To update your copy of Full-Text RSS to ensure feeds continue to be processed as they were before, we suggest the following steps:
1. Keep your current installation in place for now (we'll deal with it later)
2. Extract this updated package to a new folder -- for example, if the last version is in a folder called 'full-text-rss', extract this version to a new folder called 'full-text-rss-updated'
9. Now simply rename the folder with your old copy to 'full-text-rss-old' and then rename the folder with the new copy to 'full-text-rss' (or whatever name you'd given the original folder).
That's all that's needed. Your feeds should continue to work as they did before. Let us know if you have any trouble:
Updating Site Patterns
Site patterns are used by Full-Text RSS to improve extraction for certain sites. These are simple text files which are updated more frequently than the Full-Text RSS software itself.
To make sure your copy of Full-Text RSS is using the latest site patterns, We've created a simple tool to help you get the latest copy of these site patterns from To use it, access the admin/ folder in your browser and follow the instructions.