what to skip, what to move to next meeting, topics coming up at the meeting. Close topics with the hammer
% For controversial topics: proposer has to defend/motivate proposal
% Topics may be cut for time's sake
% Host shall notify Council which topics have been moved
% Host shall close the meeting with the hammer.
\chapter{General Conduct during Meetings}
\item Upon discovery of a violation from this chapter, the Host shall warn the member.
\item If the member again violates a rule from this chapter, the Host shall smite the member.
\item If the member continues to violate rules from this chapter, the Host retains the right to expel that member from the meeting for the duration of that meeting. Alternatively, the Host may silence the member if the Host deems that sufficient.
% Interruptions: allowed but don't talk out of turn. Short remarks without an introduction.
% Rescinding words
% If a member deviates from the subject debated, then the Host shall request the member to return to the subject.
% If a member uses offensive language or disturbs the order of the meeting, then the Host shall silence the member and request them to rescind their words.
% If a member does not rescind their words, and continue with the offense, then the Host shall silence the member.
% If a member is silenced, they are no longer able to speak during the remainder of the meeting.
% The Host may alternatively expel a member from further attendance of the meeting.
\item Members of the Council shall enter Council meetings without any weapons or protective gear.
\item Elytra's or other attire not for the purpose of offense or defense are exempt from rule of the previous member.
\article{No potions or status effects}{Members of the Council are not allowed to use or throw any potions, or be affected by any of its effects, within the meeting hall.}
\article{No chorus fruit}{Members of the Council shall not utilize any chorus fruit within or within close proximity of the meeting hall.}
\article{No flying}{Members of the Council shall not fly around in the meeting hall, except if that flying is necessary to enter or leave that meeting hall.}
\article{No rockets}{Firework rockets may only be used in the meeting hall to celebrate the passing of a certain vote or to celebrate an announcement.}
\article{Other disturbance}{\begin{enumerate}
\item Members of the Council may not disturb the meeting in any other way. If the Host deems certain behaviour to be disturbing the meeting, the Host shall warn the member to cease this activity.
\item If the member disputes the behaviour to be disturbing the meeting, the Host shall put forward a vote to the Council whether the behaviour is so. If the Council determines the behaviour to be disturbing, the member shall receive an official warning.
\chapter{Meeting Logs}
\chapter{General Voting}
% Vote by majority
% Host shall not vote, has deciding vote in a tie
% Vote by shouting AYE or NO in public, after commencement of vote
% Host shall determine which side has majority
% Upon a dispute over winning side of majority, members shall be called one by one
% If the new call does not differ from the original, the person requesting a new vote shall be smitten to death
\chapter{Special Votes}
% Constitutional amendments!
% Non-binary votes
\paragraph{Voting on World Resets}
\chapter{Voting on Persons}
\paragraph{Voting on the President}
\chapter{Final Provisions}
\article{Adjudication}{Upon any dispute regarding the rules of conduct of the Crafty Council, the Council shall, unless otherwise decided in this Law, decide by majority rule. Any dispute that can not be resolved using this method shall adjudicated by the Crafty Court.}
\article{Amendment}{This Law may be amended by the Crafty Council at any instance.}
\article{Citation}{This document shall be cited as the Charter of the Crafty Council*. It may alternatively be cited as the Crafty Council Code of Conduct*}