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\setsubtitle{on matters of investiture}
\setdate{9th January. 2021}
\introduction{His Imperial Majesty Juris the First, has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm; bearing the date the ninth of january, two-thousand-and-twenty-one; blessed by the grace of Kipje; to enact and to bless, the investiture of his Majesty onto the position of Owner of the Crafty Table. His Imperial Majesty shall thus henceforth enact, in accordance with article 2 of the Constitution of the Crafty Table, as Executive Order the following text. Let it be published by His Majesty's Administration as follows:}%
\item The contents of article 2 of the Law on Lightning shall read as follows:
\medskip "\begin{enumerate}
\item The smiting of players shall be minimized and only applied if the player is misbehaving.
\item Any member of the Administration utilizing smiting on citizens without just cause shall be jailed for 1 hour.
\item The Marriages Law shall be amended as follows:\begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*]
\item article 2 shall be retracted;
\item in the articles 8, 10 and 15, the text 'the President' shall be replaced with 'the President or the Owner of the Crafty Table';
\item the contents of article 11 shall read as follows: "If a religious marriage, in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Law, is held before the creation of a civil, a civil marriage shall be created automatically. The President or Owner of the Crafty Table shall act in accordance with the previous article."
\item In article 6 § 2 and 6 § 3 of the Monetary Law, the text 'administrative decree' shall be replaced with 'royal decree'.
\item The Land Reclamation Law shall be amended as follows:\begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*]
\item The contents of article 2 shall read as follows: "\begin{enumerate}
\item Land claims belonging to a player who hasn't been online on the server within the last 1 month period for at least 4 hours shall be eligible to land reclamation. The following land claims are exempted from land reclamation:\begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
\item land claims belonging to a Mayor for the purpose of protecting or keeping that land as part of a Town
\item land claims belonging to a player without the rank of Mayor, for the purposes stated in the previous member;
\item land claims belonging to a Governor for the purpose of protecting or keeping that land as part of a Governorate;
\item land claims belonging to a Citizen registered by the Administration on the reclamation exemption registry, shall not be eligible for land reclamation for an additional 5 months; unless the land claims do not contain any artificial structures.
\item Land claims, belonging to a player currently not online on the server, containing no or only minimal artificial structures, shall be eligible to land reclamation instantly
\item Land claims, belonging to a banned player with no more means of appeal, shall be eligible to land reclamation instantly.
\item Land claims that are needed for the construction of a community project shall be eligible to land reclamation instantly.
\item article 2a and 2c shall be retracted;
\item article 2b shall be renumbered to article 2a;
\item the contents of article 4 shall read as follows: "The Administration may alternatively remove a land claim at their discretion, without a removal reclamation request, as long as the criteria of article 2 § 2, 2 § 3 or 2 § 4 are met.";
\item an article 10a, titled "Compensation", shall be added, with the following contents: \newline%
\medskip "In the case of reclamation based on article 2 § 4, the reclaimed resources shall be delivered to the owner of the land claim and not be taxed by the administration, provided that:\begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*)]
\item the owner of the land claim has been online for at least 4 hours within the last 1 month period; and:
\item the owner of the land claim has requested the resources be returned to them.
If these conditions can no longer be met, the administration may tax the resources in accordance with article 9."
\toparticle{}{His Imperial Majesty shall assume the position of Director-General of the Crafty Table Central Bank, for a term of three months, effective immediately.}