true, 'output-xhtml' => true, 'logical-emphasis' => true, 'show-body-only' => false, 'new-blocklevel-tags' => 'article, aside, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section, details, datagrid', 'new-inline-tags' => 'new-inline-tags: mark, time, meter, progress', 'wrap' => 0, 'drop-empty-paras' => true, 'drop-proprietary-attributes' => false, 'enclose-text' => true, 'enclose-block-text' => true, 'merge-divs' => true, 'merge-spans' => true, 'char-encoding' => 'utf8', 'hide-comments' => true ); protected $html; protected $config; protected $title; protected $body; protected $success = false; public $readability; public $debug = false; function __construct($path, $fallback=null) { SiteConfig::set_config_path($path, $fallback); } protected function debug($msg) { if ($this->debug) { $mem = round(memory_get_usage()/1024, 2); $memPeak = round(memory_get_peak_usage()/1024, 2); echo '* ',$msg; echo ' - mem used: ',$mem," (peak: $memPeak)\n"; ob_flush(); flush(); } } public function reset() { $this->html = null; $this->readability = null; $this->config = null; $this->title = null; $this->body = null; $this->success = false; } // returns true on success, false on failure // $smart_tidy indicates that if tidy is used and no results are produced, we will // try again without it. Tidy helps us deal with PHP's patchy HTML parsing most of the time // but it has problems of its own which we try to avoid with this option. public function process($html, $url, $smart_tidy=true) { $this->reset(); // extract host name $host = @parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); if (!($this->config = SiteConfig::build($host))) { // no match, so use defaults $this->config = new SiteConfig(); } // store copy of config in our static cache array in case we need to process another URL SiteConfig::add_to_cache($host, $this->config); // use tidy (if it exists)? // This fixes problems with some sites which would otherwise // trouble DOMDocument's HTML parsing. (Although sometimes it // makes matters worse, which is why you can override it in site config files.) $tidied = false; if ($this->config->tidy && function_exists('tidy_parse_string') && $smart_tidy) { $this->debug('Using Tidy'); $tidy = tidy_parse_string($html, self::$tidy_config, 'UTF8'); if (tidy_clean_repair($tidy)) { $original_html = $html; $tidied = true; $html = $tidy->value; } unset($tidy); } // load and parse html $this->readability = new Readability($html, $url); // we use xpath to find elements in the given HTML document // see $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->readability->dom); // strip elements (using xpath expressions) foreach ($this->config->strip as $pattern) { $elems = @$xpath->query($pattern, $this->readability->dom); // check for matches if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('Stripping '.$elems->length.' elements (strip)'); for ($i=$elems->length-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $elems->item($i)->parentNode->removeChild($elems->item($i)); } } } // strip elements (using id and class attribute values) foreach ($this->config->strip_id_or_class as $string) { $string = strtr($string, array("'"=>'', '"'=>'')); $elems = @$xpath->query("//*[contains(@class, '$string') or contains(@id, '$string')]", $this->readability->dom); // check for matches if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('Stripping '.$elems->length.' elements (strip_id_or_class)'); for ($i=$elems->length-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $elems->item($i)->parentNode->removeChild($elems->item($i)); } } } // strip images (using src attribute values) foreach ($this->config->strip_image_src as $string) { $string = strtr($string, array("'"=>'', '"'=>'')); $elems = @$xpath->query("//img[contains(@src, '$string')]", $this->readability->dom); // check for matches if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('Stripping '.$elems->length.' image elements'); for ($i=$elems->length-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $elems->item($i)->parentNode->removeChild($elems->item($i)); } } } // strip elements using and ignore class names // .entry-unrelated and .instapaper_ignore // See // and $elems = @$xpath->query("//*[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' entry-unrelated ') or contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' instapaper_ignore ')]", $this->readability->dom); // check for matches if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('Stripping '.$elems->length.' .entry-unrelated,.instapaper_ignore elements'); for ($i=$elems->length-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $elems->item($i)->parentNode->removeChild($elems->item($i)); } } // strip elements that contain style="display: none;" $elems = @$xpath->query("//*[contains(@style,'display:none')]", $this->readability->dom); // check for matches if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('Stripping '.$elems->length.' elements with inline display:none style'); for ($i=$elems->length-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $elems->item($i)->parentNode->removeChild($elems->item($i)); } } // try to get title foreach ($this->config->title as $pattern) { $elems = @$xpath->evaluate($pattern, $this->readability->dom); if (is_string($elems)) { $this->debug('Title expression evaluated as string'); $this->title = trim($elems); break; } elseif ($elems instanceof DOMNodeList && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('Title matched'); $this->title = $elems->item(0)->textContent; break; } } // try to get body foreach ($this->config->body as $pattern) { $elems = @$xpath->query($pattern, $this->readability->dom); // check for matches if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('Body matched'); if ($elems->length == 1) { $this->body = $elems->item(0); // prune (clean up elements that may not be content) if ($this->config->prune) { $this->debug('Pruning content'); $this->readability->prepArticle($this->body); } break; } else { $this->body = $this->readability->dom->createElement('div'); $this->debug($elems->length.' body elems found'); foreach ($elems as $elem) { $isDescendant = false; foreach ($this->body->childNodes as $parent) { if ($this->isDescendant($parent, $elem)) { $isDescendant = true; break; } } if ($isDescendant) { $this->debug('Element is child of another body element, skipping.'); } else { // prune (clean up elements that may not be content) if ($this->config->prune) { $this->debug('Pruning content'); $this->readability->prepArticle($elem); } $this->debug('Element added to body'); $this->body->appendChild($elem); } } } } } // auto detect? $detect_title = $detect_body = false; // detect title? if (!isset($this->title)) { if (empty($this->config->title) || (!empty($this->config->title) && $this->config->autodetect_on_failure)) { $detect_title = true; } } // detect body? if (!isset($this->body)) { if (empty($this->config->body) || (!empty($this->config->body) && $this->config->autodetect_on_failure)) { $detect_body = true; } } // check for hNews if ($detect_title || $detect_body) { // check for hentry $elems = @$xpath->query("//*[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' hentry ')]", $this->readability->dom); if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('hNews: found hentry'); $hentry = $elems->item(0); if ($detect_title) { // check for entry-title $elems = @$xpath->query(".//*[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' entry-title ')]", $hentry); if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('hNews: found entry-title'); $this->title = $elems->item(0)->textContent; $detect_title = false; } } // check for entry-content. // according to hAtom spec, if there are multiple elements marked entry-content, // we include all of these in the order they appear - see if ($detect_body) { $elems = @$xpath->query(".//*[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' entry-content ')]", $hentry); if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('hNews: found entry-content'); if ($elems->length == 1) { // what if it's empty? (some sites misuse hNews - place their content outside an empty entry-content element) $e = $elems->item(0); if (($e->tagName == 'img') || (trim($e->textContent) != '')) { $this->body = $elems->item(0); // prune (clean up elements that may not be content) if ($this->config->prune) { $this->debug('Pruning content'); $this->readability->prepArticle($this->body); } $detect_body = false; } else { $this->debug('hNews: skipping entry-content - appears not to contain content'); } unset($e); } else { $this->body = $this->readability->dom->createElement('div'); $this->debug($elems->length.' entry-content elems found'); foreach ($elems as $elem) { $isDescendant = false; foreach ($this->body->childNodes as $parent) { if ($this->isDescendant($parent, $elem)) { $isDescendant = true; break; } } if ($isDescendant) { $this->debug('Element is child of another body element, skipping.'); } else { // prune (clean up elements that may not be content) if ($this->config->prune) { $this->debug('Pruning content'); $this->readability->prepArticle($elem); } $this->debug('Element added to body'); $this->body->appendChild($elem); } } $detect_body = false; } } } } } // check for elements marked with instapaper_title if ($detect_title) { // check for instapaper_title $elems = @$xpath->query("//*[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' instapaper_title ')]", $this->readability->dom); if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('title found (.instapaper_title)'); $this->title = $elems->item(0)->textContent; $detect_title = false; } } // check for elements marked with instapaper_body if ($detect_body) { $elems = @$xpath->query("//*[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' instapaper_body ')]", $this->readability->dom); if ($elems && $elems->length > 0) { $this->debug('body found (.instapaper_body)'); $this->body = $elems->item(0); // prune (clean up elements that may not be content) if ($this->config->prune) { $this->debug('Pruning content'); $this->readability->prepArticle($this->body); } $detect_body = false; } } // still missing title or body, so we detect using Readability if ($detect_title || $detect_body) { $this->debug('Using Readability'); // clone body if we're only using Readability for title (otherwise it may interfere with body element) if (isset($this->body)) $this->body = $this->body->cloneNode(true); $success = $this->readability->init(); } if ($detect_title) { $this->debug('Detecting title'); $this->title = $this->readability->getTitle()->textContent; } if ($detect_body && $success) { $this->debug('Detecting body'); $this->body = $this->readability->getContent(); if ($this->body->childNodes->length == 1 && $this->body->firstChild->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $this->body = $this->body->firstChild; } // prune (clean up elements that may not be content) if ($this->config->prune) { $this->debug('Pruning content'); $this->readability->prepArticle($this->body); } } if (isset($this->body)) { // remove scripts $this->readability->removeScripts($this->body); $this->success = true; } // if we've had no success and we've used tidy, there's a chance // that tidy has messed up. So let's try again without tidy... if (!$this->success && $tidied && $smart_tidy) { $this->debug('Trying again without tidy'); $this->process($original_html, $url, false); } return $this->success; } private function isDescendant(DOMElement $parent, DOMElement $child) { $node = $child->parentNode; while ($node != null) { if ($node->isSameNode($parent)) return true; $node = $node->parentNode; } return false; } public function getContent() { return $this->body; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function getSiteConfig() { return $this->config; } } ?>