2014-09-15 22:24:06 +02:00

1059 lines
29 KiB

namespace HTML5\Parser;
use HTML5\Elements;
* The HTML5 tokenizer.
* The tokenizer's role is reading data from the scanner and gathering it into
* semantic units. From the tokenizer, data is emitted to an event handler,
* which may (for example) create a DOM tree.
* The HTML5 specification has a detailed explanation of tokenizing HTML5. We
* follow that specification to the maximum extent that we can. If you find
* a discrepancy that is not documented, please file a bug and/or submit a
* patch.
* This tokenizer is implemented as a recursive descent parser.
* Within the API documentation, you may see references to the specific section
* of the HTML5 spec that the code attempts to reproduce. Example:
* This refers to section of the HTML5 CR specification.
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/CR-html5-20121217/
class Tokenizer {
protected $scanner;
protected $events;
protected $tok;
* Buffer for text.
protected $text = '';
// When this goes to false, the parser stops.
protected $carryOn = TRUE;
protected $textMode = 0; // TEXTMODE_NORMAL;
protected $untilTag = NULL;
const WHITE="\t\n\f ";
* Create a new tokenizer.
* Typically, parsing a document involves creating a new tokenizer, giving
* it a scanner (input) and an event handler (output), and then calling
* the Tokenizer::parse() method.`
* @param \HTML5\Parser\Scanner $scanner
* A scanner initialized with an input stream.
* @param \HTML5\Parser\EventHandler $eventHandler
* An event handler, initialized and ready to receive
* events.
public function __construct($scanner, $eventHandler) {
$this->scanner = $scanner;
$this->events = $eventHandler;
* Begin parsing.
* This will begin scanning the document, tokenizing as it goes.
* Tokens are emitted into the event handler.
* Tokenizing will continue until the document is completely
* read. Errors are emitted into the event handler, but
* the parser will attempt to continue parsing until the
* entire input stream is read.
public function parse() {
$p = 0;
do {
$p = $this->scanner->position();
// FIXME: Add infinite loop protection.
while ($this->carryOn);
* Set the text mode for the character data reader.
* HTML5 defines three different modes for reading text:
* - Normal: Read until a tag is encountered.
* - RCDATA: Read until a tag is encountered, but skip a few otherwise-
* special characters.
* - Raw: Read until a special closing tag is encountered (viz. pre, script)
* This allows those modes to be set.
* Normally, setting is done by the event handler via a special return code on
* startTag(), but it can also be set manually using this function.
* @param integer $textmode
* One of Elements::TEXT_*
* @param string $untilTag
* The tag that should stop RAW or RCDATA mode. Normal mode does not
* use this indicator.
public function setTextMode($textmode, $untilTag = NULL) {
$this->textMode = $textmode & (Elements::TEXT_RAW | Elements::TEXT_RCDATA);
$this->untilTag = $untilTag;
* Consume a character and make a move.
protected function consumeData() {
// Character Ref
$this->characterReference() ||
$this->tagOpen() ||
$this->eof() ||
return $this->carryOn;
* Parse anything that looks like character data.
* Different rules apply based on the current text mode.
* @see Elements::TEXT_RAW Elements::TEXT_RCDATA.
protected function characterData() {
if ($this->scanner->current() === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
switch ($this->textMode) {
case Elements::TEXT_RAW:
case Elements::TEXT_RCDATA:
return $this->rawText();
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
if (strspn($tok, "<&")) {
return FALSE;
return $this->text();
* This buffers the current token as character data.
protected function text() {
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
// This should never happen...
if ($tok === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
// Null
if ($tok === "\00") {
$this->parseError("Received NULL character.");
// fprintf(STDOUT, "Writing '%s'", $tok);
return TRUE;
* Read text in RAW mode.
protected function rawText() {
if (is_null($this->untilTag)) {
return $this->text();
$sequence = '</' . $this->untilTag . '>';
$txt = $this->readUntilSequence($sequence);
return $this->endTag();
* If the document is read, emit an EOF event.
protected function eof() {
if ($this->scanner->current() === FALSE) {
//fprintf(STDOUT, "EOF");
$this->carryOn = FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Handle character references (aka entities).
* This version is specific to PCDATA, as it buffers data into the
* text buffer. For a generic version, see decodeCharacterReference().
protected function characterReference() {
$ref = $this->decodeCharacterReference();
if ($ref !== FALSE) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Emit a tagStart event on encountering a tag.
protected function tagOpen() {
if ($this->scanner->current() != '<') {
return FALSE;
// Any buffered text data can go out now.
return $this->markupDeclaration() ||
$this->endTag() ||
$this->processingInstruction() ||
$this->tagName() ||
// This always returns false.
$this->parseError("Illegal tag opening") ||
* Look for markup.
protected function markupDeclaration() {
if ($this->scanner->current() != '!') {
return FALSE;
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
// Comment:
if ($tok == '-' && $this->scanner->peek() == '-') {
$this->scanner->next(); // Consume the other '-'
$this->scanner->next(); // Next char.
return $this->comment();
// Doctype
elseif($tok == 'D' || $tok == 'd') {
return $this->doctype('');
// CDATA section
elseif($tok == '[') {
return $this->cdataSection();
$this->parseError("Expected <!--, <![CDATA[, or <!DOCTYPE. Got <!%s", $tok);
return TRUE;
* Consume an end tag.
protected function endTag() {
if ($this->scanner->current() != '/') {
return FALSE;
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
// a-zA-Z -> tagname
// > -> parse error
// EOF -> parse error
// -> parse error
if (!ctype_alpha($tok)) {
$this->parseError("Expected tag name, got '%s'", $tok);
if ($tok == "\0" || $tok === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
return $this->bogusComment('</');
$name = strtolower($this->scanner->charsUntil("\n\f \t>"));
// Trash whitespace.
if ($this->scanner->current() != '>') {
$this->parseError("Expected >, got '%s'", $this->scanner->current());
// We just trash stuff until we get to the next tag close.
return TRUE;
* Consume a tag name and body.
protected function tagName() {
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
if (!ctype_alpha($tok)) {
return FALSE;
// We know this is at least one char.
$name = strtolower($this->scanner->charsWhile(
$attributes = array();
$selfClose = FALSE;
// Handle attribute parse exceptions here so that we can
// react by trying to build a sensible parse tree.
try {
do {
while (!$this->isTagEnd($selfClose));
catch (ParseError $e) {
$selfClose = FALSE;
$mode = $this->events->startTag($name, $attributes, $selfClose);
// Should we do this? What does this buy that selfClose doesn't?
if ($selfClose) {
elseif (is_int($mode)) {
//fprintf(STDOUT, "Event response says move into mode %d for tag %s", $mode, $name);
$this->setTextMode($mode, $name);
return TRUE;
* Check if the scanner has reached the end of a tag.
protected function isTagEnd(&$selfClose) {
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
if ($tok == '/') {
if ($this->scanner->current() == '>') {
$selfClose = TRUE;
return TRUE;
if ($this->scanner->current() === FALSE) {
$this->parseError("Unexpected EOF inside of tag.");
return TRUE;
// Basically, we skip the / token and go on.
// See
$this->parseError("Unexpected '%s' inside of a tag.", $this->scanner->current());
return FALSE;
if ($this->scanner->current() == '>') {
return TRUE;
if ($this->scanner->current() === FALSE) {
$this->parseError("Unexpected EOF inside of tag.");
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Parse attributes from inside of a tag.
protected function attribute(&$attributes) {
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
if ($tok == '/' || $tok == '>' || $tok === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
if ($tok == '<') {
$this->parseError("Unexepcted '<' inside of attributes list.");
// Push the < back onto the stack.
// Let the caller figure out how to handle this.
throw new ParseError("Start tag inside of attribute.");
$name = strtolower($this->scanner->charsUntil("/>=\n\f\t "));
if (strlen($name) == 0) {
$this->parseError("Expected an attribute name, got %s.", $this->scanner->current());
// Really, only '=' can be the char here. Everything else gets absorbed
// under one rule or another.
$name = $this->scanner->current();
$isValidAttribute = TRUE;
// Attribute names can contain most Unicode characters for HTML5.
// But method "DOMElement::setAttribute" is throwing exception
// because of it's own internal restriction so these have to be filtered.
// see issue #23: https://github.com/Masterminds/html5-php/issues/23
// and http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110525/syntax.html#syntax-attribute-name
if (preg_match("/[\x1-\x2C\\/\x3B-\x40\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7F]/u", $name)) {
$this->parseError("Unexpected characters in attribute name: %s", $name);
$isValidAttribute = FALSE;
// There is no limitation for 1st character in HTML5.
// But method "DOMElement::setAttribute" is throwing exception for the
// characters below so they have to be filtered.
// see issue #23: https://github.com/Masterminds/html5-php/issues/23
// and http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110525/syntax.html#syntax-attribute-name
else if (preg_match("/^[0-9.-]/u", $name)) {
$this->parseError("Unexpected character at the begining of attribute name: %s", $name);
$isValidAttribute = FALSE;
$val = $this->attributeValue();
if($isValidAttribute) {
$attributes[$name] = $val;
return TRUE;
* Consume an attribute value.
* and after.
protected function attributeValue() {
if ($this->scanner->current() != '=') {
return NULL;
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
switch ($tok) {
case "\n":
case "\f":
case " ":
case "\t":
// Whitespace here indicates an empty value.
return NULL;
case '"':
case "'":
return $this->quotedAttributeValue($tok);
case '>':
// case '/': // seems to allow foo=/ as a valid attr.
$this->parseError("Expected attribute value, got tag end.");
return NULL;
case '=':
case '`':
$this->parseError("Expecting quotes, got %s.", $tok);
return $this->unquotedAttributeValue();
return $this->unquotedAttributeValue();
* Get an attribute value string.
* @param string $quote
* IMPORTANT: This is a series of chars! Any one of which will be considered
* termination of an attribute's value. E.g. "\"'" will stop at either
* ' or ".
* @return string
* The attribute value.
protected function quotedAttributeValue($quote) {
$stoplist = "\f" . $quote;
$val = '';
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
while (strspn($tok, $stoplist) == 0 && $tok !== FALSE) {
if ($tok == '&') {
$val .= $this->decodeCharacterReference(TRUE);
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
else {
$val .= $tok;
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
return $val;
protected function unquotedAttributeValue() {
$stoplist = "\t\n\f >";
$val = '';
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
while (strspn($tok, $stoplist) == 0 && $tok !== FALSE) {
if ($tok == '&') {
$val .= $this->decodeCharacterReference(TRUE);
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
else {
if(strspn($tok, "\"'<=`") > 0) {
$this->parseError("Unexpected chars in unquoted attribute value %s", $tok);
$val .= $tok;
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
return $val;
* Consume malformed markup as if it were a comment.
* The spec requires that the ENTIRE tag-like thing be enclosed inside of
* the comment. So this will generate comments like:
* &lt;!--&lt/+foo&gt;--&gt;
* @param string $leading
* Prepend any leading characters. This essentially
* negates the need to backtrack, but it's sort of
* a hack.
protected function bogusComment($leading = '') {
// TODO: This can be done more efficiently when the
// scanner exposes a readUntil() method.
$comment = $leading;
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
do {
$comment .= $tok;
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
} while ($tok !== FALSE && $tok != '>');
$this->events->comment($comment . $tok);
return TRUE;
* Read a comment.
* Expects the first tok to be inside of the comment.
protected function comment() {
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
$comment = '';
// <!-->. Emit an empty comment because says to.
if ($tok == '>') {
// Parse error. Emit the comment token.
$this->parseError("Expected comment data, got '>'");
return TRUE;
// Replace NULL with the replacement char.
if ($tok == "\0") {
$tok = UTF8Utils::FFFD;
while (!$this->isCommentEnd()) {
$comment .= $tok;
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
return TRUE;
* Check if the scanner has reached the end of a comment.
protected function isCommentEnd() {
// EOF
if($this->scanner->current() === FALSE) {
// Hit the end.
$this->parseError("Unexpected EOF in a comment.");
return TRUE;
// If it doesn't start with -, not the end.
if($this->scanner->current() != '-') {
return FALSE;
// Advance one, and test for '->'
if ($this->scanner->next() == '-'
&& $this->scanner->peek() == '>') {
$this->scanner->next(); // Consume the last '>'
return TRUE;
// Unread '-';
return FALSE;
* Parse a DOCTYPE.
* Parse a DOCTYPE declaration. This method has strong bearing on whether or
* not Quirksmode is enabled on the event handler.
* @todo This method is a little long. Should probably refactor.
protected function doctype() {
if (strcasecmp($this->scanner->current(), 'D')) {
return FALSE;
// Check that string is DOCTYPE.
$chars = $this->scanner->charsWhile("DOCTYPEdoctype");
if (strcasecmp($chars, 'DOCTYPE')) {
$this->parseError('Expected DOCTYPE, got %s', $chars);
return $this->bogusComment('<!' . $chars);
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
// EOF: die.
if ($tok === FALSE) {
$this->events->doctype('html5',EventHandler::DOCTYPE_NONE,'', TRUE);
return $this->eof();
$doctypeName = '';
// NULL char: convert.
if ($tok === "\0") {
$this->parseError("Unexpected NULL character in DOCTYPE.");
$doctypeName .= UTF8::FFFD;
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
$stop = " \n\f>";
$doctypeName = $this->scanner->charsUntil($stop);
// Lowercase ASCII, replace \0 with FFFD
$doctypeName = strtolower(strtr($doctypeName, "\0", UTF8Utils::FFFD));
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
// If FALSE, emit a parse error, DOCTYPE, and return.
if ($tok === FALSE) {
$this->parseError('Unexpected EOF in DOCTYPE declaration.');
$this->events->doctype($doctypeName, EventHandler::DOCTYPE_NONE, NULL, TRUE);
return TRUE;
// Short DOCTYPE, like <!DOCTYPE html>
if ($tok == '>') {
// DOCTYPE without a name.
if (strlen($doctypeName) == 0) {
$this->parseError("Expected a DOCTYPE name. Got nothing.");
$this->events->doctype($doctypeName, 0, NULL, TRUE);
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
$pub = strtoupper($this->scanner->getAsciiAlpha());
$white = strlen($this->scanner->whitespace());
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
// Get ID, and flag it as pub or system.
if (($pub == 'PUBLIC' || $pub == 'SYSTEM') && $white > 0) {
// Get the sys ID.
$type = $pub == 'PUBLIC' ? EventHandler::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC : EventHandler::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM;
$id = $this->quotedString("\0>");
if ($id === FALSE) {
$this->events->doctype($doctypeName, $type, $pub, FALSE);
return FALSE;
// Premature EOF.
if ($this->scanner->current() === FALSE) {
$this->parseError("Unexpected EOF in DOCTYPE");
$this->events->doctype($doctypeName, $type, $id, TRUE);
return TRUE;
// Well-formed complete DOCTYPE.
if ($this->scanner->current() == '>') {
$this->events->doctype($doctypeName, $type, $id, FALSE);
return TRUE;
// If we get here, we have <!DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC "bar" SOME_JUNK
// Throw away the junk, parse error, quirks mode, return TRUE.
$this->parseError("Malformed DOCTYPE.");
$this->events->doctype($doctypeName, $type, $id, TRUE);
return TRUE;
// Else it's a bogus DOCTYPE.
// Consume to > and trash.
$this->parseError("Expected PUBLIC or SYSTEM. Got %s.", $pub);
$this->events->doctype($doctypeName, 0, NULL, TRUE);
return TRUE;
* Utility for reading a quoted string.
* @param string $stopchars
* Characters (in addition to a close-quote) that should stop the string.
* E.g. sometimes '>' is higher precedence than '"' or "'".
* @return mixed
* String if one is found (quotations omitted)
protected function quotedString($stopchars) {
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
if ($tok == '"' || $tok == "'") {
$ret = $this->scanner->charsUntil($tok . $stopchars);
if ($this->scanner->current() == $tok) {
else {
// Parse error because no close quote.
$this->parseError("Expected %s, got %s", $tok, $this->scanner->current());
return $ret;
return FALSE;
* Handle a CDATA section.
protected function cdataSection() {
if ($this->scanner->current() != '[') {
return FALSE;
$cdata = '';
$chars = $this->scanner->charsWhile('CDAT');
if ($chars != 'CDATA' || $this->scanner->current() != '[') {
$this->parseError('Expected [CDATA[, got %s', $chars);
return $this->bogusComment('<![' . $chars);
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
do {
if ($tok === FALSE) {
$this->parseError('Unexpected EOF inside CDATA.');
$this->bogusComment('<![CDATA[' . $cdata);
return TRUE;
$cdata .= $tok;
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
while (!$this->sequenceMatches(']]>'));
// Consume ]]>
return TRUE;
// ================================================================
// Non-HTML5
// ================================================================
* Handle a processing instruction.
* XML processing instructions are supposed to be ignored in HTML5,
* treated as "bogus comments". However, since we're not a user
* agent, we allow them. We consume until ?> and then issue a
* EventListener::processingInstruction() event.
protected function processingInstruction() {
if ($this->scanner->current() != '?') {
return FALSE;
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
$procName = $this->scanner->getAsciiAlpha();
$white = strlen($this->scanner->whitespace());
// If not a PI, send to bogusComment.
if (strlen($procName) == 0 || $white == 0 || $this->scanner->current() == FALSE) {
$this->parseError("Expected processing instruction name, got $tok");
$this->bogusComment('<?' . $tok . $procName);
return TRUE;
$data = '';
// As long as it's not the case that the next two chars are ? and >.
while (!($this->scanner->current() == '?' && $this->scanner->peek() == '>')) {
$data .= $this->scanner->current();
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
if ($tok === FALSE) {
$this->parseError("Unexpected EOF in processing instruction.");
$this->events->processingInstruction($procName, $data);
return TRUE;
$this->scanner->next(); // >
$this->scanner->next(); // Next token.
$this->events->processingInstruction($procName, $data);
return TRUE;
// ================================================================
// ================================================================
* Read from the input stream until we get to the desired sequene
* or hit the end of the input stream.
protected function readUntilSequence($sequence) {
$buffer = '';
// Optimization for reading larger blocks faster.
$first = substr($sequence, 0, 1);
while ($this->scanner->current() !== FALSE) {
$buffer .= $this->scanner->charsUntil($first);
// Stop as soon as we hit the stopping condition.
if ($this->sequenceMatches($sequence) || $this->sequenceMatches(strtoupper($sequence))) {
return $buffer;
$buffer .= $this->scanner->current();
// If we get here, we hit the EOF.
$this->parseError("Unexpected EOF during text read.");
return $buffer;
* Check if upcomming chars match the given sequence.
* This will read the stream for the $sequence. If it's
* found, this will return TRUE. If not, return FALSE.
* Since this unconsumes any chars it reads, the caller
* will still need to read the next sequence, even if
* this returns TRUE.
* Example: $this->sequenceMatches('</script>') will
* see if the input stream is at the start of a
* '</script>' string.
protected function sequenceMatches($sequence) {
$len = strlen($sequence);
$buffer = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
$buffer .= $this->scanner->current();
// EOF. Rewind and let the caller handle it.
if ($this->scanner->current() === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
return $buffer == $sequence;
* Send a TEXT event with the contents of the text buffer.
* This emits an EventHandler::text() event with the current contents of the
* temporary text buffer. (The buffer is used to group as much PCDATA
* as we can instead of emitting lots and lots of TEXT events.)
protected function flushBuffer() {
if (empty($this->text)) {
$this->text = '';
* Add text to the temporary buffer.
* @see flushBuffer()
protected function buffer($str) {
$this->text .= $str;
* Emit a parse error.
* A parse error always returns FALSE because it never consumes any
* characters.
protected function parseError($msg) {
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) > 1) {
$msg = vsprintf($msg, $args);
$line = $this->scanner->currentLine();
$col = $this->scanner->columnOffset();
$this->events->parseError($msg, $line, $col);
return FALSE;
* Decode a character reference and return the string.
* Returns FALSE if the entity could not be found. If $inAttribute is set
* to TRUE, a bare & will be returned as-is.
* @param boolean $inAttribute
* Set to TRUE if the text is inside of an attribute value.
* FALSE otherwise.
protected function decodeCharacterReference($inAttribute = FALSE) {
// If it fails this, it's definitely not an entity.
if ($this->scanner->current() != '&') {
return FALSE;
// Next char after &.
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
$entity = '';
$start = $this->scanner->position();
if ($tok == FALSE) {
return '&';
// These indicate not an entity. We return just
// the &.
if (strspn($tok, static::WHITE . "&<") == 1) {
return '&';
// Numeric entity
if ($tok == '#') {
$tok = $this->scanner->next();
// Hexidecimal encoding.
// X[0-9a-fA-F]+;
// x[0-9a-fA-F]+;
if ($tok == 'x' || $tok == 'X') {
$tok = $this->scanner->next(); // Consume x
// Convert from hex code to char.
$hex = $this->scanner->getHex();
if (empty($hex)) {
$this->parseError("Expected &#xHEX;, got &#x%s", $tok);
// We unconsume because we don't know what parser rules might
// be in effect for the remaining chars. For example. '&#>'
// might result in a specific parsing rule inside of tag
// contexts, while not inside of pcdata context.
return '&';
$entity = CharacterReference::lookupHex($hex);
// Decimal encoding.
// [0-9]+;
else {
// Convert from decimal to char.
$numeric = $this->scanner->getNumeric();
if ($numeric === FALSE) {
$this->parseError("Expected &#DIGITS;, got &#%s", $tok);
return '&';
$entity = CharacterReference::lookupDecimal($numeric);
// String entity.
else {
// Attempt to consume a string up to a ';'.
// [a-zA-Z0-9]+;
$cname = $this->scanner->getAsciiAlpha();
$entity = CharacterReference::lookupName($cname);
if ($entity == NULL) {
$this->parseError("No match in entity table for '%s'", $entity);
// The scanner has advanced the cursor for us.
$tok = $this->scanner->current();
// We have an entity. We're done here.
if ($tok == ';') {
return $entity;
// If in an attribute, then failing to match ; means unconsume the
// entire string. Otherwise, failure to match is an error.
if ($inAttribute) {
$this->scanner->unconsume($this->scanner->position() - $start);
return '&';
$this->parseError("Expected &ENTITY;, got &ENTITY%s (no trailing ;) ", $tok);
return '&' . $entity;