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\settitle{Social Media Act}
\setdate{23rd August. 2020}
\introduction{WE, \textbf{the Administration of the Crafty Table}, BY THE GRACE OF KIPJE, the Government of the Realm, hereby declare, to all whom shall hear or see, are to know: \bigskip%
having determined that a social media prescence is vital to keep the Crafty Table an active server; having concluded that no member of the current Administration has experience in these particular fields; having decided that a group of 'Social Media Technicians' should be appointed from among the server's populace; having held an election for these positions in the Crafty Council;\bigskip%
having concluded as such we shall here, by Administrative decree, declare into effect the following text. Let it be published as follows: \bigskip}%
\item There shall be a Social Media Technician for Facebook.
\item There shall be a Social Media Technician for Twitter.
\item There shall be a Social Media Technician for Instagram.
\item Social Media Technicians shall, on their respective platforms, have the authority to publish and communicate in the name of the Crafty Table.
\item Social Media Technicians shall promote the Crafty Table on their respective platforms, for the purpose of incentivizing new players to join the Crafty Table; and for the purpose of player retention.
\item Social Media Technicians shall have the ability to post, comment, interact on their respective platforms.
\item Social Media Technicians shall coordinate with the Administration on any marketing campaigns.
\item Social Media Technicians shall, on their respective platform, post content, at least once a week, but no more than once a day.
\article{Grants}{Social Media Technicians shall be granted a diamond for every post that has been issued to their respective platform, except for in the case that the maximum amount of posts has been exceeded.}
\article{Delegation}{Social Media Technicians may not delegate their tasks to any other person, except in the case where the technician is unable to fulfill their responsibilities; and if so agreed upon with the Administration.}
\item Social Media Technicians shall be appointed indefinitely.
\item Social Media Technicians shall be automatically removed if they fail to post content at least once a week; unless so agreed upon between them and the Administration.
\item Social Media Technicians may be removed or replaced by Administrative decree.
\item The Social Media Technician for Facebook shall be appointed by Administrative decree.
\item The Social Media Technician for Twitter shall be \textbf{kanooshie}.
\item The Social Media Technician for Instagram shall be \textbf{theskyisbroken}.
\item Any appointed citizen into the position of Social Media Technician, whilst being appointed into the position, shall bear the title of 'Historian'.
\article{Dispute settlement}{Any dispute arising between a Social Media Technician and the Administration shall be adjudicated by the Administration. The Judiciary shall not adjudicate on any issue arising from this act.}
\article{Citation}{This document shall be cited as the Social Media Act*}