insert_detected_image)) ? $this->insert_detected_image : $this->default_insert_detected_image; return $this->insert_detected_image; } // return bool or null public function tidy($use_default=true) { if ($use_default) return (isset($this->tidy)) ? $this->tidy : $this->default_tidy; return $this->tidy; } // return bool or null public function prune($use_default=true) { if ($use_default) return (isset($this->prune)) ? $this->prune : $this->default_prune; return $this->prune; } // return string or null public function parser($use_default=true) { if ($use_default) return (isset($this->parser)) ? $this->parser : $this->default_parser; return $this->parser; } // return bool or null public function autodetect_on_failure($use_default=true) { if ($use_default) return (isset($this->autodetect_on_failure)) ? $this->autodetect_on_failure : $this->default_autodetect_on_failure; return $this->autodetect_on_failure; } public static function set_config_path($path, $fallback=null) { self::$config_path_custom = $path; self::$config_path_fallback = $fallback; } protected static function load_cached_merged($host, $exact_host_match) { if ($exact_host_match) { $key = $host.'.merged.ex'; } else { $key = $host.'.merged'; } return self::load_cached($key); } protected static function add_to_cache_merged($host, $exact_host_match, SiteConfig $config=null) { if ($exact_host_match) { $key = $host.'.merged.ex'; } else { $key = $host.'.merged'; } if (!isset($config)) $config = new SiteConfig(); self::add_to_cache($key, $config); } public static function add_to_cache($key, SiteConfig $config, $use_apc=true) { $key = strtolower($key); if (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'www.') $key = substr($key, 4); self::$config_cache[$key] = $config; if (self::$apc && $use_apc) { self::debug("Adding site config to APC cache with key sc.$key"); apc_add("sc.$key", $config); } self::debug("Cached site config with key $key"); } public static function load_cached($key) { $key = strtolower($key); if (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'www.') $key = substr($key, 4); //var_dump('in cache?', $key, self::$config_cache); if (array_key_exists($key, self::$config_cache)) { self::debug("... site config for $key already loaded in this request"); return self::$config_cache[$key]; } elseif (self::$apc && ($sconfig = apc_fetch("sc.$key"))) { self::debug("... site config for $key found in APCu"); return $sconfig; } return false; } public static function is_cached($key) { $key = strtolower($key); if (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'www.') $key = substr($key, 4); if (array_key_exists($key, self::$config_cache)) { return true; } elseif (self::$apc && (bool)apc_fetch("sc.$key")) { return true; } return false; } public function append(SiteConfig $newconfig) { // check for commands where we accept multiple statements (no test_url) foreach (array('title', 'body', 'author', 'date', 'strip', 'strip_id_or_class', 'strip_image_src', 'single_page_link', 'single_page_link_in_feed', 'next_page_link', 'native_ad_clue') as $var) { // append array elements for this config variable from $newconfig to this config //$this->$var = $this->$var + $newconfig->$var; $this->$var = array_unique(array_merge($this->$var, $newconfig->$var)); } // special handling of commands where key is important and config values being appended should not overwrite existing ones foreach (array('http_header') as $var) { $this->$var = array_merge($newconfig->$var, $this->$var); } // special handling of if_page_contains directive foreach (array('single_page_link') as $var) { if (isset($this->if_page_contains[$var]) && isset($newconfig->if_page_contains[$var])) { $this->if_page_contains[$var] = array_merge($newconfig->if_page_contains[$var], $this->if_page_contains[$var]); } elseif (isset($newconfig->if_page_contains[$var])) { $this->if_page_contains[$var] = $newconfig->if_page_contains[$var]; } } // check for single statement commands // we do not overwrite existing non null values foreach (array('tidy', 'prune', 'parser', 'autodetect_on_failure', 'insert_detected_image') as $var) { if ($this->$var === null) $this->$var = $newconfig->$var; } // treat find_string and replace_string separately (don't apply array_unique) (thanks fabrizio!) foreach (array('find_string', 'replace_string') as $var) { // append array elements for this config variable from $newconfig to this config //$this->$var = $this->$var + $newconfig->$var; $this->$var = array_merge($this->$var, $newconfig->$var); } } // Add test_contains to last test_url public function add_test_contains($test_contains) { if (!empty($this->test_url)) { $test_contains = (string) $test_contains; $key = end($this->test_url); reset($this->test_url); if (isset($this->test_contains[$key])) { $this->test_contains[$key][] = $test_contains; } else { $this->test_contains[$key] = array($test_contains); } } } // Add if_page_page_contains // TODO: Expand so it can be used with other rules too public function add_if_page_contains_condition($if_page_contains) { if (!empty($this->single_page_link)) { $if_page_contains = (string) $if_page_contains; $key = end($this->single_page_link); reset($this->single_page_link); $this->if_page_contains['single_page_link'][$key] = $if_page_contains; } } public function get_if_page_contains_condition($directive_name, $directive_value) { if (isset($this->if_page_contains[$directive_name])) { if (isset($this->if_page_contains[$directive_name][$directive_value])) { return $this->if_page_contains[$directive_name][$directive_value]; } } return null; } // returns SiteConfig instance if an appropriate one is found, false otherwise // if $exact_host_match is true, we will not look for wildcard config matches // by default if host is '' we will look for and load '' if it exists public static function build($host, $exact_host_match=false) { $host = strtolower($host); if (substr($host, 0, 4) == 'www.') $host = substr($host, 4); if (!$host || (strlen($host) > 200) || !preg_match(self::HOSTNAME_REGEX, ltrim($host, '.'))) return false; // got a merged one? $config = self::load_cached_merged($host, $exact_host_match); if ($config) { //self::debug('. returned merged config from a previous request'); return $config; } // check for site configuration $try = array($host); // should we look for wildcard matches if (!$exact_host_match) { $split = explode('.', $host); if (count($split) > 1) { array_shift($split); $try[] = '.'.implode('.', $split); } } // look for site config file in custom folder self::debug(". looking for site config for $host in custom folder"); //var_dump($try); $config = null; $config_std = null; foreach ($try as $h) { //$h_key = $h.'.'.$key_suffix; $h_key = $h.'.custom'; //var_dump($h_key, $h); if ($config = self::load_cached($h_key)) { break; } elseif (file_exists(self::$config_path_custom."/$h.txt")) { self::debug("... found site config ($h.txt)"); $file_custom = self::$config_path_custom."/$h.txt"; $config = self::build_from_file($file_custom); //$matched_name = $h; break; } } // if we found site config, process it // if autodetec on failure is off (on by default) we do not need to look // in secondary folder if ($config && !$config->autodetect_on_failure()) { self::debug('... autodetect on failure is disabled (no other site config files will be loaded)'); self::add_to_cache_merged($host, $exact_host_match, $config); return $config; } // look for site config file in secondary folder if (isset(self::$config_path_fallback)) { self::debug(". looking for site config for $host in standard folder"); foreach ($try as $h) { if ($config_std = self::load_cached($h)) { break; } elseif (file_exists(self::$config_path_fallback."/$h.txt")) { self::debug("... found site config in standard folder ($h.txt)"); $file_secondary = self::$config_path_fallback."/$h.txt"; $config_std = self::build_from_file($file_secondary); break; } } } // return false if no config file found if (!$config && !$config_std) { self::debug("... no site config match for $host"); self::add_to_cache_merged($host, $exact_host_match); return false; } // final config handling $config_final = null; if (!$config_std && $config) { $config_final = $config; // merge with primary } elseif ($config_std && $config) { self::debug('. merging config files'); $config->append($config_std); $config_final = $config; } else { // return just secondary //$config = self::build_from_array($config_lines); // if APC caching is available and enabled, mark this for cache //$config->cache_in_apc = true; $config_final = $config_std; } self::add_to_cache_merged($host, $exact_host_match, $config_final); return $config_final; } public static function build_from_file($path, $cache=true) { $key = basename($path, '.txt'); $config_lines = file($path, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if (!$config_lines || !is_array($config_lines)) return false; $config = self::build_from_array($config_lines); if ($cache) self::add_to_cache($key, $config); return $config; } public static function build_from_string($string) { $config_lines = explode("\n", $string); return self::build_from_array($config_lines); } public static function build_from_array(array $lines) { $config = new SiteConfig(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); // skip comments, empty lines if ($line == '' || $line[0] == '#') continue; // get command $command = explode(':', $line, 2); // if there's no colon ':', skip this line if (count($command) != 2) continue; $val = trim($command[1]); $command = trim($command[0]); //if ($command == '' || $val == '') continue; // $val can be empty, e.g. replace_string: if ($command == '') continue; // strip_attr is now an alias for strip. // In FTR 3.8 we can strip attributes from elements, not only the elements themselves // e.g. strip: //img/@srcset (removes srcset attribute from all img elements) // but for backward compatibility (to avoid errors with new config files + old version of FTR) // we've introduced strip_attr and we'll recommend using that in our public site config rep. // strip_attr: //img/@srcset if ($command == 'strip_attr') $command = 'strip'; // check for commands where we accept multiple statements if (in_array($command, array('title', 'body', 'author', 'date', 'strip', 'strip_id_or_class', 'strip_image_src', 'single_page_link', 'single_page_link_in_feed', 'next_page_link', 'native_ad_clue', 'http_header', 'test_url', 'find_string', 'replace_string'))) { array_push($config->$command, $val); // check for single statement commands that evaluate to true or false } elseif (in_array($command, array('tidy', 'prune', 'autodetect_on_failure', 'insert_detected_image'))) { $config->$command = ($val == 'yes'); // check for single statement commands stored as strings } elseif (in_array($command, array('parser'))) { $config->$command = $val; // special treatment for test_contains } elseif (in_array($command, array('test_contains'))) { $config->add_test_contains($val); // special treatment for if_page_contains } elseif (in_array($command, array('if_page_contains'))) { $config->add_if_page_contains_condition($val); // check for replace_string(find): replace } elseif ((substr($command, -1) == ')') && preg_match('!^([a-z0-9_]+)\((.*?)\)$!i', $command, $match)) { if (in_array($match[1], array('replace_string'))) { array_push($config->find_string, $match[2]); array_push($config->replace_string, $val); } elseif (in_array($match[1], array('http_header'))) { $_header = strtolower(trim($match[2])); $config->http_header[$_header] = $val; } } } return $config; } }