2014-09-15 22:24:06 +02:00

315 lines
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* @file
* The rules for generating output in the serializer.
* These output rules are likely to generate output similar to the document that
* was parsed. It is not intended to output exactly the document that was parsed.
namespace HTML5\Serializer;
use \HTML5\Elements;
* Generate the output html5 based on element rules.
class OutputRules implements \HTML5\Serializer\RulesInterface {
const IM_IN_HTML = 1;
const IM_IN_SVG = 2;
const IM_IN_MATHML = 3;
protected $traverser;
protected $encode = FALSE;
protected $out;
protected $outputMode;
const DOCTYPE = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
public function __construct($output, $options = array()) {
if (isset($options['encode_entities'])) {
$this->encode = $options['encode_entities'];
$this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_HTML;
$this->out = $output;
public function setTraverser(\HTML5\Serializer\Traverser $traverser) {
$this->traverser = $traverser;
return $this;
public function document($dom) {
protected function doctype() {
public function element($ele) {
$name = $ele->tagName;
// Per spec:
// If the element has a declared namespace in the HTML, MathML or
// SVG namespaces, we use the lname instead of the tagName.
if ($this->traverser->isLocalElement($ele)) {
$name = $ele->localName;
// If we are in SVG or MathML there is special handling.
// Using if/elseif instead of switch because it's faster in PHP.
if ($name == 'svg') {
$this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_SVG;
$name = Elements::normalizeSvgElement($name);
elseif ($name == 'math') {
$this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_MATHML;
// Handle children.
if ($ele->hasChildNodes()) {
// Close out the SVG or MathML special handling.
if ($name == 'svg' || $name == 'math') {
$this->outputMode = static::IM_IN_HTML;
// If not unary, add a closing tag.
if (!Elements::isA($name, Elements::VOID_TAG)) {
* Write a text node.
* @param \DOMText $ele
* The text node to write.
public function text($ele) {
if (isset($ele->parentNode) && isset($ele->parentNode->tagName) && Elements::isA($ele->parentNode->tagName, Elements::TEXT_RAW)) {
// FIXME: This probably needs some flags set.
public function cdata($ele) {
// This encodes CDATA.
public function comment($ele) {
// These produce identical output.
public function processorInstruction($ele) {
$this->wr('<?')->wr($ele->target)->wr(' ')->wr($ele->data)->wr('?>');
* Write the opening tag.
* Tags for HTML, MathML, and SVG are in the local name. Otherwise, use the
* qualified name (8.3).
* @param \DOMNode $ele
* The element being written.
protected function openTag($ele) {
if ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_HTML) {
// If we are not in html mode we are in SVG, MathML, or XML embedded content.
else {
if ($ele->hasChildNodes()) {
// If there are no children this is self closing.
else {
$this->wr(' />');
protected function attrs($ele) {
// FIXME: Needs support for xml, xmlns, xlink, and namespaced elements.
if (!$ele->hasAttributes()) {
return $this;
// TODO: Currently, this always writes name="value", and does not do
// value-less attributes.
$map = $ele->attributes;
$len = $map->length;
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
$node = $map->item($i);
$val = $this->enc($node->value, TRUE);
// XXX: The spec says that we need to ensure that anything in
// the XML, XMLNS, or XLink NS's should use the canonical
// prefix. It seems that DOM does this for us already, but there
// may be exceptions.
$name = $node->name;
// Special handling for attributes in SVG and MathML.
// Using if/elseif instead of switch because it's faster in PHP.
if ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_SVG) {
$name = Elements::normalizeSvgAttribute($name);
elseif ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_MATHML) {
$name = Elements::normalizeMathMlAttribute($name);
$this->wr(' ')->wr($name);
if (isset($val) && $val !== '') {
* Write the closing tag.
* Tags for HTML, MathML, and SVG are in the local name. Otherwise, use the
* qualified name (8.3).
* @param \DOMNode $ele
* The element being written.
protected function closeTag($ele) {
if ($this->outputMode == static::IM_IN_HTML || $ele->hasChildNodes()) {
* Write to the output.
* @param string $text
* The string to put into the output.
* @return HTML5\Serializer\Traverser
* $this so it can be used in chaining.
protected function wr($text) {
fwrite($this->out, $text);
return $this;
* Write a new line character.
* @return HTML5\Serializer\Traverser
* $this so it can be used in chaining.
protected function nl() {
fwrite($this->out, PHP_EOL);
return $this;
* Encode text.
* When encode is set to FALSE, the default value, the text passed in is
* escaped per section 8.3 of the html5 spec. For details on how text is
* escaped see the escape() method.
* When encoding is set to true the text is converted to named character
* references where appropriate. Section 8.1.4 Character references of the
* html5 spec refers to using named character references. This is useful for
* characters that can't otherwise legally be used in the text.
* The named character references are listed in section 8.5.
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/CR-html5-20130806/syntax.html#named-character-references
* True encoding will turn all named character references into their entities.
* This includes such characters as +.# and many other common ones. By default
* encoding here will just escape &'<>".
* Note, PHP 5.4+ has better html5 encoding.
* @todo Use the Entities class in php 5.3 to have html5 entities.
* @param string $text
* text to encode.
* @param boolean $attribute
* True if we are encoding an attrubute, false otherwise
* @return string
* The encoded text.
protected function enc($text, $attribute = FALSE) {
// Escape the text rather than convert to named character references.
if (!$this->encode) {
return $this->escape($text, $attribute);
// If we are in PHP 5.4+ we can use the native html5 entity functionality to
// convert the named character references.
if (defined('ENT_HTML5')) {
return htmlentities($text, ENT_HTML5 | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', FALSE);
// If a version earlier than 5.4 html5 entities are not entirely handled.
// This manually handles them.
else {
return strtr($text, \HTML5\Serializer\HTML5Entities::$map);
* Escape test.
* According to the html5 spec section 8.3 Serializing HTML fragments, text
* within tags that are not style, script, xmp, iframe, noembed, and noframes
* need to be properly escaped.
* The & should be converted to &amp;, no breaking space unicode characters
* converted to &nbsp;, when in attribute mode the " should be converted to
* &quot;, and when not in attribute mode the < and > should be converted to
* &lt; and &gt;.
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/CR-html5-20130806/syntax.html#escapingString
* @param string $text
* text to escape.
* @param boolean $attribute
* True if we are escaping an attrubute, false otherwise
protected function escape($text, $attribute = FALSE) {
// Not using htmlspecialchars because, while it does escaping, it doesn't
// match the requirements of section 8.5. For example, it doesn't handle
// non-breaking spaces.
if ($attribute) {
$replace = array('"'=>'&quot;', '&'=>'&amp;', "\xc2\xa0"=>'&nbsp;');
else {
$replace = array('<'=>'&lt;', '>'=>'&gt;', '&'=>'&amp;', "\xc2\xa0"=>'&nbsp;');
return strtr($text, $replace);