=') && !defined('HHVM_VERSION')); // HHVM works okay, but no Tidy and autoupdate of site config files not working (tested 3.7.1) $php_ok = (function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0', '>=')); $pcre_ok = extension_loaded('pcre'); $zlib_ok = extension_loaded('zlib'); $mbstring_ok = extension_loaded('mbstring'); $iconv_ok = extension_loaded('iconv'); $tidy_ok = function_exists('tidy_parse_string'); $curl_ok = function_exists('curl_exec'); $parallel_ok = ((extension_loaded('http') && class_exists('http\Client\Request')) || ($curl_ok && function_exists('curl_multi_init'))); $allow_url_fopen_ok = (bool)ini_get('allow_url_fopen'); $filter_ok = extension_loaded('filter'); if (extension_loaded('xmlreader')) { $xml_ok = true; } elseif (extension_loaded('xml')) { $parser_check = xml_parser_create(); xml_parse_into_struct($parser_check, '&', $values); xml_parser_free($parser_check); $xml_ok = isset($values[0]['value']); } else { $xml_ok = false; } header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); ?> <?php echo $app_name; ?>: Server Compatibility Test

: Compatibility Test

Test Should Be What You Have
PHP 5.3 or higher
XML Enabled
PCRE Enabled
Zlib Enabled
mbstring Enabled
iconv Enabled
Data filtering Enabled
Tidy Enabled
cURL Enabled
Parallel URL fetching Enabled
allow_url_fopen Enabled

What does this mean?

  1. You have everything you need to run properly! Congratulations!
  2. PHP: You are running a supported version of PHP. No problems here.
  3. XML: You have XMLReader support or a version of XML support that isn't broken installed. No problems here.
  4. PCRE: You have PCRE support installed. No problems here.
  5. allow_url_fopen: You have allow_url_fopen enabled. No problems here.
  6. Data filtering: You have the PHP filter extension enabled. No problems here.
  7. Zlib: You have Zlib enabled. This allows SimplePie to support GZIP-encoded feeds. No problems here.
  8. Zlib: The Zlib extension is not available. SimplePie will ignore any GZIP-encoding, and instead handle feeds as uncompressed text.
  9. mbstring and iconv: You have both mbstring and iconv installed! This will allow to handle the greatest number of languages. No problems here.
  10. mbstring: mbstring is installed, but iconv is not.
  11. iconv: iconv is installed, but mbstring is not.
  12. mbstring and iconv: You do not have either of the extensions installed. This will significantly impair your ability to read non-English feeds, as well as even some English ones.
  13. Tidy: You have Tidy support installed. No problems here.
  14. Tidy: The Tidy extension is not available. should still work with most feeds/articles, but you may experience problems with some. For problem feeds we recommend you use the HTML5 parser.
  15. cURL: You have cURL support installed. No problems here.
  16. cURL: The cURL extension is not available. SimplePie will use fsockopen() instead.
  17. Parallel URL fetching: You have PHP's HTTP extension or curl_multi installed. No problems here.
  18. Parallel URL fetching: HTTP extension or curl_multi support is not available. will use file_get_contents() instead to fetch URLs sequentially rather than in parallel.
  19. Data filtering: Your PHP configuration has the filter extension disabled. will not work here.
  20. allow_url_fopen: Your PHP configuration has allow_url_fopen disabled. will not work here.
  21. PCRE: Your PHP installation doesn't support Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions. will not work here.
  22. XML: Your PHP installation doesn't support XML parsing. will not work here.
  23. PHP: You are running an unsupported version of PHP. will not work here.

Bottom Line: Yes, you can!

Your webhost has its act together!

You can download the latest version of from FiveFilters.org.

Note: Passing this test does not guarantee that will run on your webhost — it only ensures that the basic requirements have been addressed. If you experience any problems, please let us know.

Bottom Line: Yes, you can!

For most feeds, it'll run with no problems. There are certain languages that you might have a hard time with though.

You can download the latest version of from FiveFilters.org.

Note: Passing this test does not guarantee that will run on your webhost — it only ensures that the basic requirements have been addressed. If you experience any problems, please let us know.

Bottom Line: We're sorry…

Your webhost does not support the minimum requirements for . It may be a good idea to contact your webhost and point them to the results of this test. They may be able to enable/install the required components.

Alternatively, you can try one of our recommended hosts.

Further info

HTTP module

Full-Text RSS can make use of PHP's HTTP extension or curl_multi to make parallel HTTP requests when processing feeds. If neither are available, it will make sequential requests using file_get_contents.

will be used on this server.

Alternative PHP Cache (APC/APCu)

Full-Text RSS can make use of APC's memory cache to store site config files (when requested for the first time). This is not required, but if available it may improve performance slightly by reducing disk access.

APC is available on this server.

'; } else { echo '

APC is not available on this server.

'; } ?>

HTML parser

Full-Text RSS uses the fast libxml parser (the default PHP parser) but it can also make use of HTML5-PHP (an HTML5 parser written in PHP) if your version of PHP supports it. The latter might produce better results for some sites, especially if Tidy is not available on your server, however, it is slower than libxml.

= 0) { echo '

HTML5-PHP can be used on this server.

'; } else { echo '

You need at least PHP 5.3 to be able to use HTML5-PHP.

'; } ?>

Language detection

Full-Text RSS can detect the language of each article processed. This occurs using Text_LanguageDetect or PHP-CLD (if available).

= 0)) { echo '

PHP-CLD will be used on this server.

'; } else { echo '

Text_LanguageDetect will be used on this server.

'; } ?>

Automatic site config updates

Full-Text RSS can be configured to update its site config files (which determine how content should be extracted for certain sites) by downloading the latest set from our GitHub repository. This functionaility is not required, and can be done manually. To configure this to occur automatically, you will need zip support enabled in PHP - we make use of the ZipArchive class.

ZipArchive is not available on this server. To update the site config files you will need to do it manually by downloading the latest set and uploading it to your server.

'; } else { echo '

ZipArchive is available on this server.

'; } ?>

This compatibility test has been borrowed (and slightly adapted) from the one supplied by SimplePie.org. We have kept most of their checks intact as we use SimplePie in our application.
