admin_credentials) || $options->admin_credentials['username'] == '' || $options->admin_credentials['password'] == '') { die('

Admin privileges required

This page requires admin privileges but Full-Text RSS has not been configured with admin credentials.

If you are the administrator, please edit your custom_config.php file and enter the credentials in the appropriate section. When you\'ve done that, this page will prompt you for your admin credentials.

'); } $name = @$_POST['username']; $pass = @$_POST['pass']; $invalid_login = false; if ($name || $pass) { if ($name == $options->admin_credentials['username'] && $pass == $options->admin_credentials['password']) { // Authentication successful - set session $_SESSION['auth'] = 1; if (isset($_POST['redirect']) && preg_match('/^[0-9a-z]+$/', $_POST['redirect'])) { header('Location: '.$_POST['redirect'].'.php'); } else { header('Location: index.php'); } exit; } $invalid_login = true; } ?> Login Invalid login, please try again. If you can\'t remember your admin credentials, open your custom_config.php and you\'ll find them in there.

'; ?>
'; ?>