0 Dev: Workspace
dags edited this page 2020-03-12 10:54:55 +00:00

TerraForged is a multi-module gradle project.

The module names should be fairly self-explanatory, but in summary:

  • FeatureManager - A Forge library for modifying/managing Minecraft biome features
  • Noise2D - A general purpose 2D noise library based on the FastNoise_Java algorithms
  • TerraForgedAPI - A lightweight mod API for interacting with the TerraForged mod
  • TerraForgedApp - A java gui app for previewing heightmaps generated by TerraForgedCore
  • TerraForgedCore - A java library that handles heightmap generation
  • TerraForgedMod - The Forge-mod component of the project

Build & Run


The project is set up to be built using the gradle publish command (rather than gradle build). The publish task is used so that module dependencies are not reobfuscated before dependants of those modules have been compiled.


The runClient/runServer tasks should be executed on the TerraForgedMod module rather than the root project.